Pick up after yourself and others.

gordo said:
Good topic.

I take the simple mantra with me of "leave it cleaner than you found it", even if that means you pick up one single gum wrapper.

I'd also like to point out it is unacceptable to flick cigarette butts out on the banks and beaches, or in the water for that matter. I typically pack out 2 packs' worth of cig. butts on the Sandy beaches... it's not an ashtray out there, and it's disgusting.

I totally agree with you about the cig butts. I, myself, smoke but never leave my butts.....i just cleaned them out of the washer in fact...sometimes I forget they are in my pockets....you will always find a few of the nasty buggers in my tackle box too....if only everyone would do the same, which would be a perfect world....will just continue to clean up after them.....:wall:
GraphiteZen said:
I carry ziplock bags for everything trash. They work great for mono as you can just wind it up and seal it off so it doesn't unspool and get tangled up in your zippers.

They work great for butts too. When I smoked I always had one in my boat bag and would just dip the butt in the water and throw it in the bag. Soon as you hit land just toss the bags at the boat dock. Super easy.

So That's what been getting stuck in my zipper! I'm gettin a baggie.
I always thought that it was always lighter packing it out than in, unless of course you smoked em' and then its the opposite. But yeah the trash at main holes is a problem, maybe we need all need to be on trash patrol.
lilsalmon said:
I totally agree with you about the cig butts. I, myself, smoke but never leave my butts.....i just cleaned them out of the washer in fact...sometimes I forget they are in my pockets....you will always find a few of the nasty buggers in my tackle box too....if only everyone would do the same, which would be a perfect world....will just continue to clean up after them.....:wall:

Back in the days when I smoked on a regular basis, I'd use film canisters to hold butts (real easy if you cut and X-shaped hole in the top... you can just press 'em in). That way you don't forget them in your pockets and don't stink up your tackle box.

'Course, in these days of digicams, film canisters are harder and harder to find... and SD card boxes just don't work as well.
fishnquest said:
So That's what been getting stuck in my zipper! I'm gettin a baggie.

thanks for reminding everyone:clap:

todd_brooks said:
I'd like to challenge everyone here to pack out what you pack in and pick up after those who don't. I have a pocket dedicated for trash. I'm sure most of you aren't dirt bags like some folks. But if we all picked up a pocket full of trash each and every trip we could very likely win the battle. I was out there today and filled my big ass pocket with crap. Felt like I made a dent and had the thought that if everyone did the same it could take care of a problem. Tanks and please.:pray:
The Wilson is not bad at all compared to the sandy or the clack but it does get a fare amount of trash and most of it fishing trash. Broken quart jars,hook packets,big wads of line. Its sad to see that people have that little respect for the rivers around here. Littering in cities does not bug me since there all ready ugly and full of concrete and other junk but doing it in nature just down right pisses me off.
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Oncorhynchus said:
The Wilson is not bad at all compared to the sandy or the clack but it does get a fare amount of trash and most of it fishing trash. Broken quart jars,hook packets,big wads of line. Its sad to see that people have that little respect for the rivers around here. Littering in cities does not bug me since there all ready ugly and full of concrete and other junk but doing it in nature just down right pisses me off.

I'm with ya. Although I don't get litter bugs any where. But the trash in nature can ruin my mood. Just plain makes my blood boil. I stand behind the idea that if everyone who gives two @!#%'s helped out, the world would be a cleaned place. If you can help out filling a bag way to go. If you can just fill a pocket way to go. It all adds up and thats the reason its a problem.

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