More steelhead advice

steelhead_stalkers said:
I don't fish anything bought from the store only spinners and spoons from places like RVRFSHR and R&B! I was also using size three spinners because how low and clear the water was.

With a plug like that Stalker you should have some of these spinners in question for sale on your store! ;)

Seriously though...I would probably buy a couple :)
Shows ya how new I am, never heard of RVRFSHR before.. :) I'd order some of those spinners if I figured I could assemble them so they would work right... look like they should work good for trout in the local rivers :)
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If the opportunity arose I would have no problem selling spinners and spoons through the online store!! We only endorse and support products that we use and know work weather it be on the website or talking to people elsewhere :)

Assembling spinners and spoons is pretty easy!! I might do a video on it sometime.
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steelhead_stalkers said:
I might do a video on it sometime.

Dude that would be awesome :clap:
SS, sorry man, I'm not tryin to pick you apart here. I'm just stating what I have known to be true for as long as I have been fishing. You are totally correct about guys throwing spinners for Winters. Early on in the season I was the only person on here discouraging spinner fishing Winters. Due to many factors, one included water temps, and turbidity levels. But I do understand where you are coming from. Some places absolutely do not call for a spinner. The hole you speak of. I may be familiar with it if you fish the rivers I think you do primarily.;) It is no good for spinners that time of year. The fish are resting, and jigs do kill fish there. I have not floated them often, mostly drifted them with a counter weight, and done very well there. They were Mark Anderson's pilot run of production Micros, on 6's. And I agree, if you can see the fish clearly in lazy, slack water, I don't throw hardware at 'em fist swing at the plate. Stealthin into a slow hole where you are essentially sight fishing is the only way to go for sure. But the clear pockets we fish are flowing at a medium pace, .8-1.5 mph, less than 4 feet deep and it is ususally on the far, soft side of a seam. And I guess if our gear went through there a dozen times, and we started hitting fish in the flanks or face, it would spook them. But if we see fish on these seam edges, we can always get 'em in the fist couple casts. Like normal Steelhead if you ask me! I like RvrFshr spoons, but their spinners have not put out as many for me as a couple of their spoo-nanners. I must say, the R&B #5 bullet body is a great tool. I just got recently introduced. It is balanced perfectly, and it weighs a ton. Perfect for getting down in a hurry, and dredging the lane for longer runs than a lighter spinner is capable of. Just make sure your bail is closed, and you are on the slack line retrieve before that pig hits the water! Hydrogen and Oxygen do nothing to slow its decent!:lol: Anyways, I know I come off kind of brash sometimes. But don't take it the wrong way. I am not trying to disagree with you, just conversing is all.
I have been fascinated by all theses super informative posts about steelhead fishing. Wow. My question is: which stock spinners work best for drift style fishing and do you use the same setup as when you have a corkie (swivel, weight, and leader), just compensating for the additional weight of the spinner? Thanks in advance.
For off the shelves stuff, I like Mepps products. They do seem to be alright. Super simple, but I think that is why they work. I just tie my spinner to the mainline, and treat it as a drift rig, with no leader. But maintaining light contact while keeping the blade thumping. When you get used to it, the water does most of the work fo you.
I totally agree! :D Good information. That is why steelhead fishing is so fun, you never stop learning how to catch them and there are always new ways to trick them.

Also, that hole I would rather not fish but its nice to get the skunk off the board before moving on to other water, especially how few fish were around this year ;)
That same ol' spoon hooked me another summer today. :yay:
Funny before..but now

Funny before..but now

Mike123 said:
That same ol' spoon hooked me another summer today. :yay:

Ok, it was funny before but at two it's time for me to show up. Monday or tuesday, What time are you picken them up mike?
Mike123 said:
That same ol' spoon hooked me another summer today. :yay:

Are you bankin' gonna rain tomorrow maybe we should take the smoker-craft to G.P?
Kodiak said:
Ok, it was funny before but at two it's time for me to show up. Monday or tuesday, What time are you picken them up mike?

You ever fish low on the North Santiam?
That's where i hooked both those summers. :dance:
My mom has a place in Gates. I don't do much fishing but she does with the kids. They always get fish.
Mike123 said:
Spoons tend to hang up less often. I usually cast them out a long ways and upstream slightly, let 'em sink, then just keep the spoon thumping nice a slow.
Sometimes you'll need to reel really slow sometimes you can just hold your rod tip low and downstream and drift them... The hits can come real vicious or sometimes just feel like your spoon stopped or snagged a root.

I 'drifted' a spoon today as per the guidance posted above, and posts by AA. Didn't get any hook-ups, but after a few casts I got it feeling like I was doing it right. Thanks guys for the advice! :) Confidence level UP.
mgdguy said:
I 'drifted' a spoon today as per the guidance posted above, and posts by AA. Didn't get any hook-ups, but after a few casts I got it feeling like I was doing it right. Thanks guys for the advice! :) Confidence level UP.

Way to go! Keep 'em right on/near the bottom! ;)

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