How does one handle stolen gear on craiglist?

Greetings All.

I Am Appalled At The Pathetic Excuse For Law Enforcement Officers In Lame County.

If They Won't Help, Maybe You Could Provide Them With some Low Level Covet Gorilla Tactics Of Your Own.

Buy A Locking Gas Cap For Your Vehicles And then Fill There Junk With A Little Sugar.

You Could Prolly Drive Them Pretty Insane Doing God Knows What To Their Stuff.

I Hope our Get Your Gear Back.

Peace - Out
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Got some of my stuff back. Went to the house to check it out and ask questions and a 12 year old kid had it. His parents were helpful in further information about the person that sold him the stuff and they gave me what was left. Sadly my ambassadeur was already resold :( now to try and deal with the guy that did steal my stuff....ugh.
Float rod??? That is crazy!!! I know some crazies in Coos Bay that may be able to help deal with your problem, lol.
Sure am glad that you got some of your stuff back. That's better than not getting any of it. Now, there is yet another victim: that 12 year old kid! That just ain't right!!!
hawgcaller said:
Float rod??? That is crazy!!! I know some crazies in Coos Bay that may be able to help deal with your problem, lol.

The kid saw my float rod and a couple others but didn't buy it. He also remembered how foul my backpack was LOL. Guess the egg cure exploded in the lower compartment. Serves whoever has it right. He also almost bought my jig box but didn't. :( About 50 I tied. So much time invested there. Time to restock on materials and get to tying. As far as coos bay crazies, everyone in coos bay is crazy, I see the news! LOL. Just found out today that a coworker has an undercover as a neighbor/friend, he will be involved if at all possible.
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Ain't that the truth! I lived there for 24 years and had to get the heck out of there before I went insane myself! The sad thing is that I actually knew the guy who had the standoff at the edgewater inn. I don't know what the hell he was thinking!
The only advice I have is don't drive up in the vehicle the stuff was stolen from! But I'm guessing you figured that out already. It sounds like you are on the right track to getting some of it back. Another thing you can do is post on craigs list that your stolen items have been listed and by who and ask that anyone who purchased items from said add please contact you.

Good Luck

Glad you got some stuff back, Jeanna. Sorry about the Ambassadeur.
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Really good to hear you got some of your stuff back, I have been following this thread since it started.
The cops are unfortunately useless on situations like this. No fines to collect and no headlines equals no law enforcement interest. If they wer eparked illegally or had expired tags, the cops would be on them like flies. The kid who sold your reel IS legally liable for it. He had stolen property and sold it. I can undertand why you don't want to creat problems for thsi kid or his family, especially if they seemed to be cooperative.

If you can convince some of Lane County's finest to tear themselves away from the donut shop or writing B.S. speeding tickets to investigate they MIGHT uncover a whole bunch more stolen property and perhaps rck up some juicy drug violations. Easier said than done though.

I'm not sure of the status of your ins. claim, but if it is still pending, be SURE to notify them that you recovered some of the gear.

I m NOT suggesting you do this but a similar thing happened to a friend ( stolen guns ). the useless cops wouldn't go out there. He told them fine, and that he would just go out there and shoot everyone there. The cops said "Don't do that !! We'll be right there. About five minutes later he heard the sirens, all the property was recovered, thieves were hauled in and he didn't get in any trouble. Don't do this though.
well i haven't been on here for a minute, but nothing else has been recovered and the phone number was an untraceable dead end. Thank you texting aps for making it that much easier to be an anonymous criminal a-hole. Glad to have gotten what I did back, and i'm rebuilding my inventory. Slowly.
Jeanna, did you give that phone number to the cops? They can trace it.
tar, feathered, dragged, quartered and set ablaze?
troutdude said:
Jeanna, did you give that phone number to the cops? They can trace it.

Yes. I was given an update that it was not a traceable number used for a free texting service app.
JeannaJigs said:
Yes. I was given an update that it was not a traceable number used for a free texting service app.

Okay. Just trying to help cover all of the bases.

I reported a dude w/ a shotgun once, at Olalla Res. There are NO SHOOTING signs all over. So, I called 911. The OFFicer responding, called me directly for more details--even though my # is blocked. <nice to know that they can do that, in an emergency!>
If it's an actual phone line they can trace anything, but with smart phone apps, there's texting apps that assign you a temporary text only number, it's not an actual dialable phone number. If you call it nothing happens. They're also completely untraceable because of the disposability, and they're only linked to an email address which anyone can create a fake email address with 100% bogus information.

oh well. 1 for the smart tweaker criminal I guess.
thats BS. really too bad about the phone number. i was going to suggest making flyers that say "FREE BIKES! moving to idaho and have to ditch huge bike collection! over 100 all in my yard come take! call for location!" with their number. did that to a buddy for april fools. his phone rang all day from 50 fliers. all and all i think around 400 calls.
not really taking care of the problem but its at least funny to make someone change their number. keep it going for a month or so. hahaha "or FREE FISHING GEAR!" so they at least get the point. annoying people is mildly satisfying when justice isn't an option... i guess...
JeannaJigs said:
If it's an actual phone line they can trace anything, but with smart phone apps, there's texting apps that assign you a temporary text only number, it's not an actual dialable phone number. If you call it nothing happens. They're also completely untraceable because of the disposability, and they're only linked to an email address which anyone can create a fake email address with 100% bogus information.

oh well. 1 for the smart tweaker criminal I guess.

Actually, I think this system was created for Jack Bauer, but the tweekers figured it out somehow. Probably got the info from Cloe during a rave. Cloe is kinda dumb like that.
Interesting read. I've had my stuff stolen many times and I've looked on craigslist but never turned anything up. I'm kinda glad I didn't find it.
Haven't read all the posts on this one so this suggestion may have already been submitted. First of all fishing gear is not worth getting yourself hurt, sued, or jailed / imprisoned. I assume you all ready know that. However paying this prick back over a period of time is not out of the question. If it were possible to get his license number, a wealth of information about him can grow out of that number. Today's internet search sites can provide a wealth of info on a person for a very small fee. I used to collect past due debts and judgements for people using info just starting from the internet, including placeing auto and boat liens, employer identification etc. many things can be accomplished without judicial proceedings. One of the best little tools for reaping a pond of flesh are a couple of books to be had on for instance. Called "The Book of Dirty Tricks". If you choose to, use it wisely and over a period of time.

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