Poachers at EE Wilson!

Username said:
Never understood people's problem with poaching. I could never be mad at someone putting food on the table. I fish for sport and don't keep any so I myself feel like I shouldn't even have to buy a license, but its whatever.... Now people that shoot a deer, take the back strap and leave the rest. That'd the kind of poaching that bother's me.

Putting food on the table is not an excuse. There is no shortage of food at our local food banks. Subsistence hunting/fishing needs to have its rules too... watch this: http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/yukon-men/videos/the-fish-wheel/ And they wonder why the runs in the Yukon are in trouble!! The guys can't afford to buy dog food, so they use 400lbs of fish a day and feed it to their dogs. It is my understanding that they no longer allow the fish wheels.
Username said:
Never understood people's problem with poaching.

Because it's...

I honestly feel like they could do a better job at stocking at least. Where I live we used to have a decent salmon run but the fish and game killed it off in the 80's (or something around there, it was before my time). And they are just now trying to get a run back up here. And I swear the fish they stock get smaller and smaller,lol. I've never poached and haven't really noticed anyone do it. I catch kids doing it at ponds around here but never adults.
LuckyFisher said:
Putting food on the table is not an excuse. There is no shortage of food at our local food banks. Subsistence hunting/fishing needs to have its rules too... watch this: http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/yukon-men/videos/the-fish-wheel/ And they wonder why the runs in the Yukon are in trouble!! The guys can't afford to buy dog food, so they use 400lbs of fish a day and feed it to their dogs. It is my understanding that they no longer allow the fish wheels.

ACTUALLY there are shortages pretty much constantly at food banks but I digress. I think we need to be honest though. Most poachers are not feeding their families, but are just jerks. Those who are poaching these planted trout or fish in general often are not just poaching just fish. Often enough they are hunters too, and are taking deer and other animals illegally. While poaching on an individual basis doesn't seem like a big deal, it adds up quickly and can destroy populations. I say call or don't it's your choice. I just use my judgment but generally I call unless it's kids. I just let them know they are breaking the law and that runs them off 90% of the time.
I have two rivers in my town and unless I'm fishing under the damn I never ever see anyone fishing in any of my spots. In fact most people don't even think fish are in the rivers,lol. Don't do much fishing in the lake since I don't have a boat. So the only time I've actually caught poachers was out at the pond. They were kids and tied string to the dock. They ended up walking off and I started fishing until Mr. Fish and Game came over and tried to give me a ticket. There was 5 lines and he was going to fine me $300 per line. He was writing the ticket out when finally someone came over and told him the lines were not mine. Because of course he didn't believe me.

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