Well Due to some recent action and the schedules of some who wish to attend am leaning towards the weekends of 8,9 or 15,16 April for the invitational . I believe the trout opener is 22,23 April so wanted to stay away from that one, Please correct me if I am wrong on that. Any way this is the time to chime in and let me know if there are any of you who have previously replied to this thread that could not make it on the mentioned dates. I will try to set the date to allow as many to attend as possible. Gonna give this a few days then will start sending out rsvp invites in the order of replies until we get everyone who can or until we hit a 15 -20 boat limit " mainly due to parking concerns" . Hopefully we will have room for all who wish to attend . Thanks in advance for your input / participation look forward to meeting more OFF folks and fishing with some I already know again. BTW just so I can keep the invites short I will lay down the stipulations now. C. P . R. fishing, boats w/ small motors gas /elec up to 16 ft will be fine sorry no luxury yachts, all must have PFD on board within reach, Alcohol will be allowed as part of bring your own beverages however excessive intoxication will not be tolerated " at least during the event" Gotta keep everyone safe on the water, And finally This is permission to fish this pond for the event only , the owners "very generous ones " have been very kind to allow me to set up this event so if youd like to fish the pond again I will simply ask that you contact me and not tresspass on private property. Sorry guys on the last one I know all of you are respectful just have to say it so there is no confusion. Last word is lunch will be on me the day of the event if possible those who can bring a side dish or dessert please do . We will provide water ,gonna do chicken ,burgers , and hot dogs , so if your not into those three better pack a lunch.