Anybody have any leads to good public rabbit hunting grounds? Jack rabbit or cottontails. I loved hunting rabbits on my property in Michigan and miss the heck out of it. I would say I'd like to take a few people or meet some folks to join up for a shoot but the last time I did that I was almost shot. Literally at point blank range. So I will only rabbit hunt with someone who has taken their hunter safety course and passed. Rabbits have a way of running in between people and I like to know that the person across from me isn't following the rabbit's path with their muzzle as it crosses me in their line of sight. Also pulling the trigger on a firearm is NOT the appropriate way of testing to see if the safety is on.
But some good rabbit stomping grounds would be fun. Plus they taste delicious.
But some good rabbit stomping grounds would be fun. Plus they taste delicious.
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