My favorite place to be!!!!

I'm off to the river this afternoon with grasshoppers, worms, and wedding rings. My home-made fishing net turned into cheesecloth grasshopper net was pretty useless. Could be that there aren't enough grasshoppers out for the net to catch as it is swept back and forth, or the net was too small. This has not been a good year for worms or grasshoppers. Too cold. However, it is also mating season so yesterday using the flyswatter, I would often get two grasshoppers em... attached so to speak, in one whack. Anyway, I still don't have my camera back yet (scheduled for retrieval tomorrow) so if I catch anything, I won't have pictures.

I'm back. Almost got skunked. As the Sun went down, I caught a 12 inch trout and had to fight to land it. The hook was barely in there so I let it fight the strong current to tire it out so it wouldn't flip around. It worked. I was able to finally scoop it up in my fishing net. The river was very high today from the recent torrential rains we've had. The fish must be hiding somewhere trying to stay out of the way of debris. Still, had lots of fun!
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Went fishing Saturday. Caught lots of throwbacks and took pictures of some of my favorite fishing holes. Will post as soon as I can download them and then upload them.

Also went out Monday and caught two big mountain white fish and a smallish trout. The white fish filleted very nicely.

Went out again today and FOUGHT two 14" trout! They both did huge air jumps, multiple air born back flips, took line off my reel, and gave me quite a show! Since I am winding down my season, I kept them both and filleted them. Their flesh was salmon colored and both had eggs developing. Will post pics sometime next week. Great fishing!
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Hoping to get back on the river with my relatives next week (I have the week off from school due to the Pendleton Round Up). Should be really good fishing. Will also try that Lostine again. I've already packed my camera.
strawberry shortcake said:
It just seems that with bigger hooks and more powerful leader, I am sparing the smaller fish and can get out of snags with my lures intact.

Yes, I've experienced that with bigger hooks.
Your part of Paradise

Your part of Paradise

I spent some time in your part of paradise last week. I stayed at the Minam CG and fished the river right there by the camp grounds. Lots of small trout and one really big:shock: steelhead at the head of the pool. Too bad I didn't think to put on a heavier tippet when I changed to that really big salmon fly.:mad: It was fun while it lasted though. Lots of does in the CG in the evening also.
I also drove the Promise road down to Troy and saw one of the biggest bull elk outside of Yellowstone park! I was only 100 yards away and he didn't like the fact that his cows were closer to my truck than to him.


I'll be back that way again. Lostine is quit the little town. The only thing open Friday night past 7PM is the bar,right?

It's called the Lostine Tavern and is a family affair till 9:00, then the kiddies have to leave. It is my favorite hangout when not fishing or enjoying the ranch life. Did ranch chores all last week and fished too. Now that I am back in Pendleton teaching, these sore muscles can get some rest! That Wallowa just keeps getting better. Next year will be a huge fish year. I've thrown back as many as I have kept this year.
I haven't been out steeling (recovering from a smashed finger) more than once. Skunked is my middle name when it comes to catching steelhead and salmon. A buddy of mine has pulled 4 steels out, two from the Wallowa and two from the Lostine.

I beaded up three wedding rings and then my smashed finger started throbbing again. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have enough lures done to get back on the river Friday. Can't wait for trout season to start. We've had several cougar and wolf sitings so I've started packin my 357 when I'm on the river.

I just love to go fishin in the Wallowa River. It is still in danger of massive flooding due to last year's torrents. None of the large trees and bank cave-ins have been cleaned up. It will likely be an entirely new river this year and could split into three channels.
strawberry shortcake said:
We've had several cougar and wolf sitings so I've started packin my 357 when I'm on the river.

Hey shortcake, sorry about your finger. I hope that it heals up well and quickly.

Perhaps you already know this; but when it cat country it is always wise to make a lot of loud noise from time to time. If you give them plenty of warning about where you are, they will usually go the other way.
Troutdude, you are too funny. I've never met you but you have me pegged. I'm this short little redhead with a loud voice. I don't even have to try to make noise. It's just how I am. I wouldn't be surprised if the wildlife along that river have to put in earplugs just so they can take a midmorning nap when I'm around. Warning to all. Never take me duck hunting. Why? Don't know how to whisper.

