Hagg Lake preseason opener

I have been out a few times recently and haven't caught the skunk bug. I seem to do really well with power eggs off the bottom. I use a small sliding weight and a very small hook so the trout are not deterred from the pressure of the line, or a big hook, when they take that first nibble. Went out last weekend and although the fishing was slow, I still managed two. The point where the big tree stump is to the right of boat ramp A (if you are looking down the ramp) is where I usually set up.
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I went to Hagg on January 29th. I had been having some great sturgeon fishing (31 the weekend before) and wanted to do something different. I have to say getting skunked at Hagg met that requirement.

I trolled for 8 1/2 hours and I only had one quick hit and run. At least I had my shivering to keep my mind off the lack of action. I am totally amazed I did not do better. I fished really hard and tried every depth and speed I could imagine. I trolled with my lures anywhere from the surface to about 60'. I tried spinner and worm without a flasher (my go to) and with a flasher. I tried plugs of a few sizes with and without rattles.

I spoke with a few other boaters that day and no one else had gotten any fish either. I heard from one guy that a little girl had landed an 8lber from shore. I have read that the freshly planted brooders like to stay near shore, but I was really hoping to find a hungry school of hold overs. I still can't believe I did not catch anything. Conditions seemed not unreasonable. I think I just do not understand winter trout.

Perhaps trolling is just the wrong approach but I love to watch the takedowns. I could have anchored and soaked bait, but if I am going to do that I would rather fish for sturgeon. Anyone have any thoughts on winter trout trolling? FYI, I measured the water temp at 39 degrees.
Ya I had the same story happen to me from shore when I went two weeks in a row and nothing. Water temp was the same rainy one day sun the other. Saw a few fish by the inlets, but not much. Try again in 3 weeks when they stock it!
The trout were probably huddled up in a corner somewhere; shivering as much as you were. So they didn't want to come out and play, in freezing temps. It'll improve, with warmer water and weather.
Thanks for the info Zoso, perhaps the fish do head for inflow during the winter. I did not go way back into any of the coves or arms. Perhaps that was a tactical error. I wanted to fish before they stocked because I figured I would have a better chance at some larger holdover fish. I know that lake must hold over a ton of fish.

Yeah TD, I knew I was heading into some tough conditions but I figured I could make it happen by just wanting it enough - DENIED :)
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First fishing trip to Hagg in 8-9 months and just the second in the entire period, and I got skunked too today. Had 5 nibbles on power eggs and worms floated
off the bottom in a 3 hour period, but nothing stuck.
Holy mackerel. Both of youse guys (Bass & MontyM), usually catch fish. Sorry to see you get skunked; and hope you do better on your next outings.
I used to think it was strange that there was a Boat Ramp A and a Boat Ramp C and no Ramp B until I saw the original planing information. Now apparently there is no Boat Ramp A it is now called Eagle Point Rec. Area. Whenever someone I don't like to fish with wants to go I tell them to meet me at Ramp B.
Fished today at Hagg, limit before 10 am on Powerbait from bank.
Golfbum;n603146 said:
Fished today at Hagg, limit before 10 am on Powerbait from bank.

Most excellent. Congrats.

Golfbum ; OFF the bottom? How much leader? Specific colors?
No Title

Used Powerbait-Chartreuse, 18" 2 lb leader off bottom.
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Gratzi! Hey...they do like garlic...riiiiight? ha ha

Nice stringer. And the fish aren't bad either. ;)
you know your Powerbait
Ha ha. But I don't use Powerbait anymore. Not after discovering Power Eggs, many years ago.

BTW, garlic scent is added to their food pellets. That's why garlic works, on bait.
Troutdude - have you tried a floating corky bead with your Powerbait egg?
No; I haven't. But I have thought about it, more than once. Don't really need it though, if you put 2 eggs on smaller hook--or three on larger ones.

However that would be a great idea; if you add a worm (and don't have any marshmallows, to make a Wickiup Sandwich).
When the fish gets time to inspect and nibble at the bait, a hard corky might prevent a solid bite. Power egg and worm combinations sure work, but haven't used them enough to tell if the results are better or worse. I do hear that worms floated off the bottom tend to get larger fish

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