Monster bass aug 3 to present (pics)

i'll chime in...

i love fish pix. i love fish stories. i love that peeps share them on forums like this one. :dance: and i also visit other fishing forums that have members from all over the country - there's a wealth of knowledge and entertainment value to be had.

and everyone shares. that's why forums exist, right? correct me if i'm wrong. and when i see big fish, i want to know how they were caught, what was used, what kind of water, time of day, the fight story, and when it comes to bass, if they were released to fight another day. okay, if the poster wishes to disclose location, great. if that location is not too far, i might check out the spot. if it is, then good luck to others who fish there.

i moved to oregon a couple of years ago and have been trying to learn all i can about steelhead and salmon fishing. and this forum provides a wealth of info and great peeps who are extremely helpful. i read all posts, even ones from washington and alaska... and i especially like the ones with pix - and i enjoy them all.

is that wrong? should these fish pix be deleted coz they're not caught in oregon? :think:

i'll go now... many more fish reports and pix to check out... :D

oh, nice hawgs btw, indy-dooood... keep them coming, i say...
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You know, I too just love to see fish pictures. As you can tell from my posts catching is not what I:clap: do best as I haven't posted any pics yet. I wonder if we shoould have an out of the area part of the site. I have a lot of friends that fish in Washington, and some of us may be headed that way sometime and want to take a rod. Anyway, keep thiose pictures coming, and especially the ones with the kids. They are great. Thanks, Dan U
Agreed. I think a Fishing By Location; "Fishing Abroad" section is in order.

As well as Fishing by Location; Columbia River.

(Nothing better than pictures, with a good story,(or bad story for that matter) to go with it;)....)
A separate category for out of state fish sounds like a good idea to me:clap::clap: Makes it a win-win situation for the both viewpoints represented in this thread, not a zero sum game. I'll PM Anatoily and see what he thinks...
Get over yourselves!

Get over yourselves!

Okay,you want opinions,I have one...surprise! It DOES NOT MATTER WHERE YOU CATCH YOUR FISH,IF YOU POST A PICTURE OF IT ON OREGON FISHING FORUM,THANK YOU! The forum,as a whole appreciates them and would love to see more. For the ones who do not want to look at them and appreciate the skill,time and effort you put into them,I suggest they glance quickly and turn away from the screen while they blindly try to remember where the keys are so they can get to another thread. Good Lord,get off your high horse and get your collective noses out of the air before you get a nose full of goose poose! We have a wonderful member in Ireland. What do you think the chances are of him being able to post pictures of OREGON fish??? I will sit and look at fish pictures from any dang place they come from! Think about it, we espouse "freedom of speech",do you honestly think we are going to shun "freedom of pictures"? I say get over it and go fish!

Be safe.
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Nice fish. Damn jealous.... something about catching lunkers on light line... adds to the thrill! I need to find some good spots on the Willamette, I've never bass fished it, looks like you did a good job there too, repped.

Out of state

Out of state

I also believe that an out of state link would be pretty cool for those of us that take a trip and want to bring back some photos of our catch. When I click on the bass link I always look forward to see where in my AREA the fish are biting and what guys are using or lake conditions so I guess that is why there is such controversy with this. There needs to be two separate areas for the postings.
Having people from out of state posting on this website can be a good thing for several reason but I will give you my #1 reason I enjoy it.

Quite simple it is about knowlege. For those of you who fish the drop shot or swimmbaits do you know where they methods started? Here is a hint, So Cal. Yes there were people fishing these methods for many years, but the torneys in So Cal is where they came to light to most of the general public. Getting info from differnt parts of the county is one of the best ways of showing the bass a differnt look. I remember about 10 years ago everyone was fishing tubes and chances are that every river you fished for smallies the fish had aready seen a tube. Then senko's hit the market. It took a while before most people in Oregon were fishing them but now most of the bigger smallies in Oregon have seen a senko or two. So what is the next craze? Chances are that there is aready a few new lures out there being fished in other parts of the country that few people in Oregon have ever heard of.

I for one welcome info from other parts of the country. I have been hearing talk about a new soft plastic being used by locals in Florida the last few months but have yet to see a pic of this lure. Will this be the next big thing?
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I Love Oregon, but Oregon isn't the only western state i've fished & loved parts of.

I've done a whole lot of fishin' in CA, & some in NV, AZ, WA, MT, ID, etc. I grew up an Army brat, lived in many beautiful states in our Great Country & some overseas.

I Love All the beautiful pictures from Everywhere.


Have a Wonderful Day Sisters & Brothers............:)
indymusky said:
thanks for the compliments i appreciate it, and for u other people chill out i was just showing some pictures of some fish. and their not the same fish and if ur not blind u can tell that, ive also never kept a bass in my entire life and i post these so maybe some1 could get some good advice and lay into some lunker bass. i hate it when u get people on forums that are so negative because their havin a hard time on the lake, its a joke and you should be taking advice and maybe youll catch some nice fish one day..

I will say that you definitely know bass and if your lucky enuff to be where the biggins are well Id say the pics speak for them selves Nice fish dude iId listen to pick up any thing you want to throw down!
If you have ever fished or lived in socal ull know that fishing techniques hot spots or even a decent report from a lake out here is near impossible. These lakes are highly pressured and make fishing very diffacult unless you have your own technique or secret overlooked spot that no1 fishes and once some1 gets on one it usually stays with em. I moved here a while back from indiana and worked at the bass pro shops in portage for a good period of time and fished just about everyday. I thought i was a good bass fisherman until i got to socal. It took more then two months of fishing just about everyday to land my first fish. Every person i would go up to on the lake wouldnt tell me much of anything. So one day i ran into mike long a big bass record holder in many aspects and he told me that light line natural colored robos will catch fish for you on just about any given day. And ever since i havent had a fishing experience of catching less then five healthy bass on every trip to any lake new or one ive fished for years. This was two years ago and thats a pretty good streak. and its a fishing technique that shouldnt be a secret
i caught this fish in spr. at my fav pond this is what a oregon bass looks like caught it mid of june i thought july but i was wrong hope ya injoy
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didn't take the time to read the whole post, but if this is in Cali, arent you supposed to display your license at all times while fishing?? anyways..beautiful fish..
i think that's an oregon bass... he sez:

specialk0082 said:
this is what a oregon bass looks
tbox said:
didn't take the time to read the whole post, but if this is in Cali, arent you supposed to display your license at all times while fishing?? anyways..beautiful fish..

I lived down thar fer several lustrums.

you can chain license to a belt loop on levi's

This thread was started as an advertisement for Matt Lures / robo worms. They look like a good product... but Im new here, so I am just speaking from opinion, not experience. I am not into SPAM. :mad:
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