Rudeness on the McKenzie River

Not to hijack here...but I think that the farther away from densely populated areas, the better it would be. Not always of course. But, generally less rude peeps in outlying / long distance areas.

I had the pleasure of "bumping" into some VERY inconsiderate SOB's, on Hagg on opening day.

Anyway, not giving in to anger is not easy to do. But, in many cases leaving is probably a wise choice. The downside is that they get away with being SOB's.
There are a lot of rude anglers at Leaburg for some reason. I've never had any bad experiences but a few of my friends have. When a drift boater start fishing where you're at, my friends would ask them to leave. If they don't then they would cast 3 oz sinkers and hit the boat. This always get them moving.
troutdude said:
Not to hijack here...but I think that the farther away from densely populated areas, the better it would be. Not always of course. But, generally less rude peeps in outlying / long distance areas.

I had the pleasure of "bumping" into some VERY inconsiderate SOB's, on Hagg on opening day.

Anyway, not giving in to anger is not easy to do. But, in many cases leaving is probably a wise choice. The downside is that they get away with being SOB's.

This was one reason I fished for many years in SW Washington. Less people and solitude were priorities for myself. I also ran into some fairly rude people on the bank by the Sain arm of Hagg on opening day. There were a few peeps yelling that they wanted a refund of their $5 fee because nobody in that area was catching anything.
River hogs are simply loosers testing you to see if you will cave in and let them bully their way along. When I run into these kinds of idiots I just stay quiet, stand my ground and keep on fishing. I think the less you say and the more you fish makes them worry about sticking around for long. Make them uncomfortable and most will move on.
I quit fishing for many years because of rudeness. Never quit. Speak up. Let them know how you feel. Don't let the few spoil it for you. And the rude are the few.
kill em with kindness and if that don't work I really like the two big sticks in the sand idea. nothing more rewarding than having some puke float over the water you are fishing, drop anchor and crowd you out, than to politely move just down from where you were and have your daughter land a fish right below their drift. This is exactly what happened to me on tuesday night on the mac.
most a$$holes just push the fish out, up or down stream from them. if you just take the time to watch what the average jerk is doing you can usually pull the fish he/she has pushed right out from under their nose.
carma is a great equallizer.
However I do agree an ol fashioned "learning experience" being given to good ol'
dad wouldn't hurt the children of some of these guys in the least bit.
Unfortunately there are more people on the same amount of water therfore creating a need for a higher degree of courtesy. Some people are just ignorant about fishing ediquate and probably don't realize they're in the way. Others simply don't give a rip about anyone but themselves. Regardless of the mind set of the offender, they must be informed about their stupidity or arogance by you... politely at first of course. If resistance is encountered then that opens the door to how ever you'd like to deal with the situation to make the individual comply. Rock, sticks, splitshot fired from wristrocket slingshots, paintball guns, pepper spray, slinging nearby bear dung, insulting their family members, pointing out ugly character traits, shouting a plethora of foul language accompanied with vulgar finger gestures, and all of this while laughing histerically. Ususally, demonstrating just one of these will do the trick.:D
I had the window of my car busted out by fisherman on the Sandy. I know it was fisherman because the several thous dollars worth of laptops and tools were still in it and nothing was disturbed. I always hear the nationallity slanders too. I think it takes MORE salt to come to an area and teach themselves how to do something ON THEIR OWN, rather than getting it the easy way of having dad/gramps/great gramps show them the exact rocks riffles and rigging to use. I can still disagree with a trend that a group of people of people exhibit but try not to label them presumptuosly.
Wrapping up I will say the rudest people on the river always seem to be the people who should darn well know better! I corrrect them all the time and they never like it. I would be the LAST little skinny guy for them to take a swipe at though.....
Perhaps I am wrong, but isn't it illegal for a boat to interfere with someone fishing from the bank.
steelheadstalker31 said:
Perhaps I am wrong, but isn't it illegal for a boat to interfere with someone fishing from the bank.

If it isn't already illegal to do that, perhaps it is time for a group to lobby for a change in the law. And then have the cop's phone numbers on speed dial, to arrest there arse!!!

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