More ?s on the Slaw

seals are like honey badgers, they don't give a s***.

Go for it though haha just don't get caught "harassing marine wildlife" as that's a federal offense. Although there's a retired sheriff that lives upriver around mapleton that has shot a couple :-/ must be nice to be above the law...Can't complain though, fewer seals is not a bad thing. They're not too bad up above florence, there's usually about a dozen that cruise between florence and mapleton, but there's a bunch chillin' by the jaws.
yah that must be nice.... iv seen people take a net to a seal on the siletz river years back had the fish at the boat and he came up to get it and they pout him into a learning curve... was pretty amusing ;P
You can legally shoot them with non-lethal means if they are trying to take your fish....(paintball gun and frozen paint balls work well I hear)
game on! lol o yah i am off fri-sunday so who wants to go get some fish!
Well...I went out for the first time and got educated reel quick...unfortunately it was from the loss of what looked to be around 30#. It was pretty pathetic on my part... I got bit 20' or so from the shore and was reaching for my net before it even made a run, and when it did decide to take off, my drag was no where near where it would've needed to be for a fish like that. Within an hour after that, I got struck and handled it proper. It would've been cool to land a trophy (IMO) for a first salmon,
but I'll settle for this guy! DSCF7300.jpg <---Chinook.
For those of you fishing from shore what gear are you using? Spinners, floats, spoons ???
congrats on you first time out and getn one you must of had first timers luck or you had what they wanted that day lol to bad on the big one getn away but its only just starting and there is still plenty of time to redeem your self.

and people are throwing spinners,spoons i have heard of people in washington floating died prawns or herring under a float but no one has said any thing down here about it
i have heard of people in washington floating died prawns or herring under a float but no one has said any thing down here about it[/QUOTE]

It does work here. People do do it but the majority of people throw spinners. Floating died prawns or herring where people are hucking spinners is just asking for people to get pissed off and lots of tangles (unless your the only one on the ricks)
Shoot, I hope it's not first timers luck...I fished my butt off for 9 hours or so, and constantly had to change my rigs to compensate for the wind increases and presentation of the lure. Not too mention putting up with the wind itself, all day.

Is 2 bites considered a lucky day of fishing for shore anglers?
The Blue Frog Guy said:
Is 2 bites considered a lucky day of fishing for shore anglers?

Although 9 hours is a LONG day of fishing, 2 takes is a pretty darn good day from the bank! I wouldn't necessarily say lucky. Obviously you were doing something right! :) Most people go all day without getting any action at all. Even in boats. Especially right now since its still on the slower side of action on the slaw....

Also, on your original post you said you'd, "settle for this guy." Was it a buck? Cause it sure looks like a hen from the pic... Just curious on that one
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yah that looks like a ho. i was thrown off by the lighting and all that but i agree it deff. looks like one the v-shape in the tail and the supper shiny sliver to it and the shape kinda point to it.

Come on guys, that is definitely a chinook.....PLEASE BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY WHAT YOU ARE FISHING FOR..........and it is really difficult to I.D. a fish from a photo, that being said....why make any accusations unless you are sure, even then do it in a PM so that way you have the chance of educating someone rather than bashing them.
mikeredding said:
I don't want to come on here sounding like a "know it all" or casting aquisations but it almosty looks like a Coho in your picture. I will admit it is hard to tell at the angle you are holding it. Are you 100% that is a chinook?

Not trying to sling mud but It can be a common and costly mistake to misidentify salmon.

Look at the photo at the top of your link at the chinook....looks like the same fish
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plumb2fish said:
Look at the photo at the top of your link at the chinook....looks like the same fish

I am not saying that it was not. Just stated that it almost looked like a coho but hard to tell. The member stated that it was his first salmon and I was just offering some info so he could make sure and not get nailed. If you are not 100% sure it could cost you big.

I apologize if I have offended anyone, that surely was not my intent.
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Haha, no worries guys...that's why I wrote that next to it. I almost took a picture of the inside of the mouth, but then I was like "Na, they can tell". And I too, thought it was a coho until I saw nothing but blackness inside....(EVERYWHERE in there!) I'm far from an expert, but I triple checked the mouth and compared it in the regs and the Peterson book I keep with me. As far as the sex goes, I meant "guy" just as an expression...sorry for the mix-up. Looking forward to a big one!
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is any one going to the coast this weekend? and im pretty shure every one got the hint what it was lol its just one of them fish that unless you know the small details or can see the big ones it was close mach no big deal... but it happens

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