Fish In General

drew, don't be so self righteous. You'll never get a pat on the back for your behavior towards people who don't target carp. To tell you the truth, it sounds downright whiny. Like I said earlier, I think you are a great reporter and fisherman and you have a lot to say but people would react more favorable to you if you'd stop pointing your finger. Now go out, get to work and post up something that we can sink our teeth into.:cool:
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This thread already got some teeth sank into it, not in a good way. I am done making attempts at giving info, I am documenting and deleting my old threads/post, I guess if changing my views and providing info does the forum no good, then what good do I do? Besides provide a fuse for drama.

I'm pretty sure I can make a difference in the controversy by just walking away, atleast I won't keep gaining a bad name.

Thank You Anyways.
Hope OFF makes a turn for the good someday, and most members can respect one another no matter how much disagreement comes into play.
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Here's your new assignment drew. Go out on a fishing trip of your choice but make sure it's in an awesome spot and target any fish you like. Next, take photos, make up a power point video or whatever. Come back and create a thread and compose it like a novel writer. Maybe get some advice from Slick. If it turns out to be a real kick a*s story then I guaranty the positive responces you'll get will be overwhelming.;)
JeannaJigs said:
....... Humans invented fishing rods and the Internet (ask al gore), therefore I'd say we are way smarter and way more evolved than fish.

Careful there Jeanna, so far the fish have outsmarted me more than I have outsmarted them.

Oh, I forgot, I haven't tried to catch a carp yet!

Drew, all kidding aside, do like OTF suggested and see how much better you feel about the responses you get. Good writing and reporting takes experience just like fishing. You will learn something new with every piece you do. I'll OFFer one suggestion when it comes to outdoor writing. Go to the library and check out a couple of books by "Patrick McManus" and read them. You'll find out how to make anything you do in the outdoors more interesting and humors.
"Once in a seventh-grade English class I stumbled into a nest of dangling participles." Patrick McManus
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I will even go on adventures and gather info with ya Drew. Hell, Karen and I have a lot of recon to do in the next couple weeks. We could bring the fly rods, drift gear and hat cam! :)
mrlindeman said:
I will even go on adventures and gather info with ya Drew. Hell, Karen and I have a lot of recon to do in the next couple weeks. We could bring the fly rods, drift gear and hat cam! :)

hat cam sounds badass. i need one :lol:
if you want to know anything about fishing.... just ask a guy who has caught 1 big fish.... drew can afford to target non food fish, since he will be eating catfish for the next 6 years-

Ya, just talk to the kid who happened to be fishing for Carnivores in the Willamette and got lucky enough to catch a 30lb Channel on his first (blind) cast that night. The kid who only caught one big fish his whole life, excluding multiple Halibut, Jumbo Lings, Blue Shark, 20-35lb Chinook off Newport, Rays...... Caught a 14lb Albino Cat when I was 15, released.

I feel little pride from the Catfish, just a lucky day and a lucky cast, I feel more pride from the Garbage Blue Sharks.

Just ask a guy who has read a vast variety of books on the subject of fish, aquarium, wild, or sport. I hate how older people look down on younger folk and think they can never have as much knowledge since they ''haven't seen what the older folk have seen'', I hate to sound arrogant, but I would say I have an unusual amount of knowledge into fishing, and an unusual amount of knowledge into a vast amount of species, but I am young, so only 35% of people can take my information seriously, and it is not worth sharing most of the time because it gets lost.

I never said I was gone from the forum, just no more info attempts. A guy who has caught one big fish, sarcastic or not, I wish folks on the forum would've met my real side before my forum side, people like beaverfan and eggs would probably have a different perspective on a kid.
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Drew... its not your age thats hamstringing you.. I think you imagine a lot of hate on you, and I can tell you often go looking for it.. and you find it.. and nothing but the carp suffer. Catching big fish is not special, catching steelhead or bass or massive sturg regularly is nothing special.. talent is all relative, but can you go fishing by yourself all day, leave the camera at home, release everything you caught and never speak of it again to anyone and feel satisfaction? if yes then your a real sportsman in my book. But man, let the carp thing go! its like the guy at work who is always saying gay jokes or comments, finally one day you have to start wondering... life is a real ****er.. a man can be generous, friendly, talented, charming and an all round good guy, but kick a dog one time in public.......pow, he's an *******. Go fishing- and I will read the thread, thats what we do here-
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this is why I stopped posting. lol.
I have always approached Forums as a learning tool, but lately this forum has had nothing but debates... or guys posting so they have something to brag about, listing nothing about where they caught(which is ok) it or even how.

I dunno exactly what happened, but all I know is Drew caught one big*** catfish
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tnffishman said:
I have always approached Forums as a learning tool, but lately this forum has had nothing but debates... or guys posting so they have something to brag about, listing nothing about where they caught(which is ok) it or even how.

I dunno exactly what happened, but all I know is Drew caught one big*** catfish
id give you some rep if i didn't give too much out in the past 24 hours.... -.-
Regardless, we all feel good when we catch fish. Thats why we are all here. To share those times. We are all going to dissagree, thats how fishing tactics are. We can't forget that we are also a community as well. Respect is something that is not only earned, but given. We all have our own beliefs and need to not bash eachother. Certain topics can become redundant I know, but lets all try to use constructive critisism rather than assume that sarcasm can be enturpreted through typing. I have lost my temper here too and know how it affects people. Knowone should feel, regardless of there fishing beliefs, that their posts are not welcome here as long as they are appropriate, Period.
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