Huge Umpqua Steelhead

ok bud calm down it is a nice fish. just sayinf that you can hold it close without bear huggin it. there will always be dissbelievers but i know the umpqua and there are monsters in that rive. aboviously i have seen a few landed but seen even more on and even got to feel one for at least 30 minutes before i ruff housed it and broke my 17lb leader yes 17lb besause i nknow about the possibiluites of a monster. and we are entilted to be cridicts.thats what we as a race do. its in our genesspecially our fishing jeans. big fish bad pose. pretty sure most will agree and thats what they have ben saying all along. if you like i can start doing the arm strech for all my 12" trout to make them, look biggeri fthat makes you feel better. sorry that some of us dont like the arm stretch mathod that you obviously prefere and stand by. just makes the fisdhing story more believable in later yeasrs. and sorry about the typing but its a saturday night and its lat so you do the math. guy must be your buddy or something or you wouldn't be so defensive. good night all.
special bounus to guess weight on both since one is a skinny member shirtless and one is an average built member layered for the weater. and only 3lbs diferent between the fish. pictures seem to say a bigger gab so just goes to add to the subject on how to make the camera work best for making a fish look big. my guess would have an 8lb gap but iknow the fish since both were in my baot on the same scale.
18 and 21 ;)
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BlackBass said:
Next time you hold a monster fish make sure you bear hug it. So that people do not claim your long arming it. The guy is said to be 106 lbs and 4' tall. So there it is . Sometimes its easier to say nice fish and not be skeptical

Why would you ever need to bear hug a big fish? Here's a good example of holding a big fish without long arming it and making it look bigger at the same time:


BTW I've said nice fish all along, just wish there was a better picture to really show off the fish.
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double post... oops
Oh ya... Check out this PIG!


Not even long-armin' and still looks huge!

:lol:... sorry couldn't resist.
eat said:
I just looked back through this thread and only found 1 post that said they thought it was photoshopped. Everybody agrees that it was definitely a big fish, just held at a weird angle. It's definitely a fish of a life time for the large majority of steelheaders.

That being said...There's never a reason to long arm fish for a photo (especially one that large). They'll look plenty big in a normal pose, and you can still make them look bigger than they actually are.

My 1st impression of the photo was that the pic was taken on the North Umpqua not to far above Buttpucker rapid, water color, the moss on the cliffs, knowing that Casey fishes that stretch religiously. But....there is a lot of water that looks like that around Milo and Days creek, and lot's of big natives that return to that section of river. Who knows where it was? Hard to tell from a picture!

That is one hell of a steelhead! Thick like a springer!!! I personally don't think he is long arming the fish in the photo, it is strange how he is holding it though, usually you need to have a solid grip on the wrist of the tail ot hang onto them! He is holding it like someone would hold a dead fish for a pic.
eat said:
That's not exactly true. While a good percentage of female steelhead make repeat spawning runs, only a very very small percentage of males do. Most males use all their energy to spawn with multiple females.

Yeah, this one falls into that small percetage then! this beast is built to last!
From the ifish thread:

Hello everyone. My name is Evan Smith. I caught this fish April 25 2011. I'm not from LaPine. I live in Bend. I caught this fish and have more than enough pictures to validate the size. Casey, my guide for 3 yrs now, is not as big as me, but I know, this is not a Photoshop or doctored picture. My email address is if anyone cares to see more pics I will gladly send u all I have. He was the fish of my life. My brother joined me on the trip, I couldn't do it without him. Any more doubts, let me know.

Casey is the BEST guide on the river. He finds the fish.
Huge Umpqua Steelhead *With New Picture*

Huge Umpqua Steelhead *With New Picture*

Evan sent me some more pictures of his monster fish.


Definitely shows off the fish much better while still showing off its huge size.
eat said:
Evan sent me some more pictures of his monster fish.

Definitely shows off the fish much better while still showing off its huge size.

I know exactly where that fish was caught! I talked to Casey yesterday!

This pic makes the fish look a little more properly proportioned! Nice Buck!
awesome fish!
Sure looks smaller this time around!
Nice fish, doesn't look like a football anymore!
The moral of this story is....don't hold a fish retarded.
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