Organizing tackle

OnTheDrop said:
As far as what you have a Grump.... You need more Goldfish. For anyone who's fished with me, knows you need a full bag of Parmesan to start a day.

You mean white chedder popcorn w extra pink eye?.? thanks.
I love bananas! I bring them every trip. Still haven't caught any salmon tho.........:bleh:
On a serious note, I don't use pool noodles or pipe wrap. I use Lindy Riggers because they have handy little clear storage capsules in the middle.
MrGrumpFish said:
On a serious note, I don't use pool noodles or pipe wrap. I use Lindy Riggers because they have handy little clear storage capsules in the middle.
I use different color noodles re: pink for salmon;blue for steelhead;orange for trout;green for perch etc, etc I slide the noodles over an old retired broomstick that stands in the corner until needed or slid on a plunger handle or similar, holds three different color noodles I also use an old wooden hockeystick to cross the stream it floats behind me and dbls as a hobo stick to carry things "velcro straped rod/bag full of climbing rope including, 20lb salmon" Tony
Dang! You guys have really think this through. I just grab the last bag I used and am always surprised when I get to the river and realize I don't have anything I need.

Casting Call said:
I use different color noodles re: pink for salmon;blue for steelhead;orange for trout;green for perch etc, etc I slide the noodles over an old retired broomstick that stands in the corner until needed or slid on a plunger handle or similar, holds three different color noodles I also use an old wooden hockeystick to cross the stream it floats behind me and dbls as a hobo stick to carry things "velcro straped rod/bag full of climbing rope including, 20lb salmon" Tony
MrGrumpFish said:
Good stuff! Anyone want to show off and post pics of how organized you are?

Everyone would cringe; I am the absolute worst!

I have a couple small and slightly larger-than-small boxes I carry in my vest for tackle, and a couple zip-locs for yarn, corkies, plastics. However, when I run low and make a tackle run at the store to replenish some stocks, I invariable think, "I'll organize this later." But I don't. I'm 'in a hurry' so when I get to the river, I stuff them in the plastic bag from the store, and stuff that plastic bag somewhere in my vest.

Looking now, I have about 5 of those plastic bags, with spoons, spinners, jigs still in their packaging, still stuffed inside them. Every once in awhile, the dampness deteriorates the cardboard backing, the package falls apart and now I get a hook or two poking about...irritating, so I finally put it somewhere 'organized' like just stuffing that one lure in my wader pocket with a half dozen others....and I never bother to organize the rest...until another hook starts poking about and catching on things.

I don't recommend my 'strategy' LOL

PS, if anyone saw my desk and work life...well, it's pretty much the same. But holy $#!% don't ever move anything or clean it up! I'll never be able to find anything again.
You wanted pics so I snapped a few- good rainy day project while fir boughs rain down like missiles out in my yard. I am in the process of remodeling my shop so I have an interim system for rod storage for now. I can squeeze about 16 rods, roughly half of them between my freezer and shop fridge. A couple of salmon rods worked their way to the front so that means I did go fishing at some point.


This is better, though. These stands were on sale at Sportsman's once. I should bought two. I also have this classy old Thomasville armoir that's full of tackle boxes and kayak supplies like fish finders and anchors. I'm going to make a rack on the ceiling to hang the extra rods once I get the ceiling insulated. Soon, hopefully.


The boxes on top are full of lead, bobbers, etc. Then there is everything else hanging up plus a table to ties leaders, sort whatever.


Lastly, someone was talking about silver plated spoons on another thread but here is my raw materials stash for steelhead spoons.

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C Run! I am green with envy! I need a rod storage system and to get my pile of gear organized. I am getting some great ideas here. Thanks guys!
Looks like my rod storage... completely organized


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