My boat was found today

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We'll be fishing it out tomorrow. I'll be swimming so I have to wait till the weather warms up before we go get it. if you find yourself around Island park tomorrow stop in and say hi. Should be a pretty easy salvage but it will probably take awhile. I haven't seen it yet so I don't know what kind of shape it's in but apparently it's still in one piece. I'll be checking it out in the morning to see what I need for the salvage. Then I'll come back around 1 PM to try to get it out.
looking forwards to hearing the report. If I was down there Id be more than happy to assist
Great news! How far away is it from where it went down? Be careful not to underestimate the water temp, it can't be warm enough to swim in yet. :pray:
Good luck and please be safe.
nice work on finding the boat,be safe out there
That's great news. Hope the salvage operation goes well and you find only minimal damage to your boat.
Nice work finding. look forward to rearing the results
If you can't get it out today, I have a Jeep rock crawler it a winch and enough come alongs, snatch blocks, and straps to pull any 4x4 out of any canyon. If you think any of it will help, let me know. I am leaving for Halibut fishing tonight but should be around Sunday if you think the Jeep and winch will help. I have no problems lettin you borrow the retrieval gear while I am gone Saturday. Just PM me, if it is after 5:30 you can get my phone number from Peter R.
Good news, definitely keep us in the loop.
glad to hear you found her, just remember its not worth the risk sometimes. Be safe out there and good luck.
I thought it would be found soon with this low water. I'll be on the coast Saturday too and I'm kind of busy today, but let me know if you need help on Sunday.

ps. water is 53 degrees there, be careful.
Fantastic news! I hope it's salvaged in good shape and you're back at the oars soon!
Good to hear! thought about your boat when I saw how low the willamette was yesterday, hopefully it doesn't come back up before you can get it out of there.
That's great to hear buddy!

But, please be sure to have plenty of safety measures in place. The Willy has some NASTY undertow currents, that can (and have) literally sucked people under and held them in place. It nearly took my mom's life, when she was a kid (in the Corvallis area). Please be ultra careful. And good luck!
I would be wearing a wet suit at least, if i went into a river at this time.

Be Careful.

Best of Luck bro.
Thanks for all the concern. It couldn't have settled in an easier place to recover it. It's in 6 feet of frog water next to Island Park about 50 yards upstream from where I can bank it and get it on a trailer. I just picked up a good wet suit and I'll have two boats on the water assisting from the other side. I'll practically be walking it down the bank after I gets ropes on to it and turned over.

I still haven't see the condition it's in but the bottom wasn't damaged at all. Next post will hopefully have pics of the recovered boat!
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sounds like luck was on your side as far as where you found it. I am anxiously waiting to here how it went. As everyone said be safe
Recovered boat

Recovered boat

Here are the pics. We did some video of the actual recovery but here is the boat back in my driveway.

North River builds one tough boat. This thing went over some serious rocks and riffles in high water before coming to rest in a wad of underwater branches. You can't see some of the deep gouges in the exterior and a few grapefruit sized dents but all in all I'm surprised the condition is as good as it is.

In the pictures you'll see the anchor system destroyed and other various cosmetic damages.

Boat 1.jpg

boat 2.jpgBoat 3.jpgBoat 4.jpg

This last one is my favorite. The oar lock is completely bent over. That was some serious power to do that.
Also, the rocks in the bottom add a good effect to the pic:)

Boat 5.jpg
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glad to see you got it recovered. Now ye can make it worthy of fishin again
X2. Nicely done Captain Ace. Now you can collect the insurance dough, and get her back on the water and haulin' in de fish!

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