ok bud calm down it is a nice fish. just sayinf that you can hold it close without bear huggin it. there will always be dissbelievers but i know the umpqua and there are monsters in that rive. aboviously i have seen a few landed but seen even more on and even got to feel one for at least 30 minutes before i ruff housed it and broke my 17lb leader yes 17lb besause i nknow about the possibiluites of a monster. and we are entilted to be cridicts.thats what we as a race do. its in our genesspecially our fishing jeans. big fish bad pose. pretty sure most will agree and thats what they have ben saying all along. if you like i can start doing the arm strech for all my 12" trout to make them, look biggeri fthat makes you feel better. sorry that some of us dont like the arm stretch mathod that you obviously prefere and stand by. just makes the fisdhing story more believable in later yeasrs. and sorry about the typing but its a saturday night and its lat so you do the math. guy must be your buddy or something or you wouldn't be so defensive. good night all.