Got rain?

The rivers will be blown out with the first major rain almost for sure. But you want that then fish them as they drop down, fishable by the weekend? That depends on the river and the rain. 4" is a lot of water
The coastal streams (and the others, too) are all so low, it's going to take a huge amount of water to blow them out. I doubt one storm will do it, but that of course depends on how big the storm is.

It might just line things up perfectly for trib fishing for days/weeks to come.

But time will tell.
Unfortunately, I think you're right. Three days ago the forecast showed three solid days of rain. Now we'll be lucky to get anywhere near that. Bummer.

SteelmonKiller20 said:
If it doesn't raise more than 2 feet its worthless. Im convinced we wont get good water levels until later this month. Insaneee
jamisonace said:
Unfortunately, I think you're right. Three days ago the forecast showed three solid days of rain. Now we'll be lucky to get anywhere near that. Bummer.

Yeah, water raising a half foot isn't a good thing for us. Hopefully it's right around the corner..
SteelmonKiller20 said:
If it doesn't raise more than 2 feet its worthless.

When I was younger and learning (as opposed to middle-aged and realizing I'll never learn everything), the Old Timers always told me 1.5 foot rise brings them in, which I can't say I disagree with.

But a 0.5 foot rise will bring in a few of the really homesick ones, but not in huge numbers.
DrTheopolis said:
When I was younger and learning (as opposed to middle-aged and realizing I'll never learn everything), the Old Timers always told me 1.5 foot rise brings them in, which I can't say I disagree with.

But a 0.5 foot rise will bring in a few of the really homesick ones, but not in huge numbers.

how interesting, Mapleton they are predicting the Siuslaw will rise MonPM to WedAM from 3' to 4.5'...
Yeah, I know that a foot will bring them in.. But by the next day the water is just as low as before. I like a couple day blowout and then fish it as it recedes for the next 3-4 days. I'd rather them keep stacking in tidewater than it doing a little rain.

BUTTTT, Mother Nature works on her own time and there's nothing I can do about it.. I just have to sit back and wait, and do whatever I gotta do to keep catching.

I've been spoiled too many times on the perfect amount of rain. Lol
hobster said:
Where is your thread from your trip Jeanna....been looking forward to seeing it. :)

Someday...I'll get around to it LOL. My photos are all on my old it's a PITA to upload....but...I'll get around to it....probably after thanksgiving LOL. Gonna be busy!
jamisonace said:
This is new from when I looked last. I'm not floating it at 4.5. I know some will but I want it at 5.

Almost killed myself and my boat at 4.3 from Konnie to Tide. Red hill is the devil when it's that low. I won't float it below 5....and even then...I prefer being a passenger and not on the sticks, because after that disastrous float, everytime I float it that's all I think about and my confidence is shot.

I know a couple rivers that are gonna fish well this week, it's not gonna be a float show, but bank maggoting it up should be excellent.
It will be interesting to see what happens with the rain. Most of the rivers I fish don't allow any salmon retention above tidewater, so I'd rather it stay dry and keep them stacking up here at the head of tide. We all know the elk and sixes will go off at the end of the month beginning of next anyway, but they have both turned into zoo's the last few years. not much fun to me.
Heres to hoping I can head West on Sunday!! Be saying I want to go coastal but things haven't aligned just right for me and the misses. As to what river I haven't a clue a lot to pick from!!!
Should be a crazy weekend!
So school a newb a little please. I've read here at OFF and been told by others that in the fall after a good rain, fish the rivers as the levels are dropping back down. So with a forecast of rain every day through the weekend and beyond, would I be wasting my time going to the coastal rivers? Will it still be good fishing in tidewater with all the rain?
BaldTexan said:
So school a newb a little please. I've read here at OFF and been told by others that in the fall after a good rain, fish the rivers as the levels are dropping back down. So with a forecast of rain every day through the weekend and beyond, would I be wasting my time going to the coastal rivers? Will it still be good fishing in tidewater with all the rain?

as of now, heaviest rain is Tue pm through Wednesday, less Thur and Fri, so I would think the weekend is looking good up in the rivers. if you enjoy fishing with crowds...:D
Heading to the Slaw Friday. Think the 101 bridge area is still good?
Rippinlips said:
Heading to the Slaw Friday. Think the 101 bridge area is still good?

weather is rather tame here on Thursday but I have not heard any reports yet. anyone else?
Northwest coast weather report (for now!) is very light rain if any on Friday morning. I'll chance the drive!

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