New fly rod record from Washington

So are you saying that all trout are not clipped. How can they expect to make it a keep only hatchery fish fishery when they aren't marked? I can tell the difference but maybe not everyone can.
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The first picture clearly shows a fly in the upper lip. Beautiful wild fish! There is a thread on Spey Pages about this fish.
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There was extensive debate about this on other forums and it was determined that the fish most likely started bleeding after he bonked it. Beautiful fish! :clap:
mikeredding said:
So are you saying that all trout are not clipped. How can they expect to make it a keep only hatchery fish fishery when they aren't marked? I can tell the difference but maybe not everyone can.

Yes, not all trout you can harvest are clipped. I can tell you that at Detroit, you are allowed 5 per day... No note about fin-clips. And I have caught plenty of stocked trout that have little fins, but a hole punched tail. Some even had a radio tag, or other spaghetti type tags. Only a red tagged fish had a clip. The yellow, metal(RF) and a green tag have all been fish with fins. I found out that the yellow, and green were tags put on a bunch way back when and the intent was to see how often these fish were being caught. Many people are C&RT trout anglers, so the state decided to see how often a hatchery stock trout could be caught in a life time. The results got convoluted, and were mixed with dead calls, and release calls. I guess I'm confused a little, that Diamond Lake trout you have a picture of is a dumped fish... But yes, they do not clip all trout, especially in places like Detroit, and Carmen, for example. In adipose clip only fisheries, all dumpers get clipped, as they should.

Regardless of if the fish was kept or not, it was legal. That is what most folks do not understand about WA. a lot of people on other forums who claim to be super pros, were the first to claim poaching. It was very strange to say the least. But yes, very nice fish. I bet that big 'ol buck cut better than we think. I'm always surprised at the quality of the he-fish, especially in the local creek.
ArcticAmoeba said:
Regardless of if the fish was kept or not, it was legal. That is what most folks do not understand about WA. a lot of people on other forums who claim to be super pros, were the first to claim poaching. It was very strange to say the least. But yes, very nice fish. I bet that big 'ol buck cut better than we think. I'm always surprised at the quality of the he-fish, especially in the local creek.

I was debating that at all. I was just responding to somebody else's comment on noticing it was wild and I had figured that they had based it on the fact that it wasn't clipped.
This should clarify things a little as to the legality of the fish, as long as it was his first one.
From the 2008-2009 WDFW fishing regs:
WILD STEELHEAD RETENTION RULES: ONE wild STEELHEAD per license year may be retained
from ONE of the following rivers: Bogachiel River, Calawah River, Clearwater River, Dickey River,
Green/Duwamish River, Hoh River, Hoko River, Pysht River, Quillayute River, Quinault River, or Sol
Duc River, as listed in the special rules. No annual limit for hatchery STEELHEAD
AMAZING! wow, what a fish. way to go.:clap::yay::yay: Thanks for sharing that story.


man thats unreal congrats to him
mikeredding said:
I was debating that at all. I was just responding to somebody else's comment on noticing it was wild and I had figured that they had based it on the fact that it wasn't clipped.

Sorry mike, I'm gettin all con-fluster-ated or something. My brain hurts. Don't take my comments the wrong way, I am not tryin to get a debate started, just back and forth banter, hope you saw it the same way.

I remember when the Sky had a finned Steelhead rule. Those were some monsters. Not one finned Steelhead, I've hooked out of that river has ever hopped more than an a few inches out of the water. They fight like Chinook! It is a total blast!
ArcticAmoeba said:
Sorry mike, I'm gettin all con-fluster-ated or something. My brain hurts. Don't take my comments the wrong way, I am not tryin to get a debate started, just back and forth banter, hope you saw it the same way.

I totally understand and no I didn't take it the wrong way. I was just clarifying what I was trying to point out.
God what a Hog I have to admit I'm jealous of that one... someday
I would of took measurements, snapped pics, and SET IT FREE! :shock:
Alaskan Assassin said:
God what a Hog I have to admit I'm jealous of that one... someday

If you ever plan a trip to the Olympic Pennisula, you may find a reward. I have a friend who fishes up there, and her and I get into 17-23 pounders every year, on nearly every float. Albeit I only fish the OP a dozen or so times a year... The rivers call for monsterous fish, and it is the closest place to get into "trophy" sewer trout if that suits your fancy. They fight like Chinook! Truly unique fisheries.

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