Hagg Lake trout fishing

Will give Hagg a try this Friday

Will give Hagg a try this Friday

Well, all of you have given me the bug to fish Hagg Lake again. I just got my Livingston Boat back in shape, after two years of parking it. I normally troll with mini Ford Fenders (gold/silver) with a silver wedding ring and green or red beads. Tip the wedding ring hook with a worm dipped in trout attractant. We will see if it works on Friday. I have heard that the lake is colder than normal and not as clear. Sometimes that does not bode well for trolling. I will post a report over the weekend. Anybody see any bass caught? I thought if I limited out (wishfull thinking), I might throw some plastics around the dam area. Wish me luck.
It was supa clear last time I was there! Like, 10+ feet of visibility (no polarized sunglasses) clear! I bet you could see at least 15 with P glasses
FishSchooler said:
It was supa clear last time I was there! Like, 10+ feet of visibility (no polarized sunglasses) clear! I bet you could see at least 15 with P glasses

Now that's good news - thanks FS. I have other lakes I have to fish right now- but one day I'll get back out there. Clear water is a very good thing!

But last time was 2 weeks ago. With rain now, the water might be a little less clear. It was very high last time too.
am going to hagg lake to see how its doing well if anyone has been there layley please tell me where to fish and what to use.... now i am a bank fisherman so please help i would like to try and land a bass too. but what is the size the trout and bass have to be to keep and how many a day?
Hagg, Hagg, Hagg. You think you would see a lot of cranky ugly women with a name like that. Mebe thats where they drop the bodies??? As most post say, fish the dam wall, use worms, powerbait, drop shot, small spinners, crappie jigs. powerbait, powerbait, powerbait. Lakes full o' pelletheads, powerbait for guaranteed, easy, no skill, no effort fishing. Thats what the jar should say, "Powerbait, take the fishing out of fishing!" :shock:
Powereggs on a 2-3 foot leader connected to a small barrel swivel with a 1/4 oz egg sinker right behind it. if you want to use this rig, drive across the dam towards boat ramp c (pier), then stop at the first stop you can. There will be a steep drop off made of pure sand, it stands out. If the water is much lower, walk from that sand point straight to the water and fish there. Cast 30 feet out and set your rod in a holder, or a hole, or a stick. Reel in slack until it isn't completely tight, but there is a tiny belly/bend. Once it's settled, if the line tightens, its a fish, it it becomes even more slackened, its a fish. If the sand spot doesn't work very well, try the bank at boat ramp c or boat ramp a. If you don't get any bites within 20 minutes, switch a spot.
Powereggs Rule!
everato1234 said:
am going to hagg lake to see how its doing well if anyone has been there layley please tell me where to fish and what to use.... now i am a bank fisherman so please help i would like to try and land a bass too. but what is the size the trout and bass have to be to keep and how many a day?

Everato, I fished there this morning. Unfortunately, this week...from monday...has been my worst week of fishing. Today was my first day of not a single fish all season...and only one small nibble early in the morning. I'm also a bank fisherman. I use berkley power eggs exclusively. After many years of worms and power bait...the eggs easily out fish both. (my experience) AND...more economical since you never throw your bait off...or loose it in the cuckleburrs. You can catch multiple fish using the same eggs.
Use a light rig...maybe 6 to 8lb line..and 2 to 4 lb leader. I use a half to 3 quarter oz slider (oval) sinker. Use a smaller hook...sorry i don't pay attention to size designations...but I call it a double egg hook on about a 24 to 30 inch leader. I use 2 different colors on the hook...usually Chartreuse and pink or orange.
Not knowing your level of fishing knowledge I'm sorry if this is too basic...but the concept is to float your hook and bait from the bottom. Be patient...I watch all these "expert" anglers fish one spot about 5 mins and then drive around the lake looking for a spot that will produce a limit within a half hour all the while telling anyone in earshot about how much experience they have. (5 trout limit at Hagg)
I'm sure it has happened...but It's never happened to me, i've never seen it happen....and I fish there almost everyday. (except weekends)
Both boat ramps are usually productive. Find "your spot" and fish...but remember...worst case scenario is that you're outside on the bank of a beautiful lake. Take a lunch!
Good luck
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Any one been fishing Hagg Lake lately ?
I was there yesterday late afternoon. Saw two >18" trout pulled in from the bank using power eggs.

I wasn't so lucky ...
We fished Friday caught 3, 16 " ers trolling. People were caughting them from the bank.
The Eagle Pt boat launch and towards the dam seem to have been productive for bank fishing.

Stocking is usually in that area as well.
Awesome. Thanks. Thinking of heading there on sat afternoon. We gotta enjoy the weather before the states catches on fire 🙁
Someone got lucky at Hagg lake ...


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