I am a member of the UFA (umpqua fishing association)
Several times I have been at the fish viewer at Winchester listening to guys complaining of not seeing any marked steel, and it it is hard to convince them that there is no marking on the N Ump, so they mite as well quit looking.
I helped w/ 3 steel releases (70,000 each) last year into the creek there at the Canyonville acclamation site, which ends up into the S Ump river.
I also helped w/ the floating ponds at Galesville, and releasing 30,000 Coho into the creek there, which also goes into the S Ump.
I also helped w/ hauling big (all 15-20 lb) fish from S Ump Falls to Rock C for their brood stock.
I also helped install the trap at Happy Valley boat ramp (on the S Ump) and haul those huge fall run Chinook into tank trailers headed to Rock C, where the eggs are taken, processed, then (300,000) hauled to "our" (not ODF) hatch boxes at Bear Creek, (behind Dillard) (near to where I live) where they are hatched out, and culled for a month, then moved around the corner into "our" (not ODF) raceways and fed for another couple months then moved to the Canyonville Acc site for another couple months, while being marked, (fin clipped) all 200,000 of them, all by 1 week of volunteer donated help (no help from ODF) Then they are hauled to some creek off the Main Ump, released, and worried about for the next month that they will make it to Reedsport before the Bass get them. There is something like a 7% return, and most believe it is not that high.
Off topic a little, but this just for a little info as to all the donated work by a very dedicated few, to help the salmon/steel fishing. The UFA disagrees w/ ODF in many ways, but they are still dedicated to help make it better.
I was an active member of UFA for 1 1/2 yrs, which was long enough. I am now an inactive member, as I could not keep up w/ all the donated time involved.