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Drift fishing is not flossing. If you have a long leader while drift fishing it might be flossing. But it is easier to judge some one then to know what their actual intentions are.
i didn't say people who are drift fishing are all purposely flossing. i said drift fishing flosses more fish then any other method of fishing period and thats the truth.
Interesting topic,
If the hook is inside the mouth (inside out is that flossing) ? my fish earlier this week was caught near the corner of the mouth using a yarnball drift fishing 3 ft leader slinky in fast water but from the inside out. in fast water the yarnball looks to me like it would always be down river from the weight. seems like that would be difficult to floss in those conditions.

I'm trying to imagine a flossing condition where the hook would miss the outside of the mouth and get caught in the inside.

It was my understanding that the yarn balls mimic and egg sac drifting in the current add that with a little scent the fish picks it up trys to shake it loose yarn gets caught in the teeth fish on?

Has anyone shot any video of a fish picking up a yarnball?
brandon4455 said:
i said drift fishing flosses more fish then any other method of fishing period and thats the truth.

it's the truth if they are usin a leader over 3' long, you dont need anything longer then 2 feet of leader.

anything under 2 feet of leader, a fish will have to bite at it (unless fishing in a massive school...)

If your standing (right above) the fish using 3' or more of leader, i would call it flossing, unless using bait...
i witnessed someone floss a fall chinook with a leader that was only 20 inches long..leader length doesn't matter. even if there is bait on with the corky and yarn it is still presented at the same angle and flosses just as many fish as a corky and a bare hook. once again,im not saying everyone who is drift fishing is a dirty flossers or all fish caught drift fishing are flossed but a lot of fish are flossed with that method and some people dont even know.
so... when does a person go from being a good shot to flosser status..? when he catches a fish and the rest of his party doesn't? I have foul hooked more fish with spoons than all other forms of bait or presentation combined. And have seen more foul hooked fish on jigs than all other gear types combined.. and I have watched more guys holding flyrods floss than all other types of rods combined.. this thread reminds me of that joke... vegitarian means shipoopitty hunter in indian, I don't know how guys who are obviously obbsessing over what another man is doing... ever concentrate hard enough on their own game to catch a fish. We should open flossing only sections on some rivers to give these guys a place to go without being chastized by their peers... ya know, like gay bars or churches.. something like that, after all flyfishermen get their holy waters... maybe flossers should get their dens of sins.... just sayin-
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halibuthitman said:
maybe flossers should get their dens of sins.... just sayin-
yes you can floss with 2 foot of leader. and sometimes more that 3 ft is needed. like when pulling divers and bait i use 4-5 ft most of the time. and i know i have flossed fish cause when it happens you get a super hard "bite" but he doesn't stick around ad you still have your bait. i have never flossed one that i know of because almost all of my hooks end up deep cause i let the fish bite. to avoid flossing dont jerk on the first hit, usually, let the fish bite 2 or 3 times then set the hook.
If you want to see flossers then go below Dexter Dam. I sat and watched a family catch 3 salmon last summer using a single hook with about 8 feet of leader. Every one of them was inside the mouth. I felt like calling INS on them.
We were puttin the boat in the water @ Dexter and I was sittin in it as my buddies shuttle the tow rig around. I figured I tie up the gear. As I'm tieing up the plug rods an old timer comes down and starts B.S.in' with me and admiring the boat. After I set up the two plug rods I moved to my drift rod, It must've got snagged on the last trip cause it had nothing on it. So I start tieing it up while listing to the old timer, then I pulled out my leader line and pulled out a couple feet and start my knots. He stops me and says I really should use a lot more leader than that. I nodded and said, "oh yeah?" He then explained flossing to me like it was a secret technique. He even called it "long shlockin" :lol: This seriously happened, he said until he figured this out he rarely caught fish. I wanted to say something but if there is a "Den of Sin" it is up there and my opinion would be outnumbered. Besides, can't teach an old dog new tricks anyways. I sat there with the old timer, pretending to take in his fishing knowledge until my buddies showed up. After we started to float I told them the story of "long shlockin" technique. We got a laugh out of it and ever since we never say the word flossing in the boat, it's accurately called "long shlockin"

But that sadly is the problem.... a large number of people that don't sit on the internet to read "flossing" threads and they only fish meat holes, so I think they end up not knowing any better...
To each their own I suppose. Ill stick with what I do and rarely catch a chromer but when I do its very satisfying.
radiation said:
If you want to see flossers then go below Dexter Dam. I sat and watched a family catch 3 salmon last summer using a single hook with about 8 feet of leader. Every one of them was inside the mouth. I felt like calling INS on them.

why the hell would you call INS if it was inside the mouth? Inside of the mouth is 100% legal no matter how it got there.
you sound jealous.
And I have seen people plenty of times at dexter have a bobber on and just a red hook and catch them.

I honestly see no problem with flossing i wouldnt give to **** if someone used a net to get the fish. it's not like the world is going to run out of fish,lol. Like someone else said, sea lions mess up more fish than anything else. They should just let us shoot them all for the hell of it.
^obviously a very angry flosser. take a hike bro why dont you move to the great lakes and floss half rotten salmon with the rest of them.

you dont seem to understand without conservation efforts and laws/law enforcement the world would run out of fish,especially with people like you around that dont give a flyin ****.
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Username said:
I honestly see no problem with flossing i wouldnt give to **** if someone used a net to get the fish. it's not like the world is going to run out of fish,lol. Like someone else said, sea lions mess up more fish than anything else. They should just let us shoot them all for the hell of it.

I am starting to think you are one of them "flossers."

Hmmm.... It's Differen't when You see them standing below the trap trying to net a fish that isn't even hooked. I walked up on 2 people doing this, One was in the ladder pushing fish down and out while the oither had his net below. I didn't hesitate to pick up the phone.

This guy was a flosser too... all of them were. 6 feet of leader with a number 6 red hook or somewhere around there.

It;s not my problem on how "one" wants to fish. but when they set the pole down and bring out the net, i care and when they start snagging and hooking fish in the outside of the mouth i start to speak up.

I don't care if it's two guys doing it i still say something.
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^ why would i ask what flossing was in my earlier post if i was one of them? lol.
make's no since.

and i didn't say i catch fish with a net. And i wouldn't catch them with a net i love to fish.
I think my sarcasim came off wrong in my last post....
There are true sportsmen and women; who obey our laws and have code of ethics and standards. Then, there are flossers / snaggers who fly under radar. I'll be glad when the law is changed, on this topic. Then, I have some great laughs when I call OSP and watch them get big fat TICKETS and FINES!
You cannot put absolutes on fishing, Not everyone fishing a corkie n yarn is "flossing" and not everyone tossing a blue fox is fishing legally either. How many times fishing bobber n egg do you get too lazy to change your bait, and a nice chromer smashes a tiny bait sinker and a string of a skein that looks awfully similar to a corkie and yarn... There is a bigger picture here.. Location, leader length, hook sets and timing... It seems that this topic brings everyones blood to a boil so quickly all i see is a steady stream of rectal cranial inversion coming from even the most intelligent members! As much as flossing irritates me, self righteous members bother me even more! Go fish for crying out loud! cheers, Bob
why does the length of the leader make such a big difference? Like why does a long leader catch you more fish or whatever?
i don't see why 2ft is fishing the proper way but 6 feet is sins own device.
Becouse a 2 ft leader is legal.. And 6 ft is not.. Very simle
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