Other fish at Clack!!!!

where on the clack were these spotted? thinkin' if they are carp I might give it a try to fish for them.
i saw them on the lower clackamas!!!
so where does this lower clack start...or should I call frank amatto...you really dialed moe into where the fish a
at cross park!!!!
let us know how do you do? i want to see some pics!! when you are thinking of going?
my brother in law said those are suckers "bottom feeders" not carp he used to work at ODFW!! so i dont know what to tell you guys!!!
might check it out this weekend, but my dad said I'll take you fishing there on saturday, or drop you OFF somewhere for sturgeon, so I pick sturgeon:D
Nothing can ruin a good time fishing like someone bringing up politics!
IMHO.... Bonk em. and.........
a) Chuck em back and let the crawdads have em.
b) Take them home and bury them in the garden
c) Gift the mother in law a "tasty" fresh fish
I thought those were the 3 rules for a hatchery raised fish.

Wow, this thread was doing well, untouched, then other people would just love to see it come back to life.

Salmon and Steelhead fillets make the best crab/sturgeon/crawdad bait for their valuble oils, but that just my opinion, atleast it's not exactly going to waste. I plan on making Salmon fishmeal from a full uncut carcass, for Carp bait, LOL, not a joke either, it's just funny to imagine what others would think, me using their precious Salmon to feed to Carp (Very healthy for them, especially in Summertime when they need the protein for Winter). It's a cycle, you waste my favorite game fish, I'll put use to yours, kind of like an ecosystem, where the Carp may eat eggs (DOES NOT SEARCH THEM OUT AND/OR FEED PRIMARILY ON THEM) and the other fish eat the Carps offspring.

Oh well, I ain't gonna change no ones opinion or the density of ones head.
And why try? More importantly, why call someone dense, or ignorant over their opinion?
Actually I'm pretty sure its illegal to use gamefish as bait. Last summer on the Nehalem I watched a guy get a ticket for using a legally caught trout as bait in his crawdad pot.
beaverfan said:
Actually I'm pretty sure its illegal to use gamefish as bait. Last summer on the Nehalem I watched a guy get a ticket for using a legally caught trout as bait in his crawdad pot.

Yeah he can. They have to be dead is all. You can`t use goldfish, apparently.
Oh well the guy got a ticket for nothing then. I remember looking in the regs when I got home from that trip and wasn't really able to find much either way, but since I saw a guy get a ticket for it I assumed the cop was right.
Was it alive? Pg. 7 #3 has it there.
No it was dead as a rock. I don't know if he full out cleaned it but I could see that he'd cut the belly open.
Gear and Bait Restrictions
Use of Fish for Bait
3. Dead fish, preserved fish, or parts of fish, shellfish, and fish eggs may be used as bait. (And we all know the Goldfish rule). Nothing about game or nongame fish.

The following activities are unlawful:

10. Wasting fish, shellfish, or marine intertidal invertebrates.
Yes beverfan you are 100% correct it is very illeagal to use gamefish for bait or waste in any way. I even read in the bird regs that they are going to start cracking down when ducks and geese are breasted out and the rest is discarded.and I'm not sure who posted about using goldfish but live bait is illeagal in oregon with the exception of worms,sandshrimp.
beaverfan said:
Actually I'm pretty sure its illegal to use gamefish as bait. Last summer on the Nehalem I watched a guy get a ticket for using a legally caught trout as bait in his crawdad pot.
You should read everything before calling peoples posts out. I said it is illegal to use goldfish(and simply asked if it was alive at 1 point). And... if ya read the regs... it clearly states (right above your last post too) that you can use dead fish as bait. It`s on (again, I`ll say it) page 7 under gear and bait restrictions. Telling people that live bait is illegal in Or., ALL TOGETHER, is not entirely correct either. "live nongame fish may be used in the ocean, bays and tide waters WHEN taken from the water body in which they will be used"
I`m still not sure why the name calling started? But hey, that`s just me....

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