Dirty Bird
So lately i've been fishing Fairview lake intensely and on a good night my buddies an I caught 22 yellow bullheads ranging from 5" to 8"... nothing special but quite of few of em will make a meal
lol. Recently I caught a common carp there too! Whopping 11" and hardly put up a fight though he was a lil fiesty guy. Not too long ago though i've seen tons of them and now not so much... spawning season is coming closer to an end though I still see them here an there surfacing. Also, found a can of corn someone was using to bait them. Kinda against the law and unethical. I've used corn there many times and only got nibbles probably from the cats. Main reason for hopping on tonight was to find out some tactics on bull trout since i'm going to Lake Billy Chinook this saturday through monday an renting a boat. Guess i'll find the appropriate area to post and hop to.