How much is this gun worth?

capblack said:
hey thuggin. If your still interested in a new rifle for this season, I just picked up a brand new synthetic 30-06 I believe its a model 100. it says MADE IN THE USA on the side. I put a scope, and sling on it, and Im right at $320 or $330 with everything. I can't say how good it shoots yet, I havent even sighted it in, but mossberg makes a good gun, and you can't beat the price. $249 for the rifle NEW!! I dont know how you feel about the synthetic rifles, but I love them for this part of the globe. I have a wood stock on my 7mm and I have to take it apart and refinish it every couple years. (I like to hunt from the brush rather than the cab of my truck) Brian

I have been looking at synthetic since i don't want to do all the exra up keep. And my oars show how well i like to do upkeep on wood.

SantiamDrifter said:
Actually I drive a civic lol. And a Remington 700 in .300 win mag can take down any big game in north america. When I buy something, I buy new! I buy the best I can afford! Why buy an ugly stick when I can afford a G-Loomis. When theres something I want, I save up and buy it.

Hey now I own several uglys.

halibuthitman said:
well, the question of the $1500 mod 700 is a moot point... for mr santiam.. its a fine weapon he knows how to use.. but you don't teach a kid how to drive in a porche roaster, all of the $350 rifles shoot well enough to kill game, but does thuggin? I love my Browning BAR 338, but I only use it in Alaska.. I have a nice ruger no. 1 I shoot at deer with. and I adore the glenfield mod. 30 30/30 win for brushy blacktails.

i think i am a good shot and think i can make it count when I need to and if I miss the first is because of over excitement and will be a lesson learned. hard to say anything though until I take my first shot but have always been a good shot with any rifle that was sighed right.v I am young

i am young so al this gun argument is beyond me. I just want a cheap reliable gun for now but I also have been wanting to bird hunt and can most likely only afford one gun this year so one hunt. And i also am interested in bow hunting so I might skip rifle hunting altogether.
Thuggin4Life said:
I have been looking at synthetic since i don't want to do all the exra up keep. And my oars show how well i like to do upkeep on wood.

Hey now I own several uglys.

i think i am a good shot and think i can make it count when I need to and if I miss the first is because of over excitement and will be a lesson learned. hard to say anything though until I take my first shot but have always been a good shot with any rifle that was sighed right.v I am young

i am young so al this gun argument is beyond me. I just want a cheap reliable gun for now but I also have been wanting to bird hunt and can most likely only afford one gun this year so one hunt. And i also am interested in bow hunting so I might skip rifle hunting altogether.

over under 12 guage bird shot in one, and a slug or buchshot in the other. that would do it. Actually, if your going to hunt the brush, a shotgun isn't a bad choice. They are good up to 100 yds or so. Slugs or buckshot works well. I would think a slug would be a little better at 100 yds though. But if you see that buck in a clearing at 200 yds, you kick yourself. What kind of stuff do you think youll be hunting? I wouldnt worry about the bird gun for now though. just get a rifle. Shotguns are cheap. Im thinking about hunting elk this year with a bow also, Ill be using the rifle for deer though. good luck, Brian
jigsaw said:

I had one when I was 17 so I though I had to wait the 5 years and get my record erased before i could hunt or own a gun so i waited and waited and turns out a juvenile felony isn't a convicted felony and I didn't have to wait. Just that bow hunting seems like its would be more of a rush with the stalking and the close kill.

capblack said:
over under 12 guage bird shot in one, and a slug or buchshot in the other. that would do it. Actually, if your going to hunt the brush, a shotgun isn't a bad choice. They are good up to 100 yds or so. Slugs or buckshot works well. I would think a slug would be a little better at 100 yds though. But if you see that buck in a clearing at 200 yds, you kick yourself. What kind of stuff do you think youll be hunting? I wouldnt worry about the bird gun for now though. just get a rifle. Shotguns are cheap. Im thinking about hunting elk this year with a bow also, Ill be using the rifle for deer though. good luck, Brian

Yeah shotguns are cheap when I get one its probably just gonna be a cheapy from bimart remington or mossburg with the black synthetic stock. I don't know why I like the syntetic stock look so much but think its the route i am going to go with a hunting rifle as well. I really want to bird hunt so its on the list but most likely its gonna be a deer year for me if any hunting at all goes on. Also the reason I have been thinking bow is because everyone that I know who hunts have been switching over to bows the last few years so I might end up hunting alone with no one to pitch in on gas and everything unless I pick up bow hunting. But for what I want to hunt for now its just dear and birds but elk will follow soon. And some day later in life i want to have a den with head mounts of the the bigger animals I have killed of each species and maybe a bear rug and a cougar rug and also big fish mounts so I am open to hunt just about anything. But for now I want to just get out and hunt and hone in my skills and be reward with meat in the freezer.

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