Markcanby, it did say something about hunting. I do agree totally with what you have said thus far, but in the article it says:
"If the draft policy is finally approved, some public access to Bureau lands to hunters would also be limited, potentially reducing areas deer, elk, and bear hunters can use in the West." (Note, it says some, not all public access to hunting...)
Also, when you think about it, the same type of stuff that goes on that makes private companies close areas of their property to target shooting goes on in similar areas that the BLM controls, but the BLM land is generally unregulated when it comes to target shooting and they have nothing in place to my knowledge that would allow them to take any action against the real BS that some people do. The types of areas I'm talking about are close to cities, close to highways, and receive a lot of traffic of all types. It's not like 100% of BLM land has issues with people trashing it or conflicts with other recreational users, and they wouldn't close every acre they control just because of the small fraction that gets damaged. That would be like making an 8pm curfew for everyone in the state because parts of Portland have a gang problem.
Also, they don't have the means to enforce an across the board ban on shooting, and they know it. In a time of budget cuts, a new law that would cost a lot of money to enforce isn't going to make much ground, if any.