Fishing GP

oh yeah, that looks like a great load of fish for the smoker, sweet...
My wife and I went again yesterday and it will probably be the last time for me, at least during the early season and long lining. Obviously they stocked the lake recently because we got mostly rainbow trout again. This is up the Quartzville arm. She outfished me again with 8 trout and 2 kokes and I got one trout and 2 kokes and lost a bunch.She only lost one fish. We let all the trout go this time. Each time we've gone we seemed to be trolling a lot of empty water but eventually found some schools to make it a little worthwhile. It is definitely not as good as it has been up that arm compared to the last two years since I started kokanee fishing. It was nice up there because I think the threat of rain kept people away. We only saw two boats up there all day and , by the way, the little ramp way up the Quartzville arm is now open. Whitcomb is still closed.

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C_Run said:
My wife and I went again yesterday and it will probably be the last time for me, at least during the early season and long lining. Obviously they stocked the lake recently because we got mostly rainbow trout again. This is up the Quartzville arm. She outfished me again with 8 trout and 2 kokes and I got one trout and 2 kokes and lost a bunch.She only lost one fish. We let all the trout go this time. Each time we've gone we seemed to be trolling a lot of empty water but eventually found some schools to make it a little worthwhile. It is definitely not as good as it has been up that arm compared to the last two years since I started kokanee fishing. It was nice up there because I think the threat of rain kept people away. We only saw two boats up there all day and , by the way, the little ramp way up the Quartzville arm is now open. Whitcomb is still closed.


Thanks for the info on the ramp being open...that's the one downriver from the Bridge and Moose Creek right? I'm wondering how much parking is available there?

I'm heading back to GP on April 28-29 to camp at Whitcomb Creek, so i may take a run up the Quartzville arm and check it out. Does anyone else ever camp at Whitcomb Creek, and if so, do they open the ramp there as soon as camping is allowed on April 25th?

Also, is the quartzville creek arm open for fishing? I thought it didn't open until April 26? Or does that ODFW regulation pertain to further up the quartzville arm past Moose Creek? I've heard about other people catching kokes in the quartville arm already this year, too. I'm still learning the fishing regs about GP reservoir, so any info you guys have would help. Anyway, the quartville arm looks like it could be great smallmouth water this spring if the kokes aren't biting, so i definitely want to check it out.

Thanks again for a great post, C_Run!

Here's the ODFW reg about quartzville creek...lemme know what you guys think about where GP reservoir ends and quartzville creek begins:

6. Middle Fork and tributaries upstream
of Green Peter Reservoir, including
Quartzville Creek
• Open April 26-Oct. 31, 5 trout per day, 8 inch minimum length.
• No limit on size or number of brook trout taken.
• Use of bait allowed.

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Gettin' Jiggy Wid It said:
Thanks for the info on the ramp being open...that's the one downriver from the Bridge and Moose Creek right? I'm wondering how much parking is available there?

I'm heading back to GP on April 28-29 to camp at Whitcomb Creek, so i may take a run up the Quartzville arm and check it out. Does anyone else ever camp at Whitcomb Creek, and if so, do they open the ramp there as soon as camping is allowed on April 25th?

Also, is the quartzville creek arm open for fishing? I thought it didn't open until April 26? Or does that ODFW regulation pertain to further up the quartzville arm past Moose Creek? I've heard about other people catching kokes in the quartville arm already this year, too. I'm still learning the fishing regs about GP reservoir, so any info you guys have would help. Anyway, the quartville arm looks like it could be great smallmouth water this spring if the kokes aren't biting, so i definitely want to check it out.

Thanks again for a great post, C_Run!

Here's the ODFW reg about quartzville creek...lemme know what you guys think about where GP reservoir ends and quartzville creek begins:

6. Middle Fork and tributaries upstream
of Green Peter Reservoir, including
Quartzville Creek
• Open April 26-Oct. 31, 5 trout per day, 8 inch minimum length.
• No limit on size or number of brook trout taken.
• Use of bait allowed.


Yeah, the little ramp before Moose Creek is open as of this week and the arm is just part of the lake so it's open. There is ample parking along the road right there.Try going up past the bridge where the lake gets really narrow and shallow for smallmouth. At least that's where I got some before. Even above the bridge you can still get kokes until it gets shallow like maybe another quarter mile or so. I just troll up one side and back the other until I find them...just going around in circles really.
Great info. I'm guessing the quartzville arm doesn't get the monster 3 ft waves around noon each day from the wind that kicks up on the main lake. I'll definitely launch up there sometime soon.
Got on the water at 7:00 today. I caught 8 around the mouth of Rumbaugh creek between 10:00 and 11:30 at 40 ft on a rainbow hootchie. At 11:30 the wind and rain kicked up big time and I headed home...

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