S. Santiam spit one up!

South Steel!!

South Steel!!

Don't usually chase the truck, but it paid off this evening, just below waterloo park boat ramp. Bobber and red&black pearl white head jig. First re-run ever, don't usually chase the truck. 6 other boats, and I lost count after 20 bankies. Still big fun:dance:


Very nice, congrats to both. I have always done pretty decent on the south and i don't know how many fish I've seen caught in the waterloo area. Lots and lots. I like that upper drift as well. Maybe I need to head there myself, seems like there are quit a few fish.....congrats.
So I decided to try bumping up the quality of my gear and got some Owner hooks. I had been using Brads without problem but thought I would be pro-active. I just went 0-2 last night. I can't think of anything I did wrong and I am 3 for 3 on Brads... what happened? Just bad luck? I was running diver and bait; thought I was nearly guaranteed to land the fish then.
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Combat Chuck said:
Round two. This time I bummed a ride on a drift boat and got to see the upper drift. I gotta thank the captain for this fish, he put me on the spot with diver and bait.

Congrats man! Good work!
Combat Chuck said:
So I decided to try bumping up the quality of my gear and got some Owner hooks. I had been using Brads without problem but thought I would be pro-active. I just went 0-2 last night. I can't think of anything I did wrong and I am 3 for 3 on Brads... what happened? Just bad luck? I was running diver and bait; thought I was nearly guaranteed to land the fish then.

Man Chuck, don't you remember the saying: "If it aint broke, don't fix it!" Don't worry, it happens to all of us. I am waiting for it myself, well at least the "catching" part anyways. There just aren't enough hours in the day. Stay at it, good luck, and tight lines. Hopefully I will see you out there one of these days.
Combat Chuck said:
So I decided to try bumping up the quality of my gear and got some Owner hooks. I had been using Brads without problem but thought I would be pro-active. I just went 0-2 last night. I can't think of anything I did wrong and I am 3 for 3 on Brads... what happened? Just bad luck? I was running diver and bait; thought I was nearly guaranteed to land the fish then.

Knife point owners make a pretty big wound. Try needle point owners. I'm 4/4 on nooks with them adn 12/0 on knife points.
I second that, cutting point owners are truly the worst hook I have ever used for hooked to landed fish ratio, where I land 80+% with needle point owners.
osmosis said:
I second that, cutting point owners are truly the worst hook I have ever used for hooked to landed fish ratio, where I land 80+% with needle point owners.

Needle point Owners and Vision hooks I think are my favorite now!
Never loose fish with these hooks.

I've lost soooo many springers this year on Gamikatsu's.... :confused:

Still haven't tried any sickle hooks though..
I'm not sold on visions anymore. I use needle points for drift fishing and float/bait almost exclusively nowadays.. I feel vision's are plenty strong, and very dang sharp - my problem is with their barb. I see an absurd amount of fish lost on visions every year.

sickle hooks are alright, I've used them for jigs for a couple years now.
I was using needle points... not sure what happened :rolleyes:

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