Oregon Rod Reel and Tackle in Eugene!!!

You mean like digging out more ground to make it bigger? Sounds good.
Cool I just found it and was gonna post it for ya.
Do I smell a new hatchery run of Steelhead in the future? I hope so that would be awesome and pretty close too!
TTFishon said:
I've been to Hagg once and one thing I liked that they did when I was there was have a separation boundary for the water skiers to keep them away from the fisherman. Do they still do that?
no the seperation thing is only for speed of the boat, where you fish for trout, you have so many idiots going full throttle it is pathetic
Sounds good to me as long as they put more fish in the creek above the lake and a lot more in the lake and where ever else needed. Along with a fish ladder. I though henry hagg was a small natural lake 1/3 its full size. learn something new everyday.
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Thuggin4Life said:
Sounds good to me as long as they put more fish in the creek above the lake and a lot more in the lake and where ever else needed. Along with a fish ladder. I though henry hagg was a small natural lake 1/3 its full size. learn something new everyday.
it is good size, it is over 1000 acres... they do need to keep the skiers at the far end of the lake compared to the fishers, it is rough when you have a small boat and they have no respect for others...
I've fished a few man made lakes out here(oregon) and I can't understand why they don't have trees all the way up to the banks....Maybe when they expand there will be a little more shaded shoreline...I've alway looked for bass in the shade(back east)

When they do expand....density of fish population is gonna go way down for a couple years and the water will have extra top soil in it......I better get up there and get me one of those big bass this spring...

If a ski boat wake-blasts me I'll start a thread similar to this one!!!!
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xltom said:
I've fished a few man made lakes out here(oregon) and I can't understand why they don't have trees all the way up to the banks....Maybe when they expand there will be a little more shaded shoreline...I've alway looked for bass in the shade(back east)

When they do expand....density of fish population is gonna go way down for a couple years and the water will have extra top soil in it......I better get up there and get me one of those big bass this spring...

If a ski boat wake-blasts me I'll start a thread similar to this one!!!!
better start it now bro lol, they are bad there
RAMMING SPEED!!! I'll chase em' down with my electric troller!!! and bolt a fire poker to my bow...
I was trolling along the dam on two different occasions this summer at fall creek res. Not to far from it and this orange ski boat(new bad ass one) would come full speed at me and from behind sometimes getting within somewhere between 50-75' of me causing huge wake while I was oviously fishing up and down the dam. We would flip them off(at least 8 drunk bigger dudes) and yell while I tried to hang on to the boat and anything that might fall. First time they did it at least 7 times and I would squeeze in closer to the dam and they still would blow by me. This year if I see that boat on the water doing it again things aren't going to be so friendly especially if I find out what trailler/truck is theres. They have the hole intire lake to ski but see me trolling and blast over just to blast by me making my day rough so I will get vengence I don't let things go so easily.
Hey Thuggin'

You gonna hit the boat and sportsman show coming up? I just saw a commercial...I think it's this weekend...

I seem to remember being in a boat at a lake on the coast while the driver wake-blasted a little boat at the mouth of the river..(I know you didn't see them:lol:)...

If I'm with you at the FC res... I got your back.
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