Pontoon fishing

buddah426 said:
lol yea... maybe i can get my own tv show...

slimyguts... pm sent. :-)

I will wear a plaid shirt like Al on tool time and explain to the audience, how changing the configuration of a pontoon boat should only be attempted by highly trained factory authorized personnel, as you are mounting a 20 hp merc and a barcolounger with dual cup holders to your toon
Finneus Polebender said:
I will wear a plaid shirt like Al on tool time and explain to the audience, how changing the configuration of a pontoon boat should only be attempted by highly trained factory authorized personnel, as you are mounting a 20 hp merc and a barcolounger with dual cup holders to your toon

i LIKE it!!! you think a local cable access channel will pick it up? oh yea im in big time as long as my creations get to reek havoc like tim's did.
Don't forget the portable DVD player so you can watch yourself fishtooning...while you're fishtooning!
bernduffy said:
Don't forget the portable DVD player so you can watch yourself fishtooning...while you're fishtooning!

We will make sure the aflac is paid up!
GraphiteZen said:
I have every intention of organizing the largest full-costume (required) pontoon float to ever take place on or near Halloween!! :dance::dance:

is this going down this year?
GraphiteZen said:
I have every intention of organizing the largest full-costume (required) pontoon float to ever take place on or near Halloween!! :dance::dance:

Count me in !
I just bought an 8 ft Creek Company and I wa told by a guy at Fisherman's that you didn't need the invasive species tags if it was under 9 feet is that true?
mgman6000 said:
I just bought an 8 ft Creek Company and I wa told by a guy at Fisherman's that you didn't need the invasive species tags if it was under 9 feet is that true?

Thats a big 10-4 anything under 10ft does not require one
i have a feeling my toon is 10 ft long but im not gonna go measure it. if they decide to harass me about it ill play dumb, and say i never knew about the invasive permit thingy.
also are u required to have a flotation device with u on the pontoon? ive been taking one with me, but iv kept it in the car.
You are required to have a flotation device on you, even if you dont wear it. I was stopped once, lucky the rangers were cool and let me borrow theirs for the day. I think its a ~$250 fine, if I remember right.
wow. thats a mighty big fine. gonna start packing one along with me. now ill have a cushy seat lol
Yea the 1st time I took my toon out on the Galesvile dam after I bought it the po po checked to see if I had a life jacket & that my toon was under 10'. I'm still debateing if I want to pay the $65.00 to hang my trolling motor. I heard rumor that after next year all toons, kyaks, etc will need to pay the green fee no mater how long they are.
I have a 9 foot Creek Company with no trolling motor - I row/troll. I am not sure the best location to mount my rod holder and if it should be pointing towards the front (foot rests) or towards the rear. Should I be trolling rowing forward or backward? If rowing forward, how would you see your rod?
Any help?
Yup. $260. I got a ticket several years ago when it was $180. CombatChuck and I got stopped last year or the year before as we were dropping into the Willy from the Luckiamutte, he didn't have one and barely got out of the ticket. He could have just lied but he's too honest ahaha...
Isn't the whole toon a "Floatation" device?? What are the odd that both pontoons are going to pop? I can see requiring one on a river but on a nice palcid lake what is the point? Sounds kind of stupid to me OR a way to make some revenue.
I prefer the opinion of the judge that heard my case: It makes little sense to require a vest on everything larger than an inner-tube which by their nature are relatively tough to capsize. However, on devices such as inflatable mattresses, tubes, etc, which are all fairly vulnerable you are NOT required to have a vest..

He also made a funny quote while hearing a separate boating violation "I have presided over everything imaginable, including capitol murder cases but I still am not authorized to reduce your fine for excessive wake. I'm sorry." haha.... That was great...
Throbbit _Shane said:
also are u required to have a flotation device with u on the pontoon? ive been taking one with me, but iv kept it in the car.

Rule on that one is yes must have with you ,if over 18 not reqired to wear ,from what you described earlier on your toon ,I bet it is an 8ft model.
wozniasm said:
I have a 9 foot Creek Company with no trolling motor - I row/troll. I am not sure the best location to mount my rod holder and if it should be pointing towards the front (foot rests) or towards the rear. Should I be trolling rowing forward or backward? If rowing forward, how would you see your rod?
Any help?

Have 8ft creek co toons mounted mine just ahead of the oar locks where the frame comes across the toon on the right side "am rt handed" can turn the holder almost sideways and usaully row troll heading backwards ,no interference between oars and line that way .
I toon a 9' FishCat. I also troll backwards, often using a trolling motor. That way, for super speed, I can row and use motor. I usually start with a rod on each side to figure fish depth and bait/lure of the day (or hour) then use only one rod. The tangled mess when lines collide (sometimes courtesy of hooked fish, sometimes the demon wind) is not worth it. Not to mention the possibility of prop interference. I steer by way of oars (facing back) used like rudders, keeping the motor in a fixed position. As FP says, rowing is also worry free going bass-ackwards. (No pun intended) I have even installed a small downrigger (75 ft) for kokanee and troll that while flat-lining the second rod. Add my fish finder and its approaching the complexity of the cockpit of a 747. The real deal killer is the wind. It can take most of the fun out of the picture. I have finally realized that getting to shore and waiting it out is the sanest approach. For a guy with no room for a trailer & boat, the pontoon is giving me 90% of the boating pleasure.

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