How it all started

But I heard that now Johnson creek has only
17 Chinook,
6 Coho
101+ Cutthroat trout
1 Steelhead/Rainbowtrout.
I was 6. My brother was 5. We lived in Woodland, Ca. There was a canal that the farmers irrigated from. We got the bright idea to go fishing. We tied a safety pin to some string and put a worm on it. We caught a striper (true story). My brother fell in and nearly drowned when we were trying to get that fish out. I hooked my feet in the grass, reached out and got his hand and he got out, all wet and muddy. We got that fish and proudly took it home. We put it in the landlords washroom sink with water; it was still alive. I remember it filled up that sink. We told our mom about it. I can't remember anything else about that event; I don't know what happened to that fish.
At about 11 or 12, we visited grandparents, grandpa took us fishing on the river. We caught a bunch of c&r stripers on casting rigs. My bro hooked me in the nostril on a cast, complete with anchovy.
After I got married, we decided to go to church. It wasn't long before I was recruited into Scouting. I ended up serving about every adult position there is while our kids were growing up, my wife was in Cubs. Lots of camping, lots of fishing. The best was always the 50miler backpacking trips every summer in the high country, fly fishing the creeks.
My wife grew up in a very close, large family that fished a lot. She is now a fishing buddy. Her brother is one of the best fishermen I know for rivers and bays. As they say, the rest is history...
Troutier Bassier said:
But I heard that now Johnson creek has only
17 Chinook,
6 Coho
101+ Cutthroat trout
1 Steelhead/Rainbowtrout.

Johnson Creek has never been a great producer of Salmon and Steelhead. Only the lower portion has much water in during the summer and the creek carries a lot of silt. As a kid I would spent a lot of time catching crawdad where the creek flows along Foster road near Barbra Welch road. The water would be low and warm and in places the bottom was muddy. Not the best environment for young Salmon. Good salmon river have gravel bottoms with cold running water in them. Johnson Creek just doesn't have the elevation drop or supply of fresh snow melt to make it good for salmon. It's head waters are just east and south of Gresham and it's water come from rain and ground water run off. I hope that explains it a little for you Troutier Bassier. It's a good question.
I actually used to HATE fishing. I was one of those ADHD kids that did not have the patience necessary to sit still long enough to fish. It all changed when I hooked into a chinook salmon, trout fishing while my dad was salmon fishing (He took me along because my mom wouldn't let him go fishing otherwise). He always gave me heavy gear, excessive for trout, thinking i wouldn't really fish anyways, because I got so bored with it, so it wouldn't matter if it was a little excessive for trout, i didn't plan on catching anything. I hooked the fish of a lifetime. 37 pounds. The fish was humongorious, I was seven years old. 18 years later, it's still my personal best, and my dad's ego is still injured. I've been chasing Salmon and Steelhead ever since, though my interest was re-ignited when I hooked into my first winter steelhead a number of years ago, and that's really my preferred target.
JeannaJigs said:
I actually used to HATE fishing. I was one of those ADHD kids that did not have the patience necessary to sit still long enough to fish. It all changed when I hooked into a chinook salmon, trout fishing while my dad was salmon fishing (He took me along because my mom wouldn't let him go fishing otherwise). He always gave me heavy gear, excessive for trout, thinking i wouldn't really fish anyways, because I got so bored with it, so it wouldn't matter if it was a little excessive for trout, i didn't plan on catching anything. I hooked the fish of a lifetime. 37 pounds. The fish was humongorious, I was seven years old. 18 years later, it's still my personal best, and my dad's ego is still injured. I've been chasing Salmon and Steelhead ever since, though my interest was re-ignited when I hooked into my first winter steelhead a number of years ago, and that's really my preferred target.
I Undersyand,

My Best friend and Current Fishing Buddy Is ADDICTED to Fishing, I Mean Freaking Addicted. (Also thinks hes the best fisherkid in the world ;) )
But im not As Addicted to fishing, You know why?

Hes caught sooooooooo Many salmon/Steelhead in his fishing days,
Read my signature and youll see how many Salmon/Steelhead I caught.

But Recently I went to my first Steelhead trip, DIdent catch any, But now Im freaking Hooked!
Id rather go to the sandy then go bass fishing on the colombia.
Troutier Bassier said:
I Undersyand,

My Best friend and Current Fishing Buddy Is ADDICTED to Fishing, I Mean Freaking Addicted. (Also thinks hes the best fisherkid in the world ;) )
But im not As Addicted to fishing, You know why?

Hes caught sooooooooo Many salmon/Steelhead in his fishing days,
Read my signature and youll see how many Salmon/Steelhead I caught.

But Recently I went to my first Steelhead trip, DIdent catch any, But now Im freaking Hooked!
Id rather go to the sandy then go bass fishing on the colombia.
At least you're interested in fishing, I wasn't. I had no use for it lol. Now looking back I'm a bit ashamed lol, as it's now the only reason I work (to afford my fishing habit). You keep at it and you'll get into some big fish. It took me almost 4 years of HARD winter fishing to get my first steelhead, after that it came a little easier, though if it were easy it wouldn't be fishing.

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