Oaaaww Myyy Gowd! Steelhead Loves UV too...

OnTheFly said:
Hey man nice fish! First time I've seen you pose with one holding it upright!:lol:

Hehehe yeah that was funny :) How about you though? I haven't seen you holding 'ANY' Fish since June? No reports from Deschutes?
meluvtrout said:
Hehehe yeah that was funny :) How about you though? I haven't seen you holding 'ANY' Fish since June? No reports from Deschutes?

Yeah I know but it's not because I haven't been getting into any it's just that there's usually no one close enough to me to take the shot before it goes back into the water.

Dispite our best efforts, skill, choice of fly, and arsenal of rods, markcanby, ninja, eggs, and myself could not connect with a Deschutes steelhead over the Labor Day weekend. I'll post pictures soon but it's mostly scenery. lol. Still had fun though.
OnTheFly said:
Yeah I know but it's not because I haven't been getting into any it's just that there's usually no one close enough to me to take the shot before it goes back into the water.

Dispite our best efforts, skill, choice of fly, and arsenal of rods, markcanby, ninja, eggs, and myself could not connect with a Deschutes steelhead over the Labor Day weekend. I'll post pictures soon but it's mostly scenery. lol. Still had fun though.

You're not alone! I heard from couple other people that it was still pretty slow down there. Perhaps couple more weeks and it should pick up?
meluvtrout said:
Perhaps couple more weeks and it should pick up?

That's what everyone is saying about any system right now!
eggs talked with a guide from over there and said they went from a 6 to15 fish /day to zero. He thought it could have something to do with the front systems coming through. Sunday evening at Macks Canyon the fish were jumping and still no hookups. So the steelies were there but just not biting.
Spinners, spinners and more spinners for the D! I know people who have been getting 2-4 steelhead per person, per trip.
steelhead_stalkers said:
Spinners, spinners and more spinners for the D! I know people who have been getting 2-4 steelhead per person, per trip.

Probably so but Flies, flies, and more flies is how we role.:cool:
The guys with Spinners,Spinners an more Speenners were not catching any more fish than we were over the weekend. Show me Pic of a steel from the D date stamped 9-5-10 an I go buy some Speenners.
OnTheFly: I know you roll with flies and thats awesome! ;) Its a very effective way to catch them. I would think you would need a spey rod to hook steelhead on the lower D with so much water to cover. That is why spinners work so well there, you can find the aggressive fish fast and cover a lot of water.

Here is one person who consistantly catches them on spinners. This was from 8-31-10, four days before the weekend. He was also there again today and I am sure they caught more!
C'mon SS...Did'ya give us a link to the members only section at SSSF???:lol::lol:
you dont need a spey rod to cover the deschutes a single hander works just fine if you know how to use it....
That is one of the guides I talked to about it being slow.. he was on the river 10 days in a row and went from 15 fish/day on Wed and Thurs to 0 fish Fri-Sunday and 5 fish Monday evening...
steelhead_stalkers said:
OnTheFly: I know you roll with flies and thats awesome! ;) Its a very effective way to catch them. I would think you would need a spey rod to hook steelhead on the lower D with so much water to cover. That is why spinners work so well there, you can find the aggressive fish fast and cover a lot of water.

Here is one person who consistantly catches them on spinners. This was from 8-31-10, four days before the weekend. He was also there again today and I am sure they caught more!

Thanks Chad. I wasn't try'in to sound snooty.:D I reallize spinners are highly effective even when flies aren't but I just can't bring myself to use them anymore. To be honest, I would rather go fishless using a fly rod than to catch one on a spinner. Kinda like 'Been there done that' sort of thing. Tell you one thing though, after a few casts with eggs's switch rod I may consider adjusting my current method.:think::)
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Oops, didn't realize that was in the members only area! Sorry. I am going to build up a fly rod to use this winter for beads and egg patterns for the faster water.

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