Killer carp!

bigsteel said:
we should have a strain of sea run carp and train them not to come back:lol::lol:

Drew9870 said:
I have caught trout out of the Willamette, you want to say they don't maintain themselves in a sewer, or 'is that different'. The Carp didn't choose to live in the Willamette, they have a higher tolerance for pollutants, is this a bad thing? What about all the Steely's that run through the sewer, just because they pass through the Willy doesn't mean they didn't soak up any of it's wonderful flavor, Sturgeon maintain themselves in a sewer, does that bother anyone?

exactly steelhead have the sence to get out of that sewer as fast as fish shouold have to put up witht he willamette garbage.i have never caught trout in the willamette so i wouldnt instead of having native fish or possibly cleanin up the willamette your solution is too have fish that can handly pollutants:wall::wall:
Drew9870 said:
I have caught trout out of the Willamette, you want to say they don't maintain themselves in a sewer, or 'is that different'. The Carp didn't choose to live in the Willamette, they have a higher tolerance for pollutants, is this a bad thing? What about all the Steely's that run through the sewer, just because they pass through the Willy doesn't mean they didn't soak up any of it's wonderful flavor, Sturgeon maintain themselves in a sewer, does that bother anyone?

I'm glad you mentioned sturgeon. I've always felt like sturgeon were like a giant carp and people love sturgeon but turn their noses at the thought of eating carp.
TTFishon said:
I'm glad you mentioned sturgeon. I've always felt like sturgeon were like a giant carp and people love sturgeon but turn their noses at the thought of eating carp.

Yeah, no kidding, I don't see why a Sturgeon wouldn't eat what a Carp would eat. I think my special Carp rigs would work the same magic with Sturgeon, hooking them before they exhale the bait. Sturgeon feed the same way, but just because they are native (I think), no one wants to believe they uproot plants and stir up sediments, Right?

Bigsteel, you make it sound like I said ''so instead of having native fish or possibly cleanin up the willamette my solution is too have fish that can handle pollutants''

Nonsense, where did you get this nonsense? From which one of my postings did you read that I would like to replace native fish with fish that can tolerate more pollutants, I get bored enough to switch to fishing for something more aggressive once in a while, why would I ever make that statement?
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cause you always make statements how well carp survive in our waters,,and how theyre your favorite fish,,,,,1+1 equals 2
bigsteel said:
cause you always make statements how well carp survive in our waters,,and how theyre your favorite fish,,,,,1+1 equals 2

1+1 actually = 11 in this case.

I have also stated that if I am not fishing for Carp, I would rather fish for something native like Trout, Salmon, or Steelhead. Where I fish, you are lucky to catch 1 carp, 3 carp would be considered a good day, so overpopulation is nothing to worry about. What was I out doing yesterday? Fishing Mill Creek, catching native Rainbows between 12-17 inches on bread balls of all things. Why do I fish for/favor Carp? Because all the other fish are so easy to figure out, they are way too predictable, Trout are the easiest fish in the world to understand imho, easier than Bass sometimes. Maybe I like Carp because I feel like chasing something different in my life, and they aren't like all the other fish that have tons of pressure put on them, Oregon is like a giant fish tank with all of its hatchery trash, and I choose to fish for the wild exotic species. Is it wrong that I make a sport out of what everyone else hates?

In no way have I ever made the (nondirect) statement that I would like to replace natives with pollutant resistant fish, I don't know what brought you to make up this nonsense.
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have at the carp,no one is telling you not to.....carp are by no means exotic though,they are invaders period,,,any fish is easy to figure out,,get the offering in their face....
bigsteel said:
have at the carp,no one is telling you not to.....carp are by no means exotic though,they are invaders period,,,any fish is easy to figure out,,get the offering in their face....

If European Carp are by no means exotic, then please, provide me with the definition of exotic. You always have something different to disagree upon with me.

Now that you say Carp are by no means exotic makes me question what end you are talking out of.
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peacock bass
wow those look like a tough challenge,,ill bet theyde take a dry fly
Open your mind, Silver Carp don't even have a sucker mouth, they feed primarily mid depth-surface hence why they readily jump. Common Carp is Euro, Silver Carp is Asian, just because they come from the Cyprinidae Group doesn't make them all the same. Asian Carp are filter feeders, meaning they eat plankton, Common Carp are bottom feeders that have a completely different way of life.

I'm pretty sure you could catch those dumb Asian Carp on a false cast. Peacock Bass are a type of cichlid, you want to say they live the same lifestyle as an Angelfish, because thats the same scenerio with your input on the Asian Carp and Euro Carp, Asians are primarily Vegan and will consume everything leaving no cover for small fish and no food source for smaller fish.

The last thing everyone wants is for other people to view these as a sportfish, this thread is full of hate, and everyone else is getting off on that, you guys make me sick with all of your negative input, you go out of your way to find more negative resources just to feel happy for yourselves and your precious native fish. If this world had only the few fish you people feel serve a purpose, then it would be a boring, sad world. You all disgust me, you are the invasives for competing with the Salmon Steelhead populations, if anyone really cared for the populations, they would quit going after them.
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Hey calm down drew. Nobody 'Hates' anything here. Can't you take a joke?
Bigsteel's input is not expressed as a joke, he gets off when I go off and always has something different to question/state.
lighten up,,,i dont care what u fish for,,,but if your trying to convince me carp belong here,,your beating a dead horse,,,were havin fun
I am not trying to convince anyone Carp belong here, I am saying and have said Carp can fit in the ecosystem, this statement will probably attract more attacks, but obviously they fit in considering they just have very little room to overpopulate with all the predator species. Salmon and Steelhead don't lay eggs in the Willamette, so Carp can't really compete with them. When it comes to the Willamette, I honestly don't see why people get so overwhelmed about Carp, I would worry more about the overpopulating (but native) Squawfish and Sculpins (I don't think Sculpins are native, but I don't see how they aren't).

Carp fishermen have a way of making it sound like they look up to these fish like a god, but that's coming from the point of view of a regular fisherperson, in reality, Carp fishermen just try their hardest to explain these fish can be just as much of a sport as anything else, and require specific tactics just like any other fish. We sound the way we do because we want to see a new generation of people that treat these fish with just as much respect as anything else.
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eggs said:
I have also 'heard' that drying the contents of a carps stomach then grind it up and snorting it will product results simular to LSD..

I would suspect somebody is merely looking for a good laugh at your expense. However, the occurrence of actual success might completely outweigh the risk of failure. But I mean that was my cousin typing.

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