Is it just me!!!!????

bythesea said:
I'm soooo confused ...."Forums have not helped that's for sure explanation point" but @ the top of the page you just said "Its not the fishing forums!"I guess I just think fishing forums are nothing But help!!

Well, its not the first time you have been confused I'm sure. I said its not forums that are causing the over populated rivers. Its the high unemployment rate, the great fishing last year and it being the holiday season. The river crowds will go down like every year. I also said forums don't help the issue but they are not what is causing the crowds.
steelhead_stalkers said:
I said its not forums that are causing the over populated rivers. Its the high unemployment rateholiday season. The river crowds will go I .
First thing that came to my mind this year when I took my first trip to the Slaw for fall Chinook..Was a wednesday that looked like a Saturday at peak time.
I think the forums are helpful and have only a small part in the crowding. Steelhead stalkers got the right idea. Kinda odd that someone posting on a forum is complaining that they cause problems. If you don't want to be helpful on a forum then maybe you should think twice about participating at all on one.

As for the three rivers has been really slow. I have been taking my daughter there. We have only hooked up twice over the past week. One keeper and one native. I have only seen two other keepers and one other native caught. Hopefully it will pick up soon. But it is still early..
SteelmonKiller20 said:
First thing that came to my mind this year when I took my first trip to the Slaw for fall Chinook..Was a wednesday that looked like a Saturday at peak time.

2011 was our first King/Coho season in Florence and the Slaw was really only crowded on the weekends; 2012 it was much more crowded and there were more guide boats working out of the marina.

we concluded that the economy had improved enough that more people were spending money in 2012 on gas and boats and guided fishing trips.
If you don't want to fish around people, go fish where there aren't any. If you can't find a place with winters and no people or very few, you aren't trying very hard. I have no problem finding water that has had little to no pressure on even the busiest systems during a holiday weekend.
Just my 2 cents - I went to the Slaw when it was a bit over 10 feet and it was dead, only a few people around. I landed a nice buck but didn't post here cause i didn't want to be the first guy to do it and send the masses down there. I know a few fish were caught, and THE NEXT DAY was packed and 2 days later it was a zoo. no one posted anything on this forum - so word didn't spread through here. I think everyonw was waiting for the levels to go down, the forum had nothing to do with it.
Wherever you fish a popular river someone else already probably knows about your "secret spot". I'm usually friendly to other fisherman and if someone else is around I find another hole. The only time I get mad is when I land one or release a native and people move right to where I was fishing. That's about the only time I get territorial. Also hate seeing snag fishing. Something my stepdad and uncles tell me that's true is there are no secret spots just people that don't want to share.
I believe that the unemployment comment is dead on.. I used to fish Mult channel all week and be basicly alone with the exeption of the ole timers and a handfull of guides.. in the last four year it has been ridiculous, Im so effing happy that sturgeon is now just catch and release... but the forums have a great deal to do with the report chasers on like the kilches, nestucca, sandy and clack.. but report chasers don't catch many fish.. so its invisible pressure and shouldn't effect catching stats.. good fishermen are good fishermen and report chasers are dreamers and ineffective- Brad
If you chase reports your usually going to be a day late
steelhead_slayer said:
If you chase reports your usually going to be a day late
Damn straight there!
The last 2 seasons have been off the hook! I think this year will be a little more normal. Hopefully tougher fishing thins some of the weak out!

December can be a dicey month for steelhead!
steelhead_slayer said:
If you chase reports your usually going to be a day late

Didn't chase reports to go , it was the last day for me and my buddys 2012 tag/license and he had the day off so we went. I don't chase reports at all really. I know the peak times.

I remember when i could first take off in the boat on my own many moons ago circa 1988. To me and my fishing buddies winter steelhead started thanksgiving break come hell or high water . That's when we started regardless of ' run timing'...excitement and enthusiasm overruled those in the know or what odfw said if you CALLED ( no internuts back then ). I don't think the fish think ' hmm, we must start moving on x date because that's what the books say. ' we would manage to get a fish or two every now and then even that early in the season.Without crowds. Amazing how how something often called youthful inexperience led to more fun and sometimes unexpected success then it does now. I think i just had an epiphany :think:
Oops, just to clarify that was not directed at anyone. Just a statement to go along with the post before it
Don't go chasin waterfalls!
Hey Bran man if it makes you feel any better I still haven't landed my first steelhead EVER although I hooked four last summer which isn't very good considering how many times I went so I am on at least a two year skunk for steelhead...But hopefully that will change this winter....Hopefully, Oh and by the way I work at the world's foremost outfitter so no shortage on people to give me tips and knowledge so I feel like I somewhat know what I am doing but maybe I don't.

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