Fishing reports

My opinion.......

That guy is probably a guide on your river, and has been getting skunked...All Is I have tons of freinds that love to catch steelhead, some suck and some are good...after all your reports, none of them headed down and tryed to hit your spots, I guess what im saying is, who cares if a bunch of average fisherman crowd a river and make the bite tougher...ITS CALLED FISHING!!!!! I am thankful for days where i dont catch a fish, it makes the days i catch tons of fish that much more F%$#in fun!!......And besides isn't it the point of the forum to help your fellow fishermen and women?!?!?! I try my best to not take pictures that tottally giveaway where im standing but, but telling people that fish are biting on a certain river is not giving away much!!!! Trust me if the guy that sent you that message had been killin it like you did....he wouldnt be BI$#^in, he may not tell anyone but he would accept that he had caught enough, and that it was time to let less skilled fisherman have there damn chance!.........
As for the gun, Protection is one thing but brains is another.... That dou$%e b$g would have let you know in person if he wanted too, but chose to do it on the net......haters are matter if you post pictures or not!
I don't know you or that river but if you want to carry, do it the right way go take a class and get your Concealed Weapons Permit. Even as a Security Officer I agree with others why potentially take another life or screw yours up over a fish? I have heard many stories of guys pulling guns because they were there first. blah blah ect. But adding to the problem is not the answer and as far as the permit, if for some reason the game Officer wants to check your fishing license and you are carrying and not permitted you can kiss the gun away and fishing time.

And the reports keep posting pics and such some people are just sore losers. Is it or is it not what the forums are for??

All in All

Be safe and BE SMART!
I don't know you or that river but if you want to carry, do it the right way go take a class and get your Concealed Weapons Permit. Even as a Security Officer I agree with others why potentially take another life or screw yours up over a fish? I have heard many stories of guys pulling guns because they were there first. blah blah ect. But adding to the problem is not the answer and as far as the permit, if for some reason the game Officer wants to check your fishing license and you are carrying and not permitted you can kiss the gun away and fishing time.

And the reports keep posting pics and such some people are just sore losers. Is it or is it not what the forums are for??

All in All

Be safe and BE SMART!

you only need a permit to carry if its concealed, if you open carry, you dont need a permit, and there not gonna take nothing away, but im sure Shane already knows this.
Here's a thought Shane, instead of stopping posting reports just quite fishing and take up knitting! Then you can post all you want and the only people that'll get mad at ya are the little old ladies who's secrets you'd be giving out.
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Id be more afraid of the old ladies :D
Crappy fishermen usually get their panties in a twist when they see reports about "their" river that they're getting skunked repeatedly on. Bottom line...screw em.

As far as carrying, until I recently sold my gun, I open carried. I get harassed A LOT, particularly during salmon season on the mckenzie and siuslaw. It's always when I've been alone. I feel as if I am at a disadvantage when alone because people see this "dumb girl" fishing...but when I have been carrying and they see that, I notice im left alone and not harassed. The harassment gets old. Plus I fish during The winter in an area with a very high concentration of elk carcasses and cougar activity...I like to be prepared.
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i just got back from the south santiam caught and released (unharmed) 13 springers and 7 summers. forgot the camera at home :D
capblack said:
you only need a permit to carry if its concealed, if you open carry, you dont need a permit, and there not gonna take nothing away, but im sure Shane already knows this.

Just to add a little to this... In the state of oregon you do NOT need a concealed carry if you are hunting, fishing or on your way to and from your vehicle while hunting/fishing.

The gun factor is only needed if someone or some animal threatens your life, nothing more nothing less, So if someone starts something while your fishing best thing to do is walk away. plenty of other holes.

as for why Shane was sent the message, I think someone dyed his undies pink that day
Carrying is simply the prudent thing to do in general, but especially so when someone has threatened to cause grave bodily harm. It's terrifying to see the number of people who immediately equate carry a gun with killing people over fish; it's for self-defense nothing more, nothing less.

As for the loser who complaining about reports, they can go f-them-self. I enjoy the fish porn from all over the state, and I'd hate to see that stop.
I still don't see a threat to Shane in the Pm. This has been blown way out of proportion. Unless Shane is 21 he can't even go buy a handgun let alone ammo for it. Just fish, dont post so much on Iflush, nwoutdoors etc, and just keep a cool head.
Bad Tuna, the threat was towards the end of the PM. Call it veiled, or passive aggressive, but it was definitely a threat.

