My first yarn ball

colbypearson said:
i wouldnt call me much of a critic more like one of the most criticized on here if you look at the past month or two, just to clear that up.
thanks Colby!!!! I love you too!!! LOL
awwwww you gus are so cute XD.
Good job! Keep it up.
steelhead_stalkers said:
Good job! Keep it up.

thanks chad ;) i just tied another one up..i mixed some colors this time. it's red and purple..pretty cool lookingcan't wait to test them out couldn't have done tis without a tutorial thanks :D
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woh woh woh... i just saying you need to get out and fish for yourself. And if you guys didn't read what i said i was asking where you lived and that maybe we could get out on the water sometime soon to share some knolledge and wack some chrome... Not sure how that is criticizing or anything. jeeez :confused:
im not poissed oer anything, and i'd be happy to fish sometime it's just.. you kinda made it seem like i bhad no life because i post a lot or somthing. it's fine bro so if i upset ya :/
Nothing to worry about, Im just still confused on how i was making it seem like you had no life. Its not like i knew your situation on why you can't fish much i was just saying that i had notice you have posted a lot of stuff reguarding questions on how to catch fish. Which is areally good thing to do but, was just pointing out that the next step is to try these things out for yourself so you can really understand how things work. ( sorry if this doesn't make sense im pretty buzzed ) Just to clear things up... so enough of this haha, anyways nice yarn ball. Looks legit. I just tied up like 10 myself. can't wait to hit the river tomorrow!!!!!!! peace man
yeah true that,sorry if we got off on the wrong foot . good luck on the river and have a good one,

Hey brandon,

My wife and two kids and I are all heading down to my mom's ranch this coming weekend (the 10th & 11th). She lives in Falls City. We are going Christmas tree hunting on her property. I think I mentioned that she lives in Falls City a little earlier in a different post. Anywho, we have to pass through Dallas every time we head down there. If I have time, I don't mind swinging by and picking you up on Saturday. We could hit something local or semi local. I wouldn't have too much time, just a few hours, but some time on the water is better than no time on the water, right? It would give you time to test our your yarn balls and other things. And don't worry about gas, save that money to continue to get good fishing gear. I know it is hard to come by, both money and gear, hahaha. :)

I figured I would offer as I saw that it was mentioned that you should get out more on the water to put to practice those things that you have researched/created/read/discussed/etc. Oh, and I am not finger pointing at anyone, just to be clear. :)

Let me know and I will stay in touch to let you know too. Take care.

thanks for the offer man! sounds like fun pm sent ;)
That's a nice lookin puff of yarn...... We gotta get you down to the Alsea so you can start chuckin those at winters.
autofisher said:
That's a nice lookin puff of yarn...... We gotta get you down to the Alsea so you can start chuckin those at winters.

thanks mike. it took a few tries before i got it but it worked ;).thats sounds awesome.. always wanted to fish the alsea.. imm gettin tired of eating and watching south park all day LOL.tried to get my dad to go last year but he dosen't like to drive far for fish anymore going to bed.. talk to you guys and gals tomorrow. take it easy

JeannaJigs said:
Give the kid a break. He's trying to garnish as much info as he can, you can't fault him for that. At least he's putting an effort into something worth a damn, most kids these days don't get off the couch more than five minutes of a day on weekends. Whenhe gets wheels I'm pretty sure he will be fishing more.

X 2. He is a great young man. When I met him; he outfished both his dad and myself. He already knows way more about fishing at this age; than any other kid I have ever known. I believe that he will someday be one of Oregon's best guide's, writing books, etc.

There's no need to bash him, for the number of posts he's made. As Jeanna pointed out (thank you); Brandon has no wheels. Plus, he doesn't have much money to work with. And he still OFFers to pay for gas, if peeps would take him out!

Heck, I've made over 3,000 posts in less than 11 months. I have a disablity to contend with; that sometimes won't let me get out there. Or, my work schedule or other commitments interferre with getting on the water. Only sayin' that to point out, that some of us can't be out there all of the time (like many on here).

Why not write something to encourage the lad, and be helpful, instead of beating him up for wanting to be on OFF?

P.S. I'm thinking that Brandon's dad may not like to drive far to fish; because he's a long haul driver and on the road all of the time. He probably just wants to kick back, when he's home. He's a good guy too. Look at how much he taught his son about fishing.

P.P.S. I see that youse guyz weren't beating Brandon up about his posts now. A simple misunderstanding. da man! I hope you can work it out, so you can take Brandon fishing!!!
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Brandon, get a longboard, I ride a Bamboo Sector Nine board on 14 mile round trips to areas on the Willamette with about 30lbs of gear, good for the excercise as well.

Probably not a wise idea this time of year, but by Spring, it will come in handy.

I have a situation similar to yours, no car, and looking for job, WILL WORK FOR FISH!
Drew9870 said:
Brandon, get a longboard, I ride a Bamboo Sector Nine board on 14 mile round trips to areas on the Willamette with about 30lbs of gear, good for the excercise as well.

Probably not a wise idea this time of year, but by Spring, it will come in handy.

I have a situation similar to yours, no car, and looking for job, WILL WORK FOR FISH!

hhaha. good idea nd did you by any chnce fsh with a gy named matt on the willamette?...he told me he fished with guy that rides a long board on here he is my girlfriends aunt's boyfriend LOL.
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troutdude said:
X 2. He is a great young man. When I met him; he outfished both his dad and myself. He already knows way more about fishing at this age; than any other kid I have ever known. I believe that he will someday be one of Oregon's best guide's, writing books, etc.

There's no need to bash him, for the number of posts he's made. As Jeanna pointed out (thank you); Brandon has no wheels. Plus, he doesn't have much money to work with. And he still OFFers to pay for gas, if peeps would take him out!

Heck, I've made over 3,000 posts in less than 11 months. I have a disablity to contend with; that sometimes won't let me get out there. Or, my work schedule or other commitments interferre with getting on the water. Only sayin' that to point out, that some of us can't be out there all of the time (like many on here).

Why not write something to encourage the lad, and be helpful, instead of beating him up for wanting to be on OFF?

P.S. I'm thinking that Brandon's dad may not like to drive far to fish; because he's a long haul driver and on the road all of the time. He probably just wants to kick back, when he's home. He's a good guy too. Look at how much he taught his son about fishing.

P.P.S. I see that youse guyz weren't beating Brandon up about his posts now. A simple misunderstanding. da man! I hope you can work it out, so you can take Brandon fishing!!! make me feel like im a pro LOL... i still have a lot to learn. but thats the fun part! and being a guide would be the best job ever..can't wait till i get wheel and a up for a boat and some rods/tackle an start a buisness.
brandon4455 said:
hhaha. good idea nd did you by any chnce fsh with a gy named matt on the willamette?...he told me he fished with guy that rides a long board on here he is my girlfriends aunt's boyfriend LOL.

If it was around Riverfront Park, then yes, there is no doubt it was me.

You mean Mattdm from off here? I have fished with him a couple of times.
has to be. LOL this i a small world. he and my girlfriends aunt live with my her and one day we were talkin bout the forum and he said..i fished with a guy off there a few times he rides a long board to the river its pretty cool
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