Respect and fish

Here are a couple of web sites that provide good information regarding navigation on Oregons rivers. It list the rivers open to navigation , and what part of that river is open to navigation. The sites also details who has the authority to declare a river open to navigation. This is good stuff to know and could keep someone out of a jam.
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I think for the most part we all agree that when someone is in a spot on most coastal rivers that ya just move on and find the next spot.. courteous is all really.
Always cracks me up though... walking up a river, dude(s) see ya comin' and start the high tale hole hop up above - we'll stop and fish the spots they walk by and hook fish (mostly summer steelheadin'). Slow down, chill out, enjoy the woods and **** happens man...
It's especially bad during coastal salmon season. I get encroached upon everytime if I'm fishing by myself and have just come to deal with it or move on, and more often that not it comes with some snide comment about how I don't belong on the river, the sexist shirt really ticks me off and the Siuslaw for whatever reason is worse about the comments than any other river i've ever fished, I grew up fishing it and the last 3 or 4 years I have fished it less and less every year because the people just suck...If I'm fishing with someone else, it's always a guy, and no one gives me shirt. Ever.

as far as navigable water goes, there's a bunch deemed navigable but check the mileage, most of them shouldn't even be listed the length of navigable water is so short.

And I hate you menfolk for being able to pee freely wherever.
JeannaJigs said:
And I hate you menfolk for being able to pee freely wherever.
Totally agree! :sad:
"Navigable waters" is a fluid definition - no pun intended. What the U.S. considers "navigable" was completely re-defined and contracted in the mid-90's by the Bush administration, and has not, to my knowledge, been expanded by the Obama administration. Lots of small rivers and streams lost the classification of navigable water, and could then be opened for exploitation (i.e. "damage beyond natural repair") by the extractive industries.

With all respect due, it shouldn't matter what an angler knows about any spot on any water. Waiting five or ten minutes - an hour or two - for others to finish is probably not going to be a fatal. Nor would it most likely be fatal to move along and let someone else fish behind you UNLESS you're into the fish, at which time I'd respect the first one there - but I'd aggravate the bejeebers out of them with pesky questions until they left. But I'd never shove in and fish on top of them.

In the front of the regs, there's a section on etiquette that talks about how we should all play in the sandbox. This was not how we shold play together and there's no excusing or justifying this behavior.

The guys on the bank had a we-were-here-first claim to that spot. The guy who came late should have had a seat and waited them out or moved-on.

troutmasta, you're a fine human being, but I don't want your - or anyone else's - body wastes in the water. The worst slapdown I ever received was in a seminar on Environmental Hydrology, where the presenter kept repeating: "The solution to pollution is dilution" - meaning "dump it into the boundless surface waters" of the planet - and I asked them, "What happens when we run out of water?" And we are running out of clean, fresh water. And sea water, for that matter. I honestly don't want someone to urinate where it might reach the water, untreated.

But perhaps the real problem wasn't all the fluids being sprayed around, perhaps it was that the gentleman didn't find a sufficiently private location to relieve the pressure? I mean, if he couldn't be seen taking a leak, no one would have raised a stink about it, would they?

Bear that in mind: keep it out of the waterways and find deep cover.

And BTW, when did the word "p**s" become more crass than "pee"? Maybe all of it should be changed to "urinate" as not to offend anyone in this family-oriented forum. JHCOAPS!
I have had this happen to me when I started fishing again for trout at Salish pond but the difference was there were two guys; a nice dude and a less understanding one that put his friend in an awkward situation, because I got peepee'ed at them for trying to fish right next to me when there was 75 yards of fishing space.

I usually dont get angry like that but when I thought about it before I got hostile, I thought, would I ever do the same thing to another person fishing? No I wouldnt....
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Generally, when I see someone fishing a spot I like to move close enough so that we can share one pair of waders, it is nice and cozy although the peeing thing does get awkward :)

Seriously, I don't like fishing around other folks. If someone encroaches on my spot I usually just pack up and move on. That is one reason I love fishing from my kayak. It is easy to move and there are so many good spots I don't feel the need to hang on to any particular one. This, of course, is a lot more problematic when banking it. It is a lot harder to move and the next spot may be far away. My solution is that I almost never bank fish anymore. I used to fish the Wilson at least a half dozen times a year, I have not been there in over 2 years.
I don't mind if one person fishes next to me, as long as we cast with each other so we don't cross. If they get a fish or hit then I know I may be doing something wrong lol. I always think there's no fish in the hole til I get a hit or someone else does, so I work water a little too fast. If someone moves right next to me I figure it may be a good hole and fish it a bit more thoroughly.

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