Fly tying and patterns sharing thread

Recent ties by Karen and I. The fuzzy grizzly bear cattapilers arent something trout will eat, but they will hit them and reject them.


Karens rubber legged Stone Fly
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nice ties you guys! randy, that chironomid looks great! i like the thread for wing buds idea, looks a lot easier then tying in brown biots. :cool:
Very interesting randy, did you put that bead on backwards?? I like the look it gives to the pattern :) Those Ice Cream cones work well on some other fish as well and on river, sometime, just don't tell any one. Is your last name Chan by any chance :lol:
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Nice flys, guys...
Chan sure can fish,

Here's my hero :)
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Sinkline said:
I use some of that. Also, Angora Goat, and Semi Seal.

And there is Spirit River 'Pseudo-Seal' - here is a fly tied with it. The pattern is Harry Lemire's Golden Edge Orange. Homewaters in Eugene carries Pseudo-Seal.

Way to go Michael, another Home Run!!
nice ties, love the black one on the top
Hotwire Mega stone

Hotwire Mega stone

a pattern based off the mega prince i created a few days ago..very unique an fishy looking can't wait to test it!

Hook: daiichi 1710 size 10

Bead: 1/8 gold

Thread: black ultra thread 70

Weight: 0.20lead (one piece one each side of hook shank to shape body)

Tail: brown goose biots

Rib: gold ultra wire

Body:amber ultra wire

thorax & collar : pheasant tail ice dub

Hackle: partridge

Legs& antenna : barred crazy legs golden yellow/pearl flake

Wings: white goose biots
March brown dun

March brown dun

heres a dry i came up with for the march brown hatch, will work for mayflies in general just adjust color and size.
for the wing i tie it in like a post on a parachute dry but wind my hackle in close behind and infront of it to make it just a wing.
to make the ice dub manage-able i take a decent amount, cut one side to make it even and flat. then fold it in half to make it thick, cut the end even then tie it in like a parachute post. then i trim to make it the same height as the hackle

Hook size 12-14 2x long dry fly hook

Thread: ultra thread 70 brown

Tail: 3 pheasant tail fibers dyed brown

Body: brown goose biot

Hackle: grizzly dyed brown

Wing: pheasant tail ice dub
Looks buggy and fishy for sure, Brandon.
feel like im in a candy store.. found the macro setting on moms digital (mine doesn't have one but its for fishing so oh well :)

heres a better shot of the variation of a shortly dubbed egg suckin leech i tie, size 2-6 egg hook, shrimp pink crosscut rabbit, heavy chrome plated lead eyes and some flame colored sts trilobal, ive hooked 2 steelies on this so far but none landed. im guessing it will be good for coastal coho as well (dead drifted under and indicator)
If that's the case, send them my way LOL :)
Sinkline said:
All kinds of good stuff being tied in here lately!

Brandon, your tying skills have really come around for no more time than you have been at it!

I've been tying pupa off and on for several days, my eyes are killin' me. I don't know what's got into me, I usually never tie much in advance of fishing season. I guess I like my pupa and don't expect to change them much. I'm usually afraid if I tie up a bunch of stuff in advance then I'll experiment and tie a variation I like better then I won't use the ones I tied in advance. I know it's goofy thought, but that's me. :rolleyes:


thanks randy! I get the same way, sometimes ill change my mind about an fly pattern. ive been know to tear a fly or two apart to re tie them different if i dont like what i see :lol:
stocking up for spring trout! most of the fish in my dozen or so area streams dont fully turn to eating dries until atleast mid june, they like to stick to the bottom and eat nymphs but a few will slurp dries,you just wont catch a lot of fish that way. preffered method is two nymphs and a strike indicator. Note: because of the angle in this pic my possie buggers look like crap..ignore that they actually look quite nice :lol:
hillard6 said:
My second day tying fly's. Been on a tying binge tho ha. Had lot better ones to put on but wouldn't upload. Tips welcome.

Cool, ya never know? and welcome to the place :)
brandon4455 said:
stocking up for spring trout! most of the fish in my dozen or so area streams dont fully turn to eating dries until atleast mid june, they like to stick to the bottom and eat nymphs but a few will slurp dries,you just wont catch a lot of fish that way. preffered method is two nymphs and a strike indicator. Note: because of the angle in this pic my possie buggers look like crap..ignore that they actually look quite nice :lol:

Hey Brandon, whats that pattern with the rubber legs, goose biot tail and looks like copper wire body? That thing looks like it will catch em all day! Mind sharing? :D

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