Poltics of fishing

And they dont like a lot of the things you do... You should get a sheet of paper and sit down and research every prodject they have had their hands in that succeeded in the last decade and i think you would have a change of heart. But, maybe not, and if so i would respect your opinion since you have educated yourself to the fullest.. And i would trust your opinion.
troutdude said:
I don't care much, for the National Security Administration either (where facebook is headquartered)!!! :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
10 points for you!
I have researched them quite a bit and they had some success yes some impressive ones but what they are after now shutting hatcheries down put it this way every one want to manage the rivers just in different ways and and I lean away from the native fish society but big props to you sir for donating to both organizations thats pretty awesome of you
You don't have to joing any group to make a positive impact in the streams you fish!!! Just do your part!!
No you don't but it is nice to have people trying to achieve The same goal goes to the strength in numbers deal. Bigger impact on the community I do my part the best I can every time I'm out
On the water picking up trash reporting lawbreakers etc
bigboy70 said:
no doubt there everywhere. I want to do but hell didn't think it was gunna be well the way it is unfortunately. I might start my own little group that way if the agenda is hidden at least its mine and going to be for something good lol

I'm down with a clean-up effort in your/our own little way...a lot of little makes big.

I will be bringing my trash bags to the river tomorrow(as I always do) one for fish and one for trash. The way I see it if everyone picks up and hauls out one thing that he or she didn't bring in, it would be clean pretty quick. I make an effort each trip to find something to haul out, although it usually doesn't take any effort at all. A wad of discarded line, or a can, anything I can see from the trail I try to grab it and take it to the truck. I know it ain't much, but I fish a lot, and it adds up. So Eathan if you come up with something let me know, If I can help I will.

If you just organized an outing at a place you want to help clean, I'm sure if you handed the participants a bag they'd fill it as they were fishing at the very least. Good luck.
I have encountered no issues with the STEP program and plan to put in many volunteer hours with them in the coming years.

from ODFW website:

"STEP’s goals include:

Rehabilitate and improve natural habitat and native fish stocks.
Insure that harvest does not exceed fish population’s reproductive capability.
Provide for citizen volunteer participation in achieving the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s fish management objectives.
Support public education programs."

here in Florence, STEP work includes 2 hatchery programs (coho and winter steelhead) using wild broodstock. cheers, roger
Mike I agree and do the same and applaud everyone who does. I look at it like this if I can get a bag of trash and a matter of hours what could I get if i had ten people with me. I live on the clack thats no secret and its becoming a dump. for a lot of anglers not caring and it enrages me. a lot of people don't have the mentality we do and the river and wild life pays for them being lazy or not caring. again doing what you can on your own is awesome and I encourage everyone to do the same but it comes to the strength in numbers. say your one out 200 anglers on the river that day and 50 of then throw trash on the ground even a chunk of line unfortunately we will never catch up as one, and yes I am in the works now of setting something up and will let everyone know when and where its going to happen thanks for everyones input on the subject and don't forget your trash bags this weekend I say we leave the river cleaner then we found her
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Funny you started this thread yesterday, something must have been in the air...My usual trash haul at anyplace I fish at is a few cans and some paper or plastic bags, but today when I went down someone had policed the area and bunched up little piles along the path and so I got a nice 1/2 a large trash bag full. As I walked out the guys on the trail assumed I was hauling out my fish, but when I shook the bag and they heard the rattle of cans and bottles I actually got thanked a couple of times for cleaning up the trail, and then the hatchery guy came over and took the bag from me and carried it across the lot to the dumpster for me. Great feeling, and the path has never looked better.
Thatta boy heck ya
halibuthitman said:
I donate every year to the nw steelheaders and the native fish society.

NWS -- fan

NFS -- not so much. They can F* OFF.

BUT, that's what makes this country great, we're all entitled to our beliefs, and I'll save my dissing you for it should the day come when we're drunk on the riverbank. I support you supporting others, since that's what it's all about, although NFS needs to go away.
Jeanna, not Jenna! You are in the final 10 on American Idol! How did that happen?
How are you?

DB Crouper
DB Crouper said:
Jeanna, not Jenna! You are in the final 10 on American Idol! How did that happen?
How are you?

DB Crouper

I am swell :) good to see you on here again!
"No talk,just do!" Quote: YODA of StarWars.....Old timer correct! Teach ! One fish to make many fish no work! teach is for ever! Quote: Tony

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