White Corn...
White Corn...
White corn is legal to use as bait, not yellow corn. The white corn will digest in a fish, yellow will not and can fill the fish to the point of not being able to feed; which leads to terminal napping.
Try scenting your corn, shrimp, sea salt; and coloring it in different colors like Red, Pink, Green...I use common food coloring to color it, they seem to like it just fine.
White Corn...
oy23 said:Emailed ODFW on this. Here is the reply...minus some names.
RE: Corn as bait Monday, June 8, 2009 7:41 PM
Good Morning Mr. ----: It is perfectly legal to use corn as bait, in fact, if you're fishing for Kokanee, this is
their favorite. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.
Thank you for your inquiry,
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
Fish Division
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 11:14 AM
Subject: FW: Corn as bait
Please respond. sf
Assistant Operations Manager
ODFW, Fish Division
White corn is legal to use as bait, not yellow corn. The white corn will digest in a fish, yellow will not and can fill the fish to the point of not being able to feed; which leads to terminal napping.
Try scenting your corn, shrimp, sea salt; and coloring it in different colors like Red, Pink, Green...I use common food coloring to color it, they seem to like it just fine.