I'm going fishin.....woot woot

What print shop did you work for Andy? I currently work for Shelton-Turnbull Printers here in Eugene (I'm the mailservice manager currently).
Thuggin4Life said:
That's crazy man I had a sweet job printing that I worked up through season floor help right before the rush died down and got on a press. Even worked a few different shifts randomly as needed until finally settled into graveyard. Learned all 3 and had a really nice career until they closed the plant. Get at me be cool to talk with a fellow printer about things not to many understand.

Good luck fishing.

Nice man! Was it Koke Printing?
Thuggin4Life said:
That's crazy man I had a sweet job printing that I worked up through season floor help right before the rush died down and got on a press. Even worked a few different shifts randomly as needed until finally settled into graveyard. Learned all 3 and had a really nice career until they closed the plant. Get at me be cool to talk with a fellow printer about things not to many understand.

Good luck fishing.

Ha! I've worked at a printing company since 1991...but I've never worked on the floor, just accounting/IT. Let's talk about plates, proofs, hickeys, color bars, registration, scoring and double webs :)
Loved telling the new guys (in the middle of an emergency) to go and demand the eyes-a-trometer from the foreman "Why are you laughing, sir, he needs it NOW!!" hahaha :)
Back before digital pretty much took over prep, it was also fun to tell people that we had strippers and stripping tables at work ;)
ChezJfrey said:
Back before digital pretty much took over prep, it was also fun to tell people that we had strippers and stripping tables at work ;)

LOL yeah, My first day at work I was sorting plate files with this cutie from imaging, I'm 17 and ask her what she did, "Oh, I'm a stripper." :shock::shock::shock:
:clap: :lol:
Yo,printer guys...start yer own thread...:protest::doh::wall:
lilsalmon said:
Norpac in Stayton......I tried to keep good thoughts in my head all day while I pulled the icky parts of the green peppers out...it was really hard. When I looked at the clock and seen it was 45 minutes to lunch I started singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall in my head.....in 45 minutes I actually killed about 46 bottles of beer....might have stumbled a few times and taken a potty break so that really isn't an accurate count....:lol::lol:

Will catch lots of fish and take a lot of pics...for our report, of course.

seeya sunday!! might rain but oh well!
Rain is amazing. I miss fishing in rain. You guys are lucky
your all banned for hijacking...hehe...JK
You won't need luck tommorrow Rose-;)
halibuthitman said:
You won't need luck tommorrow Rose-;)

Promise? What will I need then.....:D
lilsalmon said:
Promise? What will I need then.....:D
a positive outlook and a redbull-
GraphiteZen said:
Loved telling the new guys (in the middle of an emergency) to go and demand the eyes-a-trometer from the foreman "Why are you laughing, sir, he needs it NOW!!" hahaha :)

Sorry, Just one more.....

We used to send them across the alley to the other print shop to borrow a bottle of half tone dots. :lol: I finally took a little yellow Kodak fluid bottle and made a label that said: Half Tone Dots 50% black 50% white. I never got it back though. :lol:

30 years in the trade makes for some great memories.....

I started on an AB Dick and ended as a "Scanner Operator/Color Separator" at least until digital cameras and desktop scanners came along.......

halibuthitman said:
a positive outlook and a redbull-

haha Hell yes.
got the attitude...will coffee work? I better get some sleep so I can be there.......see ya in a few hours Brad
GDBrown said:
Sorry, Just one more.....

We used to send them across the alley to the other print shop to borrow a bottle of half tone dots. :lol: I finally took a little yellow Kodak fluid bottle and made a label that said: Half Tone Dots 50% black 50% white. I never got it back though. :lol:

30 years in the trade makes for some great memories.....

I started on an AB Dick and ended as a "Scanner Operator/Color Separator" at least until digital cameras and desktop scanners came along.......


lol... That's pretty funny. We better stop. Barb is gonna blast us both. :D
Have a great time rose!! It smelled like cool moist rain is on the way air this morning :) it was amazing.
Had a great time....fished with Brad and Dave and caught a few nice trout.....It was great to get out but now am feeling kind of ill.....can't work tomorrow either if the peppers aren't done......

We know what cool moist air means...hehe

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