Miami River chums!

Today there were two older guys (50-60) standing IN the hole, which pushed all the fish to the frog water, where they were "fishing" for them with just a corkie and a Large hook. Most fish came in backwards or dorsal first. Then they would net them and pose for pics holding them by the gill plate. Just the worst ethics ever. real talk. Sad.
I could barely see them down stream Sunday, but it looked like some dentists were down there "fishing" the shallow flats. "setting the hook" without getting bit. 50 to 60 year olds should definitely know better and be held up by THEIR gill plates for photos!

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Any spot that is easily accessible, combined with easy fishing= A bunch of yahoos.

You know about 20 minutes north&south there's rivers loaded with fresh kings.

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Yessir. Very true but....The guide boats were in my way!!! Lol

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I know troutmasta I hate it when people seriously, chums are not hard to catch at all..catch them legit please. Holding them by the gill plate is the icing on the cake...doesn't even look professional. Yep there's always snaggers in the shallow water on the miami snagging spawning salmon..instead of catching fresh ones.
Picked up two dime bright chubby coho chasing some chum this weekend out there. They liked lime green.
Alright then! A couple of fresh coho to take home was certainly icing on the cake I bet!

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i hope that wasn't you guys flossing/snagging spawners on tiny egg patterns with sink tips & no indicator +10ft leader. it was 3 guys in the tailout right above the high bank below the bridge.there were a bunch of spawning fish in 2ft of water and the dudes were just swinging right through them.makes me sick to my stomach seeing that stuff. was an older guy and 2 young guys.they were trampling redds too.

at any rate,
i absolutely smacked the most chrome chums ive ever caught on my 8wt that day.just all pretty,hard fighting fish. a lot were covered in sea lice which was cool.

there were snaggers around but not a ton. fished till 12:30 caught 18 fish,only lost 2. 4 were on a baitcaster with a jig,the rest were with xtra large thingamabobber and a pink/white lead eyed leech pattern on my junky old 8wt. had to stick my hand in a few mouths filled with teeth they kept taking the fly so deep. was as easy as nymphing for trout.
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No definitely not us, none of us had a sink tip and we weren't swinging flies or using egg we were fishing 7-10 ft deep holes haha. Were u there last Saturday? That's when we went...

We only snagged one or two out of the 25 we caught and those were completely accidental, but it does happen occasionally when you're fly fishing for them. And really, there's no incentive to snag-they are a pain in the butt to get in and fighting them feels like dragging in a log.

Great report! Nice to hear you caught some fish, looks like a good stretch of water you were fishing.
Another thought, our leader definitely wasn't ten feet haha...we were using about 4 feet of random 1x tippet we found in the back of the car.

Also, not sure you could've identified the exact fly, leader length, and line type of a person fly fishing unless you were right next to them, and even then..
well,when you walk by up or downstream of someone you tend to look at there gear...? haha. do you not talk to people on the river and ask what they are using and make conversation? i for one sure do. i'm probably the most anti snag person on this website if you didn't catch that already,so i don't think it's very wise hinting at that.just sayin

but good to hear that wasn't you guys. cause the dudes im talking about give us fly guys a bad rep with everyone else. it's sad stuff.definitely gets under the skin. looks like you had a good trip!

definitely was a good weekend. ill be back to end the chum season and go after some chinooks in that area this week.hopefully we get more rain to bring some fresh fish in before it's over
Remember B closes on the 15th I think. ^^
After the rain this weekend I'll be a river or two south of there!
have it in my fishing binder! thanks for the reminder dude. friday is the plan for me,then off to a couple rivers south of there for the rest of the weekend. maybe ill see you on the water.
Yep no offensive intended there, I do tend to talk to fishermen lol was just wondering! And ya there's quite a few anti-snag people on here (me being one of them)
BaldTexan said:
Yeah. It's almost like we posted on the internet that the chum were biting! LOL. I was really surprised by the number of people fishing it Sunday but I found room to wiggle in and have some fun and there were still fresh biters coming up river.

Please Please I respectfully ask you to please stop talking about this little river on the internet... It cannot handle the pressure that a post like this can cause... and also a 10-15 min fight for a catch and release fishery is way to long imo.
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This fishery is closed.

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Great update Sapo! had a blast there last Monday. Loads of Chum to be had. Another Sage rod bites the dust....
Hey seaslayer the fights weren't legit 10-15 mins..more like 3-6 but you know how fishermen exaggerate..and yep it's closed, I'll post what I want on the internet to share info with people. Posting on OFF, btw, does not have a huge influence on a fishery at all...maybe a couple more people there. Big deal. So do you own the Miami river? No you don't so you can't tell me whether I can or cannot share info about this river..Again, this post probably caused 5 more people to head down there, and they'll probably have forgotten about it by next year. I'm sorry but really gets on my nerves when people say that stuff.

ps the fishery can handle an extra person, that river gets stacked with chums

Also thanks pdxstruve!!
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Hey Sapo actually yes I am a land owner on this River. And yes posts like these do cause an influx of people with no respect for private property or the fish they are snagging. I wasn't flaming just asking respectfully to keep in mind the impact of posts like these... If you have to elbow in on this little stream then there are to many people fishing it. Also please respect no trespassing signs.. I have had to remind several people of the laws.
Thanks for the polite response haha, sorry I did get a little heated. Ya thought u might own some land but ppl can fish the public property if they want..and agreed you shouldn't have to elbow in but EC is a fishery and it's a little more than elbowing in lol.

But I still don't think these posts cause many more people to fish it

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