Float tube repair

Anyone know of where I can get my float tube repaired?
Got a leak at the valve. Not damaged, just a bad seal at the base of the valve.

Picked it up OFF of craigslist for a co-worker's 17 year old daughter to use once it gets warm.
She's battling a second run of cancer and I volunteered to take them out fishing.
Thought it would be easier for her to just sit and I can use it as a backup afterwards...
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hew Woz if ya need a boat to Take her out in. Dont hesitate to ask. cuz I will take ya! also if its the type of valve that they use on cars, try pulling and cleaning the threads
hunt-fish-trap said:
hew Woz if ya need a boat to Take her out in. Dont hesitate to ask. cuz I will take ya! also if its the type of valve that they use on cars, try pulling and cleaning the threads

definitely appreciate the OFFer! We'll see how she does in the next few months and maybe by late March, early April, she'll be up to it.
Again, thanks!
No threads on the valve at the base. It looks like the valve assembly isn't well sealed to the bladder opening.
can't you just buy a new car innertube to put in the outer zip on shell? aqua seal might hold pretty good as well-
I think HHM is on the right track with the Aqua Seal, I have found that it does a great job on many things that are under pressure. What ever you end up with if it fails make sure you know that before you put her in it! I'll also OFFer a float tube for you to use if the repairs fail. I've only used it once and I know it floats! :lol:
GDBrown said:
I think HHM is on the right track with the Aqua Seal, I have found that it does a great job on many things that are under pressure. What ever you end up with if it fails make sure you know that before you put her in it! I'll also OFFer a float tube for you to use if the repairs fail. I've only used it once and I know it floats! :lol:

Thanks HFT, HBM & GDB! I have lots of time to figure it out.
OTF mentioned Ollie Damon's that I e-mailed so if they can repair it, I'll go that way and if they can't look at the other options mentioned.
If it's a Caddis tube; you can buzz over to the north end of McMinnville. They once let me, right into warehouse out back. A worker bee gave me a brand new tube; no questions asked. It's worth try.
troutdude said:
If it's a Caddis tube; you can buzz over to the north end of McMinnville. They once let me, right into warehouse out back. A worker bee gave me a brand new tube; no questions asked. It's worth try.

The guy said he bought it from a McMinnville company but I'll have to look at the brand.
A new tube would be better than a repair. Thanks!
wozniasm said:
The guy said he bought it from a McMinnville company but I'll have to look at the brand.
A new tube would be better than a repair. Thanks!

Yep. And free is a very good price. At least until it's "Gloria's Too". LOL
Good news. Hopefully, they'll replace the tube like they did for me. Good luck; and good on you for helping out that young lady.

If it doesn't pan out, let me know. I'll be happy to loan my tube out. It's the same as the one in the pic--only a different color. And years back; my mom marked out an 18" ruler across the front of the apron. Guess she tired of my fishing lies. LOL
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troutdude said:
If it doesn't pan out, let me know. I'll be happy to loan my tube out. It's the same as the one in the pic--only a different color. And years back; my mom marked out an 18" ruler across the front of the apron. Guess she tired of my fishing lies. LOL

Thanks for the OFFer! And I wouldn't mark my apron because when I use my GI Joe hand to hold my fish, it would throw OFF the dimensions!
As a last resort, you might try Les Schwab...
Raincatcher said:
As a last resort, you might try Les Schwab...

Good idea RC. Thanks!

If I'm not mistaken, I don't think that you can use a "regular" car tire. They usually hold around 36 psi. I think that a float tube only hold 5 or maybe 10 psi. I'd have to look to be sure. But, you may want to be careful and be sure to get the right type of inner tube.

P.S. Calling the Caddis company, would answer those questions for sure.
"CADDIS" company in McMinnville sold the float tube part of their business many years ago. Bob & Dave Huston (owners) haven't built float tubes at McMinnville for years. Caddis main business is building dog beds. I think the float tubes are now made over seas.

I don't know if the new owners have changed the inner tube to a new style light weight tube, but the old style tube like I used in that model you show was just a standard car tire tube.

Float tubes usually have around 2psi or less (high volume, low pressure) so strength of tube is less important than puncture resistence which was always a problem with the old car tire tubes.

I fished and hunted a lot years ago with David Huston.

Wow Randy; is there anything that you don't know? <lol>

Thanks for your post. It's been many years, since I got my inner tube replaced by visiting their factory. But, I didn't have to float across the BIG pond, in order to get it! Ha ha ha...

P.S. It's a shame that they are no longer operating in McMinnville.
troutdude said:
Wow Randy; is there anything that you don't know? <lol>

Thanks for your post. It's been many years, since I got my inner tube replaced by visiting their factory. But, I didn't have to float across the BIG pond, in order to get it! Ha ha ha...

P.S. It's a shame that they are no longer operating in McMinnville.

They sold out the float tube part of the business because they were tired of dealing with lawsuits. They were sued many times by ignorant users who were out to use the system to make a buck. One guy stepped in the seat of his tube, pulled it up around his waist, then jumped off a cliff to get in the water! He burst his nutz and sued Caddis! A lady tripped over her husband's float tube in the garage and broke her arm, she sued Caddis, etc. etc.

Sinkline said:
They sold out the float tube part of the business because they were tired of dealing with lawsuits. They were sued many times by ignorant users who were out to use the system to make a buck. One guy stepped in the seat of his tube, pulled it up around his waist, then jumped off a cliff to get in the water! He burst his nutz and sued Caddis! A lady tripped over her husband's float tube in the garage and broke her arm, she sued Caddis, etc. etc.

Wow. What a bunch of BS (that those dumb a$$ people would sue like that). No wonder those guys gave it up. I would too. Now there's the real shame..."Americans" (term used loosely) who attempt to "live OFF of the system".

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