Oregon steelhead fishing 2010 - 2020

Jeanna, If its free range the ring its neck and get the hackles!

What did you do to it's girlfriend anyway? Was it inspecting your tires from the bottom up?
JeannaJigs said:
Fished all up and down the river today. Apparently there are free range chickens on stage coach now. Discovered the answer to the question "why did the chicken cross the road?"---to inspect the tread of my tires. felt kinda bad, but there was fishing to be done. A mile down the road I throw in my line, and i hear a strange noise...I turn around and there's a giant rooster coming at me! All I see are giant claws and feathers! It was vicious an wouldn't go away. It knew what I did to it's girlfriend. Kept squawking and coming at me. I got in my jeep and it was still strutting around and squawking. If I had my gun, I'd have some fresh hackle feathers for jigs.

Oh and I got a nice little 6-7 pound native shortly after being attacked.

Those roosters can be meeeeean!
That thing was vicious! I hit it with a stick and it kept coming at me with those giant dinosaur claws! I feared for the life of my fairly new non leaking waders. If I had been carrying today, I'd of shot it and it would be laid out on my work bench, and I'd be harvesting the hackle feathers. The stick just pissed it off more I think. I've never been so viciously attacked by poultry, and there was this one time when I was a kid that involved a goose at leaburg, that traumatized me for life. His girlfriend got flattened. It's not my fault. She was stupid. didn't look both ways. Won't make that mistake again.
JeannaJigs said:
Fished all up and down the river today. Apparently there are free range chickens on stage coach now. Discovered the answer to the question "why did the chicken cross the road?"---to inspect the tread of my tires. felt kinda bad, but there was fishing to be done. A mile down the road I throw in my line, and i hear a strange noise...I turn around and there's a giant rooster coming at me! All I see are giant claws and feathers! It was vicious an wouldn't go away. It knew what I did to it's girlfriend. Kept squawking and coming at me. I got in my jeep and it was still strutting around and squawking. If I had my gun, I'd have some fresh hackle feathers for jigs.

Oh and I got a nice little 6-7 pound native shortly after being attacked.
That is a Patrick McManus story if I ever heard one. Ok! Did you catch that nate on one of those new swap-jigs??
Any of ya'll ever fish or hear about the "bowlin ally hole" on the lower clackamas?
FishFiddle said:
That is a Patrick McManus story if I ever heard one. Ok! Did you catch that nate on one of those new swap-jigs??

That nate came on a giant nightmare leech pattern. The thing is like 3 inches long with plenty of contrast. It makes 'em mad!

TheRedneck said:
Any of ya'll ever fish or hear about the "bowlin ally hole" on the lower clackamas?

Negatory. Never ventured that far north. Someday. Maybe. Probably not though with the santiams, mckenzie and alsea closer. Don't need to travel two hours :)
Here are some pics of this years winter run. It's my first winter in the Drift Boat and I'm loving it. :D 8.jpg14.jpg4.jpg5.jpg17.jpg15.jpg13.jpg11.jpg9.jpg16.jpg
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A few more pics.

A few more pics.

A few more pics.

Hooked this beauty on an orange corky and multi-colored yarn ball on sunday! A bright APRIL hen! Likely my last of the season.
Caught this bright steely today fishing was slow though but not to slow
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got off work and did some fishin,got this 29iner on the 3rd cast when i set the hook i thought i missed him because he started to swim right at me this guy fought like crazy all in all it was a good day.
couple nice fish from last weekend.:D
Hooked up with this nice hatch hen this morning. Only bite of the day other than a 12 inch trout a little later. Come on rain!
Finally got one , on a cleo worth all the time, gas and lost lures!! fish1.jpg
Went looking for early stellhead today.......
Gave the wilson a try Sat, got this chromer!
put number one on the board!

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