More carp! This time in Bethnay

Dave, I'm actually in beaverton, oregon - I'm from england originally.

JS - 10lb mono is more than enough to land 20-30lb carp. I've landed 15lbers on 10lb line with ease, you can almost just drag them where you want them. Stay away from braid for carp fishing, it doesn't sink as fast as mono and carp are very easily spooked.

The loop coming from the end of the hook is called a hair. all modern carp anglers use hair rigs when fishing for carp. you basically want a hook length of either braid or flurocarbon (aout 6-10 inches) with a hoop knot tied at one end, tie a knotless knot onto the hook leaving about an inch with the hair coming out of the hook, then tie a size 7-8 swivel to the end of the hook length. thats a basic carp rig. then you'd tie your main line (with lead) to the swivle, put some bait on your hair and use a bait stop and your fishing.

I'd encourage everyone to try fishing for carp at least once, grab some sweetcorn and put it on a rig like above, you'll be catching them in no time and realize how much you crazy americans have been missing out on the best lake/pond fishing of all time :) nothing can compare to a carp fight.
What is the benefit to having the "hair"?
I only even mentioned braid because that 20lb stuff is the next step up i have from 10lb. I dont currently have anything in between 10 and 20.

At any rate, im not looking to drag a fish anywhere, that's why i have my drag set (so the fish can actually fight and pull line off my reel).
i'm making a quick video of the rig/bait system I use and why europeans use it with great success, hopefully encourage you all to give it a shot, gimmi an hour :)
JSpencer said:
I only even mentioned braid because that 20lb stuff is the next step up i have from 10lb. I dont currently have anything in between 10 and 20.

At any rate, im not looking to drag a fish anywhere, that's why i have my drag set (so the fish can actually fight and pull line off my reel).

when you hook a decent size carp you have to carefully man handle it. they run for weeds snags every time, if you leave your drag loose and give them line, they will take it all and spool you, or snag and snap you. give them an inch and they take a mile... let them run a bit but make absolute sure you know whats on the bottom and where they are running to or you will loose your fish.
Hair rig is where they suck the bait in, And when they try to spit it out the hook gets stuck in there lip.
youkay, you have any plans on being out at the commonwealth in the evenings of this coming tuesday or wednesday? As long as my car holds up for the 10 minute trip im planning on hitting it up. I dont have the rigs you do, nor do i currently have any money to get them, im just looking to get away from work/home etc for awhile both days and wondering if i'll see you there or not.
New trend

New trend

Looks like you are starting a new trend here with carp fishing in Oregon. I used to fish for the beasts down in California. We would land some monster four footers weighing in at 20-35 pounds! Awesome fight and amazing fun.
You are welcome to include the website in your signature. That falls under the heading of Sharing & Caring. ;) Thanks for both. :D
How not to snag!

How not to snag!

If you are using a hair rig on the bottom how do you keep from snagging up on weeds if you have to move to a different location or check you bait?
Thanks barb, i will!

GD: typicaly the bait wont snag, its usually the lead system. I've fished over crazy weeds in bethnay and everytime I do snag its the lead, thats why they have designed special lead clips that pull the lead completely off in a snag to save you loosing a fish.

when you fish for carp specifically you don't want to be fishing over weed, thats why its imperative to find a swim thats either gravel or clay or something flat the rig can lay on nicley, these types of carp rigs dont lay on weed at all and you almost never bite when you do fish directly on weed.

to find a carp spot on a lake, just tie a basic heavy lead directly to your main line and cast it out, (they actually make rods specifically for this in EU called marker rods!) you can usually feel when you land directly onto weed, your looking for a thud type landing on the bottom and little to no resistance when you initially bring it in.

Whilst bringing in the heavy lead, if you do it slow enough you can feel the contours of the bottom of the lake, it takes practice but if you get it right you can find all kinds of great spots on the bottom, like shallows, silty drop offs etc. once your confident your lead isn't directly laying on the weed, clip up your line to your reel then every cast should land in roughly the same spot, away from weed and snag and you know exactly what your fishing :)

I'd apply this technique to any fishing personally, if you don't know whats on the bottom, how deep it is, what are the features etc your only giving yourself half a chance :)

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