Personal best winter steelhead

I'm gonna second the Buds...they are 1/2 the price of Blue Fox, they are weighted fairly well and do the job. I've hooked 3 fish on 'em so far this year, with my other 3 on spoons.

The only issue I have with Buds, is sometimes even they aren't heavy enough and I use my own built ones for the deeper water with heavier flows as nothing out of the store seems heavy enough for that.
Props on the Hawg! I think you might not of stuck him if you were throwing yarn. Not to say you couldn't have but I think your flashy spinner ticked that big dude off & he had to crush the intruder. Pretty freaking sweet dude I'm stoked on your pb.
Yep spoons kill it. Ise a lot of own spinners as well. Thanks jj the fish defenitley smashed that lure. Tryed to rip the rod out of my hands
Jealous, I need to get out and get some more steel before its too late. Gonna have to give the bass a break for a day or two. What a fatty!
brandon4455 said:
i know where you were..atleast i think so ;) anyways.. about beating my 20, ill show you some places next season :cool:

Yeah I know where they were too "other" brandon! That junction city pond sure has some monsters in there! ;) nice fish nwk! And on hardware!? Can't believe you didn't really like to use yarn before! Once you figuure out what colors and even scents to use, its super deadly! I don't remember what show I was watching, but they said they did their own personal experiment and yarnballs Outfished every other tactic that they tried.... Just saying.... Congrats ln the brute!
I knew it, I thought that kinda looked like the JC ponds.:lol:
nwkiller said:
Yep spoons kill it. Ise a lot of own spinners as well. Thanks jj the fish defenitley smashed that lure. Tryed to rip the rod out of my hands

Hell yeahh!!! I have hooked and seen way more steelies follow my spoons for so long and not even hit it, then the next few casts nothing... then it gets ur hopes down and when that happens WHAMMM!!! You get the most vicious hit ever!! I love that feeling!
bran_man said:
Yeah I know where they were too "other" brandon! That junction city pond sure has some monsters in there! ;) nice fish nwk! And on hardware!? Can't believe you didn't really like to use yarn before! Once you figuure out what colors and even scents to use, its super deadly! I don't remember what show I was watching, but they said they did their own personal experiment and yarnballs Outfished every other tactic that they tried.... Just saying.... Congrats ln the brute!

yup figured it was..background gave it all away jcp has some monster nates in it!!!
bran_man said:
Mike does it again! I know I've said it before, but you're the man mike! if I can ever manage to get a freaking day off from work again in the near future and the rivers don't look like chocolate milk, ill be calling you! :)

Thanks Brandon but just right place right time as always.I have been waiting for that phone call to say you finally got another day off while rivers fishing good.This week should be good so if you get one off let me know and we will make a plan.Same goes to you NWK if you got time call or text me and we will set something up.I am supposed to wet a line tomorrow so will let you know outcome.And on yarn balls...THEY ARE AWSOME!!!I love fishing them because I out produce everyone around me with them or lately drifting pink worms but my favorite is by far yarn.That goes for winters summers and springers.All you got to do is change color and size for different times.Oh and scent.Thats the key to them i believe because they hold your scent for so long and you can spend more time fishing instead of re-baiting.And yes the quality of fish in junction city pond has really inproved these last couple of weeks and they grew a extra fin infront of there tail on there backs as well.Pretty cool
nice fish congrats
dtikey said:
Thanks Brandon but just right place right time as always.I have been waiting for that phone call to say you finally got another day off while rivers fishing good.This week should be good so if you get one off let me know and we will make a plan.Same goes to you NWK if you got time call or text me and we will set something up.I am supposed to wet a line tomorrow so will let you know outcome.And on yarn balls...THEY ARE AWSOME!!!I love fishing them because I out produce everyone around me with them or lately drifting pink worms but my favorite is by far yarn.That goes for winters summers and springers.All you got to do is change color and size for different times.Oh and scent.Thats the key to them i believe because they hold your scent for so long and you can spend more time fishing instead of re-baiting.And yes the quality of fish in junction city pond has really inproved these last couple of weeks and they grew a extra fin infront of there tail on there backs as well.Pretty cool

Its all that fine fertalizer running into the water that is making them get so big and grow new fins!!!!!
plumb2fish said:
Its all that fine fertalizer running into the water that is making them get so big and grow new fins!!!!!

I second that
The worst part is getting that film from the water off of your hands and gear....
aww damn I somehow missed this thread, saw it on the book of face though. Hell of a fish dude.

Mmmm JCP filth film <3 I don't know why guides don't take their clients there.
dtikey said:
Thanks Brandon but just right place right time as always.I have been waiting for that phone call to say you finally got another day off while rivers fishing good.This week should be good so if you get one off let me know and we will make a plan.Same goes to you NWK if you got time call or text me and we will set something up.I am supposed to wet a line tomorrow so will let you know outcome.And on yarn balls...THEY ARE AWSOME!!!I love fishing them because I out produce everyone around me with them or lately drifting pink worms but my favorite is by far yarn.That goes for winters summers and springers.All you got to do is change color and size for different times.Oh and scent.Thats the key to them i believe because they hold your scent for so long and you can spend more time fishing instead of re-baiting.And yes the quality of fish in junction city pond has really inproved these last couple of weeks and they grew a extra fin infront of there tail on there backs as well.Pretty cool

Hahaha. Why the hell did the jcp secret just come out now i will never get my spot on the handycap dock......jk......i like the bridge/outgoing river....
thanks everyone....adrenalines still pumpin.....

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