Legalize selling sport caught fish.

Sean! I conceed......Tony
I don't think anything that is a wild resource should ever be seen in any market, ever.

Not commercial, nor privately acquired.

If you are not personally resourceful enough to acquire what you want. To bad. Go enjoy your feed lot produced proteins.

The list of bad that would come from something like this would be disgusting.
RunWithSasquatch said:
I don't think anything that is a wild resource should ever be seen in any market, ever.

Not commercial, nor privately acquired.

If you are not personally resourceful enough to acquire what you want. To bad. Go enjoy your feed lot produced proteins.

The list of bad that would come from something like this would be disgusting.

I personally would also like to see an end one day to commercial fishing. I also would like to see an end to timber harvesting for offshore markets and the end of harvesting any natural resource for non domestic use.
RunWithSasquatch said:
If you are not personally resourceful enough to acquire what you want. To bad. Go enjoy your feed lot produced proteins.


How bout the silicon used to make these computers? That surely is a resource somewhere that we bought and have no idea how to mine for.
Or water that we drink, sell, use to produce electricity.
Clothing, fuel, etc......
Not trying to sound wise but that would take us back about a 150 years.

I think that the fact that we as a people are diverse in our skills and resources strengthens us, however it needs to be regulated.

The problem I think with a program like this is that, everyone who has the knowledge to fill a tag would. I know quite a few people who dont fill thier tag every year, that would dissolve. Hatchery tags would be sold to everyone cause they would max out their tags.

If you could sell a chrome steel for just 25.00 thats 750.00 bucks right there, not including a halibut or a sturgeon (BIG MONEY).

It would change the scope of the fishing for so many people that it would have a dramatic effect on fisheries.

Being the liberal _______ that I am, I say regulate! (which is what we are doing now)
OK I've got this figured out. No need for sports folks to sell a hatchery fish or two. Next time I see that fellow from Kanasas or Oaklahoma who wants to buy my fish, I'll give it to them. Of course I'll sugesst that he might be given me a bottle of 12yr old Jameson as a gift. :)

Exporting logs to the otherside of the world drives me crazy. When I go through Longview or even when I am in Astoria I see thousands of logs loaded onto foreign ships headed across the waters. When I was a young lad and shipped in the US Merchant Mareine we hauled finshed lumber from American mills on American ships. I can remember at 17 my first port of call was Astoria where we loaded lumber bound for Da Nang. Now I see no American Flag ships down there just foreign vessels hauling American logs and jobs away to foreign shores.

I apologize to the OP for hijacking his thread.;) are looking at this all wrong. The rules do not have to stay static. ODF&W could put a limit on the number of hatchery tags a person could have. They could lower the number of fish allocated on a hatchery tag and they could put in a rule that all hatchery tag fish for sale must be caught on barbless hooks. Why this opens up a vast new area for liberals to regulate. The money the state recieves from the sale of the permits could even be used to increase hatchery production. If every hatchery put more fish in the river there would be more fish to catch. Why they could even set up zones on river that were exclusively to be used by sorts fishermen who intended sell there fish. Sort of on a side channel or something. This would bring a lot more diverse folks to the river so you would have the opportunity to meet more people and share time with them.
Irishrover said: are looking at this all wrong. The rules do not have to stay static. ODF&W could put a limit on the number of hatchery tags a person could have. They could lower the number of fish allocated on a hatchery tag and they could put in a rule that all hatchery tag fish for sale must be caught on barbless hooks. Why this opens up a vast new area for liberals to regulate. The money the state recieves from the sale of the permits could even be used to increase hatchery production. If every hatchery put more fish in the river there would be more fish to catch. Why they could even set up zones on river that were exclusively to be used by sorts fishermen who intended sell there fish. Sort of on a side channel or something. This would bring a lot more diverse folks to the river so you would have the opportunity to meet more people and share time with them.
I just threw up in my mouth a little...;)
Irishrover said:
Troutmasta... Why this opens up a vast new area for liberals to regulate. .

:lol: Best response ever!

and now I'm in!
Theres no money in halibut... Trust me- ;)
I agree but I would also add that fish farming for retail sale should end as well.

This was meant as a response to the runswithsquatch post.
When I lived in California I gave most of my fish to poor people to enjoy. I was catching limits almost every trip and could never eat as much as I had. My wife taught kindergarten in a very low income neighborhood. I would go catch trout and channel cats and fillet and bag them up. My wife would bring the fish to her school and distribute to people who otherwise couldn't afford to eat healthy. Without starting an argument on economics and social status, my idea would be setting up a charity to provide fish to people who really could use it. If there were a tax write off in it would you guys donate? You would still be able to offset your license and gear costs, just with a tax credit instead.
I see what you mean. However if you could sell your fish you could use the money to but the economicly disadavantaged items that they really may need like clothing or shoes. Heck might be able to buy them some fishing gear so they could fish too. That would be a write off also. Just a thought.
Knot Fishing Sober said:
When I lived in California I gave most of my fish to poor people to enjoy. I was catching limits almost every trip and could never eat as much as I had. My wife taught kindergarten in a very low income neighborhood. I would go catch trout and channel cats and fillet and bag them up. My wife would bring the fish to her school and distribute to people who otherwise couldn't afford to eat healthy. Without starting an argument on economics and social status, my idea would be setting up a charity to provide fish to people who really could use it. If there were a tax write off in it would you guys donate? You would still be able to offset your license and gear costs, just with a tax credit instead.
I like it!

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