Osmosis & Arctic Amoeba Pop A Newbies Cherry !! FISH ON

Is it allowed to fish for stealhead and salmon 7 day a week on the clackamas and sandy river.
I believe it is 7 days for now but there is some talk of the state cutting it down to 4 days.... which wouldn't make many friends :-(
steelhead_stalkers said:
Good work guys!! Its been almost a month since I have held chrome!! Is it almost time for winters yet :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hahaha! At the End of November I was wondering how long until the 'Hosers start movin back in! Winters are only a few months out!:lol:;) Workin keepin ya off the water huh? No worries, you guys should have some great runs on the coastal streams here shortly! But you already knew that...:cool: I want to see jig vids of Chinook wranglin! Do you guys tie Salmon jigs? Would be cool!

Chris, one did come on the sidedrift at Duncan's Hole, but the others came below Duncan's house drift. That hole will hold fish for short periods of rest, but they were moving yesterday, and we intercepted them down prertty low.

TC - PDXKush is right. They are open every day right now for retention in the tribs, but there are talks of limiting us.
Update !!!!

Update !!!!


So I marinated the fresh orange-red meat in:

Tons of Lemon
Salt & Pepper

Pan fried for 7 minutes @ medium heat.

Now I am not a big fish eater by any means...To be honest I usually tell people I don't eat fish, but after today this has all changed. OMFG. The most tender tasty meat I have ever had in my life !!! It put the Kobe Steak I paid 80 bucks for last month to shame !!! NO Fish Smell at all. Reminded me of the greatest sashimi I have ever had before I cooked it. Now maybe this is because it was a fish I brought in but lord have mercy on my soul it was soooo F'n delicious and I ate until I couldnt stand up dipping Grand Central sourdough bread in the juice YUM. Osmosis & Arctic when you told me this would be tender succulent meat I really had no idea. My mom is smoking a bunch right now and I plan on trying to make some into jerkey !!! This has opened up a whole new door for me but I have a feeling this was a special "FRESH" Steelhead and others I may catch wont be this good. I hope I'm wrong !!!
You pan fried the ribbons, yes? It is a super delicious recipe, and Osmosis, but mostly his better half are the ones to thank for that.;) Glad you dig Steelhead meat! For most it is a love it, or hate it type of appeal with that fish.. I think the shrimpy taste turns some off, but I kinda like it when they are fresh, like those buckatrons yesterday!
Consider me someone who LOVES IT !!!! And yes it was the ribbon meat !! wow.
Nice work boys!!!

Nice work boys!!!

Nice Fish....Glad to see your cherry popped PDX!!! you couldn't have gone with a better crew to do it!
We are planning on testing some bigger jigs out on salmon this year!! Plus I know of one jig that I have been using for steelhead that kills the coho!! Last year we went out for some early steelhead and there were coho everywhere of course and Daniel was using roe and my jig out fished it 6 to 2 :D Looks like the clack spits out fish year round, thats cool.
Nice, I'm interested in a fishy Coho jig. I have used Marks micros before, just drift fishing them with decent success. But a big boily hole that has been pounded with bait might be a killer big jig spot this Fall! And yeah, the Clack fishes hard 11 months a year, and the 4 weeks of slack action are not consecutive.
Does anyone know what coler yarn woks best for stealhead and salmon?
It all depends on the water clarity and height. My best colors for winters this year were pink and green, followed by red and orange. But lately orange colored gear has been gettin the fish to hit. Green is always a favorite for springers especially with roe.
For me this year it was all about two color combos. My big hitter was Peachy King, and White yarnies on #4 Owners. Followed by Light Pink, and a tiny bit of Orange, for when the water is dropping out of shape. Red, and White, or Black(depending on exposure to sunlight) was alright on more turbid, high flow days. Another good, off color day yarnie to try is Orange, and Cerise. It really seems to piss 'em off good! I hate using odd colors like that, but when you find one that works, you go with it.:lol: But if just hitting 'em with yarn, I find it helps to have another, usually "softer" color with your primary to make it easier for the fish to see. White or Black are always a good choices for your secondary. Mind you these are tactics, and color combos that worked on Clackamas County's Eagle Creek.
ArcticAmoeba said:
Nice, I'm interested in a fishy Coho jig. I have used Marks micros before, just drift fishing them with decent success. But a big boily hole that has been pounded with bait might be a killer big jig spot this Fall! And yeah, the Clack fishes hard 11 months a year, and the 4 weeks of slack action are not consecutive.

We would like to hit up Eagle Creek this year when the coho are in and try some of the micro's on them!! I know that in pressured water they are hard to beat. If you are around during the coho run I can give you a few to try out :D
That is a bread and butter fishery for Osmosis and myself. We would be down for sure!
AA you and osmosis i think if you took everyone there the same day to show us how you do it, we would turn that lil creak red with blood.
It is much more simple than people think. Target them in riffles, use two bb split shot, an 8 pound leader, and a small yarnie, or bait if they are really picky. Just have to be there on the day they are on the move is all.
congrats pdx glad to see ya fishin for steel!
Thanks bud but without my amazing guides I wouldnt have caught a damn thing. Going out to the local lake tomorrow to try out your spinners. I'll let you know how it goes.'


GOOD SH*$ guys. You guys had a better sunday then I did. I spent 15 hrs at work YYYEEEAAA....No seriously, kick ass looking catches guys. Ill be hittin the clack this commin week. For sure!

Does anyone know what month is the best for catching stealhead and salmon on the clackamas river.

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