Jig fishing for nutria

I faintly remember watching something on tv years ago where they were talking about people actually getting paid to go out and kill those things because they were such a nuisance and invasive. I don't remember where, somewhere down south I think. They were riding around in the back of a pickup plinking em off with a .22.
Nutria Trappers in Louisiana.....

Also they are trapping them in Maryland to save the wetlands.....

And here in PDX the people are actually eating them and calling it green....


I may forward them this gumbo .
Yes Louisiana has a site that includes a recipe page called "Nutria for Human Consumtion" http://www.nutria.com/site20.php

I am going to go get me a nutria and have one of these girls make me a gumbo..

Nutria are EVERYWHERE in Oregon. In the spring they are all over the banks of canals in Klamath and in EVERY lake on the coast. The are becoming a very bad problem here on the south coast.
Coastaldweller said:
Nutria are EVERYWHERE in Oregon. In the spring they are all over the banks of canals in Klamath and in EVERY lake on the coast. The are becoming a very bad problem here on the south coast.

I have seen 2 of them(dead) near hauser hit by cars on hwy 101. Both of them on the bridge that goes over the slough on hwy 101 at north bay road.
i want to go some where and shot them with my .17 hmr and my bow any one open to make a new friend lol
Ntofishing said:
WOW!! I never even knew these things existed. One thing I would ask is where in the state they are most likely to be?? There are a few of us in the down south that could put a hurt on these things. LOL!!

Expo Ponds, front pond, last week. Was startled by one leaving its burrow on the vertical bank, and at first thought it was a beaver. Swims fast. Big SOB.

They are an invasive species and reproduce like bunnies. Just big rodents.

And they are everywhere.

i rember seeing that a long time ago on insomniac with Dave attel lol
Anybody here ever try these for crab bait? Some like a 2 birds with one stone situation. Get rid of an invasive species AND get some bait outta the deal
^^^^ That would probably work pretty well, I bet they're oily enough to put a lot of stink into the water. It's totally legal to kill them, although it may not be legal to discharge a gun within some city limits, you can find nutria in every body of water larger than a puddle, seems like. :(
troutdude said:
Until now, I had thought the funniest thing I saw caught while fishing was a turtle! Come to think of it, I had to unhook a sea gull once. But, a nutria...now that is FUNNY!

BTW, Nutria were once farmed raised all over Oregon. They were raised for meat and pelts. My boss (who raised 'em w/ his pa and grandpa), claims they taste good w/ the proper diet. I'm not sure what that means; but I'm sure as heck NOT gonna find out either!!!

My boss has become famous in our area, for his traveling slideshow: "Nutria - the other White Meat"! It's HYSTERICAL!!!
There was an episode of Anthony Bourdain's show where he ate one in the bayou with some trapper. Looked pretty gamey.

I shot every one I could as a kid, with whatever projectiles were at hand. They're vermin and invasive, and cause huge destruction to river banks and trees, I've even had one jump out in front of my bike when I was commuting through Eugene one time and just about fell off when I hit it. :(

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