I havent killed a trophy animal but im gonna disagree with that post specifically with the can't match that feeling with fishing, its pretty relative to the person though. Because any time I catch a big fish and get to see it swim away the feeling is about as good as it gets in my mind, and I know that when I catch the next Oregon state record bass again or any trophy size/record class fish, hopefully on film weigh it and then let it go what that will mean to me is far more rewarding, its not calling in an elk for a few days or weeks, but its every bit of my free time and energy for the last 5 years and really my whole life thus far culminating to one spectacular moment when my mission is accomplished and all my hard work and dedication has payed off! (In my mind) that is as monumental of a rush as I could ever ask for. To me fooling a record class fish on an artificial is an art and in my case it has taken tons of dedication years of time but provided me with a goal to set my sights on, and at the end of the day it is just a fish im after but it surely isn't easy to catch, But its also a lot more than that its an unexplainable thing what fishing is to me the whole experience combined is just a lot more.