Hey bass guys, a few questions...

hawgcaller said:
I am sure that someone who has never bass fished would love to catch 2-3 pounders all day.

Think almost every newbie to bass fishin has cut their teeth on the ol senko. Very hard to look back once you master the big fish baits......that is until I get tired of not catchin then its right back to the old comfort zone and fish on! Hendo definitely look into jigs, believe any accomplished basser will tell ya the biggest bass come on jigs and swim baits almost exclusively!
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I dont want to take this off track as Im new to the bass fishin and am soaking everything up like a sponge. thank you for that. does anyone ever eat these fish or are they a catch and release fish. I ask cuz I hooked one last year and it swallowed my powerbait and was a bleeder
I don eat em, but from what I hear a lot is that under 4 pounders aren't that bad eatin, but the bigger ones ain't nearly as tastey. But if you just deep fry it... I'm sure it all tastes the same
Bass taste pretty bad especially the big ones. They taste kind of bland and muddy. Smallmouth are better tasting then largemouth but still dont taste great.
It depends on the water you catch them in. Normally I'm a C&R bass guy but I have a friend that'll eat anything he catches besides carp or suckers. lol Anyway, I kept a couple of baby 10 or 11 inchers out of Crane Prairie that tasted really good. I've also eaten a couple of smallies out of the Umpqua that were pretty good too. Of course, it's all a matter of opinion, but if you like white meat then you might like bass.
I dont think i would eat anything out of some of the places i fish lol but the 10-13" ones are best for that....though i c&r all of em anyway.....trout though thems good eatin. TR and FP are right about jigs they are certainly the way to go bit senkos do work even if they spoil you and make you lazy on learning better things to throw.
I filleted & deepfried some of the 12,or 13 inch Striped Bass & catfish I catch in the California Aquaduct & Delta/Mendota concrete canals. Taste pretty good. Fry up some taters & onions, homemade coleslaw, cornbread,,,Cold beer...:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I released the bigguns.
I am not one for eating the Bass I catch, C&R here...I agree 2nd the sentimanet of eating Trout..I will dig into those allday.
hawgcaller said:
I am sure that someone who has never bass fished would love to catch 2-3 pounders all day.

That would be me. I was out of town a few days, nice informative hijack, guys. So, I am going with spinning since that's what I am used to. What do you do for line? How heavy? I always get Ultragreen- don't ask me why. As for those senkos, why are there 500 kinds that all look about the same?
hawgcaller said:
I fish from a pontoon boat regularly and I prefer a 6 and a half to seven foot rod. Especially when trying to pitch stuff into cover, I can get my boat super close to the trees and a little bit shorter rod makes it easier to skip baits under trees and such. Just my opinion, or preference. Also, pick up a pack of senko's, they are pretty deadly and I have put a few of my friends that have never caught bass on nice fish with a good old senko. Find a good looking bank with some nice cover and throw that bad boy in there and let it sink to the bottom. If they don't pick it up right away, lift your rod tip a couple of feet and let it sink again. Repeat until your bait is well away from the cover and reel in and recast. Also, a black jig like tr suggested work dynamite as well.

how do you like your pontoon? i have been thinking about buying one.
tomriker said:
becuase the guys i fish with use senkos, and i catch more/bigger fish on my jigs, if i wanted to catch 2-3 pounders all day i'd throw a senko

what type of jigs do you use?
C_Run said:
That would be me. I was out of town a few days, nice informative hijack, guys. So, I am going with spinning since that's what I am used to. What do you do for line? How heavy? I always get Ultragreen- don't ask me why. As for those senkos, why are there 500 kinds that all look about the same?

I use 8lb ultra green.

any shade of green for senkos is what i like.
mostly 3/8-1/2 oz football jigs, BLACK with a big fat trailer, usually black/red fleck chiggercraws. you can buy cheap booyah ones at bimart but they won't last long get ahold of Justin at J&J tackle, he does custom colors along with standard like everyone else, uses awesome hooks and i've yet to have a skirt come off of one of his jigs! right now his website is being built, so get ahold of him through his FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/JJ-Tackle/144657872260617 tell him exactly what you want and you won't be disappointed
Username said:
how do you like your pontoon? i have been thinking about buying one.

It was cool, but I like my driftboat a lot better! Haven't taken it out since. Not a very nice one but I might sell it for a real good deal.
Throbbit _Shane said:
I use 8lb ultra green.

any shade of green for senkos is what i like.

Good advice. I have had good luck on pretty much any dark color though. Especially purple with emerald flake. Watermelon is definitely my go to color though.
I have always had success with any blue and purple colors. Tomriker-I know you primarily use Senkos, what’s your favorite color?:dance::lol::dance:
Hendo30 said:
Tomriker-I know you primarily use Senkos, what’s your favorite color?:dance::lol::dance:
tomriker said:
mostly 3/8-1/2 oz football jigs, BLACK with a big fat trailer, usually black/red fleck chiggercraws. you can buy cheap booyah ones at bimart but they won't last long get ahold of Justin at J&J tackle, he does custom colors along with standard like everyone else, uses awesome hooks and i've yet to have a skirt come off of one of his jigs! right now his website is being built, so get ahold of him through his FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/JJ-Tackle/144657872260617 tell him exactly what you want and you won't be disappointed

awsome. i just started bass fishing a couple weeks ago.
i own at trout fishing. but so far bass fishing is not going so well. ill get the hang of it though.

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