Throbbit _Shane said:
Showing your fish might be great... But be curtious to everyone else out there that is putting time in on the water to find fish and everyone is there, people all fish different and when there becomes enough in a stretch of river there are LOTS of fights... Just remember that everyone knows who you are and it might start to show quite a bit by how people interact with you. Seen a few guys get the crap kicked out of them for their INTERNET REPORTS... I don't care either way but it is going to get VERY CROWDED WHERE YOU FISH by putting where you are on ALL websites. Congrats on your success"
Bad Tuna said:
I still don't see a threat to Shane in the Pm. This has been blown way out of proportion. Unless Shane is 21 he can't even go buy a handgun let alone ammo for it. Just fish, dont post so much on Iflush, nwoutdoors etc, and just keep a cool head.

As for needing to be 21 the specific caveat is you can't buy it from a dealer. 18 and older can buy from a private party though, or be gifted one.
None of this really matters because it is highly unlikely that someone is going to walk up to someone fishing on the river and punch them in the mouth because of an Internet report. There is very little someone can do to you physically without you being able to press charges, it's called assalt and I personally would have that perps ass in jail! Do not wave guns around on the river....that is just going to lead to a really bad situation in a hurry!

That other website....ain't worth crap!!! Posts like that are typical drivel over there! If someone told me that I was gonna get my ass kicked for posting something on the internet I would not believe it for a second!
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if someone messes with an OFFer i say we form an OFF posse, we dont need guns, whos in
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Throbbit _Shane said:
Well im gonna look into carrying a gun with me when i fish. I have no problem if I have to defend myself or the people im fishing with. I agree its not worth it over a fish. But I'm not one to fight or to be aggressive towards others. I'm a nice guy... IM sure others can attest. But that message really rubbed me the wrong way. Its like im the reason people come out to he Rogue River and fish. This is my first year fishing the river. I mostly stayed away from the river because of the crowds. When i used to drive to lost creek lake to fish id drive by the river and see all the people shoulder to shoulder. Not my thing at all.. Im sure this is one of those guys thats stands on the hatchery and snags the salmon in hopes of it being in the mouth.

I'm also gonna keep on posting reports when we catch fish. So look forward to more pictures and videos!

Shane your obviously a bright kid and level heade I for one vote my confidence in whatever decision you make regarding carrying a firearm or not. ( I know I would feel safer if i knew you were out there packing). Some people will advise you against carrying because they feel that because a firearm is present the situation is automitically unafe they fear firearms. They feel maybe the thing is going to jump out of the holter and start mass murdering everyone including the owner/ handler. Anyway I think the guy was indeed threatening with out pelling it out or you his tone was certainly passive agressive and if you report him he will tell the mods "I made no direct threat" " I was trying to keep the kid from getting into trouble" ect so on. I had an incedent this last weekend where I was attacked by a dog. Some guy was out there with four dogs and no leashes and the Alpha male decided he was going to show off to the other dogs and attack me I did not have a gun and ended up striking the dog sqaure in the nose with my fly reel luckily for me the other dogs were not interested in playing along. The guy did not even really apologize he told me he knew that dog was problamatic and that it was ok that i struck his dog. To which I replied " no it is not ok because i typically like dogs and did not want to have to strike his dog and that i should have never been in that situation because he should have had that dog leashed.
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capblack said:
i just got back from the south santiam caught and released (unharmed) 13 springers and 7 summers. forgot the camera at home :D
haha wonder if fifteen hundred people will show up tomorrow to see it flowing 9000 out the dam
capblack said:
if someone messes with an OFFer i say we form an OFF posse, we dont need guns, whos in

im in. ill just snag the guy with a 3/0 hook i don't need guns :lol:
oh count me in on the posse i did snag my brother with a 3/4 ounce cleo once when I was younger he did something I dont remember what but it made me mad and at age ten I thought it was a good idea boy was I wrong I dont imagine it felt to good
thanks for all the reply's!

i got a new report up on the steelhead section here. of todays nice fish :D
The combat fishing scene usually doesn't change based on fishing reports...lets face it, the Middle Rogue has been BLOWN out and the upper has been in decent shape most of the winter (like every year). For that reason alone there are going to be more people fishing the upper river then usual. It has been my observation that the combat fishing spots generally don't change and as the middle rogue comes back into shape, Finley Bend, among others will be crowded and full of snaggers on both sides of the river.

I wouldn't worry about it Shane, every year there are angry fisherman that don't catch fish. I and lots of others are willing to help guys learn but I've found that very few want help, instead they just get mad and there is really nothing you can do about that.

I wouldn't stop posting, I like your lets working slaves like me know there are still fish in the river =). Keep up the good fishing.
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