Newbee Question

Tag? What tag? I never knew about tags?
FishSchooler said:
Tag? What tag? I never knew about tags?

The tags are what you buy to record your fish you catch unless you are joking about not knowing about them
yeah thats what i have been doing reading and asking both i figure that way when i dont get what it means or something then hopefully someone will be able to explain. kinda figured that this is the Newbee Question form so figured anyong coming in and reading this one would be willing to answer things for us and they have been and i thank you all for the help you have provided
Do you have to tag or is it just like a journal type thing?
My goodness weren't you the one who said "read zeh regs." to another member...Maybe you shoud do the same. You need to record all of your retained Salmon, Steelhead, Sturgeon, Halibut, and so on, so forth. You do this on a "tag," that is your liscense, or a hatchery harvest card...The term "tagging" means to record the fish as "retained" in your name.
ArcticAmoeba said:
My goodness weren't you the one who said "read zeh regs." to another member...Maybe you shoud do the same. You need to record all of your retained Salmon, Steelhead, Sturgeon, Halibut, and so on, so forth. You do this on a "tag," that is your liscense, or a hatchery harvest card...The term "tagging" means to record the fish as "retained" in your name.

I would have to agree with you AA for someone that is telling others to read and now come to find out he is out there fishing without tags hhhmmm well I don't feel so lost in this game now lol
Heh heh heh... heh heh...... heh heh heh heh...... eh...
Fishing can get so complicated for me... makes me want to :wall:.... Now I have to go buy a tagaroo thingamajigahooaroogalagadoo... Gar... :confused::confused::confused:
Woah, wait, you have been fishing without an Angling Liscense??? You retained carp, and shad that I know of for sure, maybe bass and fished Tanner Creek, as well as the Clackamas. If you did angle without being liscensed that is illegal. You need to read the regulations before you make comments about them.
Oh boy....

Oh boy....

Ummm,you have a lot of people fairly shook up about not knowing about "tags". You might want to either read the regulations online or get a hardcopy at Joes,Walmart,Sportsmens or anyplace of your choice. My own copy is out in the garage, so I don't know what the age requirements are for all the different licenses and tags. I know you say you are in Middle School, so I am assuming you are somewhere around 12-14 years old. That may let you off the hook for some of them, but not all of them. Please check them carefully and do the right thing. You don't want to be out there illegally or risk losing all you gear and have a hefty fine to pay. Keep us posted.
FishSchooler, I may be mistaken but I believe you still need a tag for any fish that need tags. And I believe you can also probably get them for free. Though you should be all clear with regards to the shad, carp, bass, etc..

:D But be sure to read the regs, it's been a very long time since I've fallen into the same category as you.

Edit: Looks like a tag should cost you $6.50 (pg 4 in the regs)
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I bought a fishin license........ but those peeps at joes never said anything about tags... and Im 11, and they said that 13 and under dont need official licenses... Havent caught any salmon or steelhead yet...
FishSchooler said:
I bought a fishin license........ but those peeps at joes never said anything about tags... and Im 11, and they said that 13 and under dont need official licenses... Havent caught any salmon or steelhead yet...

now I feel kinda bad didn't realize you were so younge at 11 I believe you dont have to have a licience to fish for small game but believe you need to be with someone that is of age and does have one, as far as the big game fish I don't know. I'm sure you still need to have tags to record what you catch
Dad gots the real license. Oki dokers, I understand now. Thanks for warning me, good thing I havent caught a salmon or steelhead yet. :):rolleyes::( Good thing or bad thing?;) Dont feel bad... :cool:
Regardless of age, if you plan to target Salmon, Steelhad, Sturgeon, and Pacific Halibut, you must posess a Combined Angling Tag...It is still illegal to attempt to lure those fish species without having one, regardless if you hook one or not. If he is only 11 then it is OK to fish for warmwater species without a problem, but he has said more than a few times that he has tried to target Salmon and Steelhead, and that is illegal. He needs to make sure it doesn't happen again, because more than a few times this season, I have been asked to show my tags to the gents in the white, Fish and Wildlife div. OSP trucks. If you are angling without the correct tag, or none at all, it is a pretty serious offense according to the persons whom I've conversed with of the Fish & Wildlife Division of OSP. And is followed by a giant ticket. As fisherfolks, we should all be aware of the situations presented,and intuitive to the changes made in river systems.
Yeah yeah, I know, I didn't know back then, but Im done with fishing for a while, school is back in, and right now, I have dah fever... :(:confused:
bigdog said:
now I feel kinda bad didn't realize you were so younge at 11 I believe you dont have to have a licience to fish for small game but believe you need to be with someone that is of age and does have one, as far as the big game fish I don't know. I'm sure you still need to have tags to record what you catch

Just for clarification, but I don't believe you need to be with an adult with a license to fish, or at the very least I can't find that in the regs anywhere.
Those who do not need to be liscensed to fish for trout, and the warmwater fish around bare, still need to have a Combined A.T. if you are to target fish listed on the C.A.T.
look at this

look at this

This will clear all your doubts people...juvenile CAT is $ 6.50 and its a must. If ylu don't have one and your found with possession of any game fish ( salmon, steel head , sturgeon , halibut etc ) its a ticket..and a big hefty one..

Combined Angling Tag* (Adult)
(Annual Tag to fish for salmon, steelhead,
sturgeon and Pacific halibut.)
Adult: 18 years and older. Juvenile: Under 18 years of age.
The same fee applies to both residents and nonresidents
Anglers may purchase only one Combined Angling Tag per year
It is unlawful to alter entries on tags or licenses and to possess an
altered tag or license.
Entries must be recorded in ball point pen. No erasures allowed.
Adult salmon (jack salmon only if required under Special
Regulations, see Hunter Creek and Pistol River in Southwest
Zone) or steelhead, legal size sturgeon and Pacific halibut must
immediately upon removal from the water, be recorded on the
Combined Angling or Hatchery Harvest Tag in the chronological
order caught, except during Free Fishing Weekend (June 7-8,
2008) when no licenses or tags are required.
The angler who landed the fish must record the fish on his or her
tag irrespective of who hooked the fish.
See pages 20 and 21 for instructions and codes.
Combined Angling Tag* (Juvenile) $6.50
(Annual Tag to fish for salmon steelhead,
sturgeon and Pacific halibut.)

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