I am planning to take a careful walk along my Wallowa River this weekend, worms at the ready. But I doubt I will be able to get close to the bank. It will likely be flooded up to Woods Hill (officially labeled as Evans Hill on BLM maps) along the east side, and just swamp and mud on the west side. But hope springs eternal and I am smarting from skunk season (aka Shortcake's inability to catch a steelhead or a salmon). Bottom line, I need to catch a fish. And soon.
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Best of Luck Catchin', Sister Strawberry...

It was really hard to find some holes to fish in. The river was high, swift, and muddy. I got caught in two hail storms but it wasn't too cold. I also found some mushrooms that I gave to the land owner. I did manage to catch an 8 incher that I threw back. I had hooked him in the mouth so no harm done. Got several bites. The time alone on the river gave me some much needed quiet concentration on something I so very much enjoy doing. Even when the world around me is falling apart, going fishing is such a peace-filled thing to do.
Shortcake, you're a woman after my own heart. I believe that is why the Good Lord made the rivers for us ,to enjoy & be at peace with ourselves. Of course,just being skunked can mess up an otherwise peaceful day,as can a banner day of catching. But I will still take a day on the water to most other distractions.
I am dealing with some sadness in my life right now. Fishing is such a restoring thing to do and it has always been that way for me, even when I was riding on top the shoulders of my grandmother as she fished the same river I now call mine. It allows me the privacy to deal with all of life, both the good that happens and the sad that happen. I also find that sharing fish stories with other fishing type people is a good way of putting some normal connections in one's life when life turns away from normal.
keep your chin up. I sure enjoy your stories. I will have to check that river out one day a friend of mine lives in lostine.
Went fishin Saturday. The river was very high, roiling, and muddy. Had to treck through water logged landscape to get to fishable holes. Lost lures to new snags but caught two fish right away in one of my favorite places. Caught a nice 10 inch hatchery trout and a beautiful brook. I know I should have kept the brook because they are non-native competitors with trout. But it gave me such a fight I threw it back. The hatchery fish became my dinner. Used a wedding ring and night crawler, and a fairly heavy sinker so I could bait cast where I wanted it to go.

Breathing a sigh of relief now that I am back on my river.
Got skunked the other day but went out yesterday. The river was even higher and colder than before. The terrain was pretty rough getting around the swollen banks and had me tunneling through heavy brush. Found some great new fishing holes and they delivered. I caught 3 before I ran out of worms and my feet got too cold. A 12 inch native and two 10.5 inch hatchery trout. Also got a smaller one, 8 inches, that was legal but I threw it back unharmed. The 12 inch native swallowed the hook and was bleeding when I netted it so don't know if it will survive. A GREAT day fishing. Made more so because people always tell me you can't catch fish in winter runoff high water on the Wallowa River. HA!
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Sounds like fun.....good job on the fish....I sometimes never listen to what people "you don't want to use a dry fly here" want to bet? hehe :D
Other responsibilities keep me from fishing every day. I am planning on going out Friday if I can. I've invited some folks coming in on motorbikes from Pendleton to tag along and help me fish my favorite new hole. I hope I get to go and don't have to cancel. If so, my friends will have to find their own fishing spots.
I was able to get away for a couple hours this morning to fish my raging river. It is higher now than the last time I fished it. I went to the new fishing hole and discovered it somewhat clogged with additional logs, tree branches, and root balls. Fortunately, I had my bait caster rod and was able to put in worms in-between the snags. Got caught up only once and lost a lure. But I kept at it because I was getting bites. Ended up catching a 15 inch female mountain white fish.

I continued down the river trying to find more fishing holes but was prevented from getting close to the bank due to all the downed timber and the growing out of control crazy quilt made of brush and vines that blankets the banks of the river.

I finally managed to get to the mouth of the cross country canal, which has always been a good spot, and casted out. Before long I had an 11 inch trout swallow the hook.

I snagged a number of smaller fish that managed to somehow open their mouths wide enough to get that hook in. But fortunately, each time, the hook wasn't in deep and I was able to release all with little to no harm done.

Once again, I am amazed how productive that river is, even in high raging snow melt conditions. It is a rugged hike and leaves me wonderfully tired and very satisfied when I manage to harvest a couple fish under these conditions.

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